Booze, news and views from a drunken opinionated fool who can't spell very well, may well repeat himself, and can't blame it on dislexia
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
chuck berry is 90
It's amazing that, apart from Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly, all of the original rock and roll legends are still alive, with Chuck Berry, the eldest of them all, celebrating his 90th birthday today.
Little Richard and Chuck are my favourites amongst them, and although l have never seen Little Richard, l have seen, spoken to, been on stage with, and got a signature from, the one and only Chuck Berry. I've also helped him open the boot of his car, and have bored people with the tale ever since.
Chuck has many bad points to his personality, and has had a massive chip on his shoulder for many a year, sometimes with good reason, and sometimes with no justification, but he sure knew how to write a song, and tell a story in under three minutes.
No one is that keen on getting older, but l would rather be an even older git now if it meant seeing all of the stars in their heyday.
Some time, in the not too distant future, there will be none of them left. What a depressing thought.
Here's my Chuck Berry autograph (with smiley face added afterwards by him)
But most importantly, the music.
And for those of you out there that love 'Albatross' by Fleetwood Mac - listen to this (from 1957).
toodle pip
Thursday, 21 July 2016
presents for mr parrot

It's recently been Mr Parrot's birthday (he's now 36), and it turns out that l am now officially his butler.
It's bad enough that l have to purchase him food, feed and water him, and clean his cages, but l am now also getting letters and presents for him which are addressed to me to pass on.
What a spoilt little bastard, he's living the life of luxury.
Then again, at least he keeps me amused.
toodle pip
Monday, 19 October 2015
friday night mayhem
A random photograph from Giz's birthday do on Friday night. It must have been good as we ended up in Club Louis until about 3 or 4am. Watched some TV while eating kebab on our return home, then off to bed, where l had to put up with Robbo's snoring, before dragging myself out of the pit early doors so l could collect my car, visit Joseph, and head to work (admittedly l wasn't at work till 3pm, so it wasn't that bad).
Us old bastards still know how to party!
toodle pip
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Sunday, 8 September 2013
another night out in the boro
Mmmmmm a new Indian we hadn't used before
Instructions for Kerry's injections
The joys of having Mr C - the house is a playroom
Went off again to Middlesbrough yesterday evening to see Robbo and Kerry (and Mr C!) as a kind of joint birthday do for me and Robbo. There were a couple of disasters beforehand, as Robbo had to take Kerry to a private hospital for some cortisone injections in her back (she's now knocking on a bit), there was also some drama in the Boro with people that we are all close to that l won't go into, and l had to turn around half way towards their house as there had been some kind of a crash and the road was shut down. We only had a quiet night anyway, with myself and Robbo heading to the Rudds in Marton (for the first time), getting some food from the Jolsha Indian Restaurant at Marton Square (also for the first time), and then returning to Nunthorpe to talk shite until Robbo fell asleep (not for the first time, and he's also knocking on). I was impressed with the Ruds pub and the indian food (despite them forgetting a dish), but less impressed with the ageing process. Luckily l am now invincible and indestructible, and still look 21 (after many ales have been taken).
Nearly forgot, l bought Robbo an excellent book about Steve Ditko, which l managed to leave alone and not read beforehand prior to handing it over. Believe me, that took strength of character. I'll have to nick it from him in the future when he is not paying attention.
toodle pip
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
dexys at the sage
A splendid time guaranteed fior all at The Sage in Newcastle last night, where myself and the FPO, plus Robbo and Kerry, went to see Dexys (formally Midnight Runners). We all stayed at the Premier inn, so had food and drink there first, before heading into town and then across to Gateshead. As it was also my birthday celebration, l also nabbed presents (comics and a graphic novel) and bubbly was quaffed. Dexys played their new lp first (One day l'm going to soar), then a few reworked oldies. It was the first time l've been to The Sage, and l must admit, it was pretty impressive, and pretty space age from the outside. More drinks and food afterwards, then a late night and early morning, as the girls wanted to be up for breakfast. Too early for my liking, and l felt terrible, but perked up after kipping for an hour on our return home. No 'Geno' but splendid nonetheless.
toodle pip
Friday, 10 August 2012
anti wanking device
I might buy a certain fellow one of these for his birthday at the end of the month. It's an anti wanking (onanism) device and is from about 1880 and was used in Catholic France. This one was for sale on eBay in 2008. I'll also have to disconnect his computer and hide his paddles, but it will be worth it just to see the look on his face.
toodle pip
Saturday, 2 June 2012
meal at akebar for the birthday girl
It soon rolled round, but once again, it's the FPO's birthday weekend, and this year, we've been to Akebar for a meal with Louise, Dazzer, Lauren, Rookmeister, Deb, Kerry and Robbo. I promised l wouldn't put up any pictures of them, so the cakes and glasses will have to do.
It was a pretty limited selection of food that was available, but for those of us drinking, it helped that we had booze and fizzy to compensate, and l have a really long video of the occasion (which l will also not put up).
I was being an all round good lad (for a change) and had taken up flowers and a cake in advance, but l didn't know Dazzer had made one as well, so there was a feast of chocolate goodness for desert, and l will admit his was tastier.
Myself and the FPO got dropped off at White shops afterwards, where we had a few drinks in The Wine Bar and J.T's, but we were still home by about 8pm.
A splendid day for all the family.
toodle pip
Sunday, 29 April 2012
hold up in bedale and seeing my brother on tv
As we were short staffed (again!), l agreed to work on Friday night and then Saturday morning. This should have worked out fine, as l was meant to be going to Stockton for the FPO's fathers birthday in the afternoon of Saturday. Of course things did not go so smoothly, as other staff phoned to cancel shifts and l had to stay longer, until re-enforcements arrived. Then l got stuck for ages in the Bedale area, as l suspect there may have been a crash (as well as roadworks), due to fire engines shooting past me with the sirens a sounding. By the time l finished work, the FPO phoned to say it was pointless coming through, as her and her sisters would be coming home soon. The good news is she bought me some goodies back (samosas, sausage rolls etc), and l saw my brother on the TV watching the Wigan v Newcastle game in a bikini (at least l think it was him). I thought he lived in Leeds.....
toodle pip
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
judy and sally geeson

