this has only been out for about 15 years, and it was on TV last night while l was at work, so l thought it maybe about time l got around to checking it out. I'm sure just about everyone in the World apart from me knows the story already, but here goes. The English patient of the film (
Ralph Fiennes) is burnt in an aeroplane crash, then, while he is tended to by Nurse Hana (
Juliette Binoche), his life is told in flashbacks, some of which turn out to be deceiving. He drags his bloody book around (by
Herodutus - the so called father of history), falls in love, and gets himself a bad name (in various ways). Everyone's acting is excellent, and the story did not pan out as expected, so it was not as excruciating as l thought it would be (which is why l had put off seeing it for so long). In fact, l could see why it appealed to so many and won it's multiple Oscars. l'll admit it, it was pretty good (although l prefer
Lawrence of Arabia). Mind you, it was funny seeing
Naveen Andrews in it (Hana's love interest Kip), as l kept being reminded of '
The Buddha Of Suburbia' (l never watched '
Lost'). If that was his own hair, it has got mighty, mighty long.
toodle pip.