Booze, news and views from a drunken opinionated fool who can't spell very well, may well repeat himself, and can't blame it on dislexia
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
life - bah humbug!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010
latest collapsing news

Just got back from the doctors again, as he wanted me in to discuss the results of my tests. Everything is fine at the moment, my heart seems to be in tip top condition (like a 21 year old), and all my blood tests were fine, except for one that showed a possible under active thyroid, which the doc does not have too much concern about, as there is no family history of it and I do not have intolerance to cold, or feel tired a lot (the opposite in fact).
the sky from our house
Monday, 29 March 2010
apt correspondent
Vienna Boys’ Choir caught
up in
abuse scandals
(Alberto Pellaschiar/AP)
Georg Ratzinger has admitted hearing of cases of ill-treatment during his time as director of the Regensburg choir
The most famous choir in the world has been caught up in the wave of paedophile scandals sweeping Germany and Austria, with eight former choristers denouncing their teachers in the past few days.
An open letter from the management of the Vienna Boys’ Choir to parents expressed regret at the incidents, which were recounted by former singers now aged between 40 and 70
This report goes on for longer, but the main thing I noticed was the name of the Berlin correspondent. Didn't anyone else spot this? The world's a funny old place (not for the boys involved though)
toodle pip
google books
footballers as pop stars
head caved in

Sunday, 28 March 2010
tory posters
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Sistine chapel

Friday, 26 March 2010
oranges are not the only fruit and new york dolls

Thursday, 25 March 2010
hippie coffee
toodle pip
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
cocaine cowboys

toodle pip
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
collapser update
toodle pip
Monday, 22 March 2010
the collapser returns
toodle pip
Saturday, 20 March 2010
the death of bunny munro

I am at work at the moment, nothing much to do apart from waiting for Match of the Day to come on. I say there is nothing to do, but there is, I just don't feel like doing it at the moment, as I have been poking my ear again, so my ear and jaw are pretty sore ... again (idiot that I am).
I won't be able to put in my earplugs or earphones tonight, so I hope it's quiet.
Really looking forward to the United v Liverpool game tomorrow. I'll be watching it as soon as I burst through the door back home. I will hopefully be able to get away and home for 1.30 (kick off time). Hope United don't blow it.
toodle pip
Friday, 19 March 2010
night in with sport relief
toodle pip
Thursday, 18 March 2010
notes from a defeatist

I have just got out of bed after finishing Joe Sacco's 'Notes from a Defeatist'. It was pretty good in some places, mainly about the air strikes during the wars (Second World War over Germany and Japan, and the first Gulf). Some of the other stuff was not that great though, I much preferred his other books (Safe Area Gorazde and Palestine).
Off to check Sky news and see what time the footie starts on Sunday. United play Liverpool, so I think I may have to finish work early to get back for it. My favorite game of the premiership season (as long as United don't get beaten like they did last year).
At least that's something to look forward to at the weekend - it had better be a good result!
Ah well, may squeeze in a quick bath before heading off on my trusty steed to work. Deep joy.
toodle pip
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
at home

chelsea out (again)

Tuesday, 16 March 2010
killer and gran torino

mark owen and shaun ryder
So little Mark Owen has admitted he has had a few (maybe 10?) one night stands and he has also had an affair for the last five years. First of all, what a surprise. He is a good looking international pop star with lots of opportunities while he is away on tour or recording. Secondly, there is no way he wanted to come out and admit all this. The Sun obviously had the story, but rather than just print it, gave Mark the chance to tell it from his side, getting more sympathy for himself and them not alienating Take That, thus losing stories and exclusives in the future. They would have told Mark that if they did not print the story, some-one else would, so it would all come out anyway, therefore leaving him no choice except to spill the beans. More damaging to his marriage is the long term affair with Neve (above), as that will be looked upon by his wife as more of a betrayal, rather than a drunken one night stand. Mark says he has been faithful since getting married (good man - four long months), but I also reckon he would have had a lot more than 10 one night stands. That is just a good figure to give, as it does not seem too many, but will explain away any women coming forward trying to sell their story, as he will be counting on the number coming forward being less than 10. I bet he is forgiven, will have to stop drinking and make more statements about how sorry he is, how stupid he has been, and how he has now cleaned up his act. It will never last.
Monday, 15 March 2010
life is good (for some)

Someone who did not have it so good was this slave (no name). He has been whipped for trying to escape, and I do mean whipped properly. Look at those scars. I bet that smarted a bit.
As the title says life is good (for some)
toodle pip
Sunday, 14 March 2010
little green man

In other news, United stuffed Fulham today, I am off work till Thursday afternoon, so celebrated with three bottles of Pinot (between us). Bliss.
toodle pip
Saturday, 13 March 2010
japan is great
Friday, 12 March 2010
Cute bunny
Thursday, 11 March 2010
alice in wonderland

As I am putting the hours in and wanted to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D, decided to drive to Teeside Park to watch it there, as it was only showing in boring old 2D in Richmond.
4-0 against milan - the return of beckham

Rooney was the new white Pele again and scored another two goals, to bring his total so far this year to 30. Can't see him beating Ronaldo's 42, but you never know. Let's hope he doesn't get injured, because United certainly need him.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
wine bar
Managed to contain myself and not collapse when I got back (which is always a bonus these days). Christ knows how long Joe is going to keep going. His mind is not as sharp as it was after a few drinks (mainly once we hit the whisky), but he is still very switched on. I think he is nearly 80 now (78?) so he is doing well. Cost me a bleeding fortune over the years, but the place won't be the same without him.
At least I remembered to have some crisps and food when I got back, can't believe it, I am looking after myself! (sort of).
toodle pip
Monday, 8 March 2010
respect to the captain
There was an article in last weeks Observer magazine about Charles Veley, a self made millionaire who is only 44 now, but decided to see the world a few years ago, and at the time of printing, he had been to 806 different countries.
That is something I would really like to do. Then again, visiting a lot of the countries, he had more or less landed, got the photo, then buggered of elsewhere. I know it is time consuming, but if I am visiting somewhere, I want to stay at least one night, so I can go out and experience it. Mr Veley (as I call him), has still done pretty good though, and it must be fantastic to retire and do what you want at such an early age (he was 35 when he made his fortune).
That is not the full story though, and he is not the person I respect in this tale, not by a long chalk (oh no, not at all).
The real man I look up to is the captain of the boat Mr Veley (as I call Him), hired to get him away from Christmas Island. After Mr Valey (as I call him) had waited for three days for the boat, he went to introduce himself to the boats captain. The captain was drunk, stoned, naked and masturbating. What a man! It takes me back to the old days in Amsterdam, when I was served by a man who was watching porn and masturbating behind the counter (Did he have his penis in full view mister? Oh yes, he certainly did!).
The captain is the most recent person I shout out my respect to, although someone else in Leeds is already nicknamed the captain, so he can't be called that.
I will lead my life like the captain from now on (Damn, too late, I already do). What a man. Respect.
toodle pip
Sunday, 7 March 2010
putting the hours in

einstein and monroe

Up close, it looks completely different than what it it does from a distance (the clue is in the title).
Impressive stuff though
toodle pip and nighty night
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010
that damn rabbit nozzer
toodle pip
Thursday, 4 March 2010
saturn's moon