I have also just found out that Judy shares the same birthday as me (10th September), but in a different year. What a lucky girl she is, as are the other people sharing that day of joy, such as Johnny Fingers (from The Boomtown Rats), Cynthia Lennon, Siobhan Fahey (from Bananarama), Joe Perry (from Aerosmith), Don Powell (from Slade), Carol Decker (from T'Pau) and Jose Feliciano (solo). Phew! Rock and Roll celebrations all around!!!!!
Rather cringingly though, it is also the same birthday as bleeding Guy Ritchie and Colin Firth (Damn!).
toodle pip
Monday, 12 September 2011
chris and hilary's wedding

toodle pip
Friday, 26 August 2011
holiday time is here!!
Swimming in the pool

Strolling to the local taverna
This will be me for the next couple of weeks (from tomorrow) - off work (now) - not a care in the World (usual state of affairs) - going to Portugal (with my best buddies by my side) - have bought wine (for tonight), and we will be having booze (lots of it) on the hols - books (stocked up the kindle) - sunshine (it should be scorching) - private villa and swimming pool, therefore naked swimming - hurrah! (although maybe not so good for the long suffering womenfolk).
All l need to do now is find somewhere that will be showing a repeat of the Manchester United v Arsenal game on Sunday evening, as it will be on as we are arriving. Can't miss that, and l have a lead and a phone number to call. Luckily there are are only a couple of England games on while we are away, and l am not that bothered about seeing them (so that has worked out well for the girls).
Birthday do's tomorrow (celebrating three of them), staying over in the Boro tomorrow night, then it's goodbye crappy pissing rubbish God awful miserable British weather (another Hurrah!) and no return to work until 15th September. HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH!
toodle pip
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
another busy weekend - the mcorville - cross keys and jt's.

The McOrville - venue of thefree meal

Inside The McOrville

Mark, the manager and drunken birthday boy - outside JT's
Another splendid time was had at the weekend. First off, it was off to Middlesbrough to meet Robbo and Kerry, for a meal on Saturday night at The McOrville, a new 'Gastro pub' just off the A19 ( The FPO had won a meal worth £100 through a competition with Nivea, and as luck would have it, the meal came to £110, but we were let off the extra £10 as her food was rubbish first time round(they changed it). Everyone else's food was fine, and the manager was really friendly, so we let them off (and left a tip).
Stayed overnight in Nunthorpe, then sat in the back garden catching some rays on Sunday morning, before heading off to The Cross Keys, (just up the road) for a lunchtime snack and some ale ( Louise and her that shall not be named came and met us all, so we stayed for a while in the outside part, as it was really sunny and no-one was in any great hurry to go anywhere. Very pleasant (and my cider, pate and toast was really tasty).
We then called into JT's ( on our return to Catterick (the FPO was driving), and discovered it was Mark (the managers) 40th birthday. Sat outside with him and some of the other lads for a while, then back home to fire to the bonfire, to try and get rid of all the bushes and crap that was cut last week. Managed to do it, but it took a mighty long time, and l also managed to fall forward when picking something up and banged my shoulder and forehead. Blithering idiot that l am. I think l may also have concussed myself slightly as l got up during the night and was sick, which l never usually do. Fine now though, although l still have the scratches/marks. Battle scars of the weekend is how l shall be describing them.
toodle pip
Friday, 3 June 2011
birthday meal out on tuesday

It was the FPO's birthday on Tuesday, so we met up with the rest of the family for a meal at Akebar (, then onto Brymor Ice cream factory ( . We then went to White shops to post some stuff and have a couple of ales (and a few shots) before heading home for an early night. Being off work is great!
toodle pip
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