Sunday 18 March 2012

murphy's war (1971) - peter yates

Peter O'Toole is his usual charismatic self as Murphy, the only survivor after his ship (Mount Kylie) had been sunk by a German U Boat in the Orinoco. He wants revenge, as survivors were gunned down in the water, and while recovering at a missionary settlement, he finds an old plane that he can attack the ship in, which is taking cover in the river. Even when the war is declared to be at an end, he is still relentless in the pursuit of the submarine, and refuses to call an end to the hostilities. The trouble is,  Murphy's War is not that great a film, neither an out and out revenge/war movie, nor a comedy showcase for O'Toole, it can't decide which option to take, and falls somewhat short inbetween the two.
It is also a film that was showing at our local cinema in1971 (the Bootle Odeon, Liverpool), which my parents probably went in to watch, as it was on the corner of our street (turn left straight after the Odeon sign), less than 100 feet away.
Sadly, the cinema is no more, and is now a snooker club, but l had some great Saturday mornings in there, watching the matinees.
Progress - pah!

toodle pip

Saturday 17 March 2012

out and about at hospitals

My exciting life part 42. I have been out and about a bit this week, including visiting hospitals hither and a yonder. I had to go to the Catterick one yesterday evening for an emergency out of hours doctor (for work), and earlier on in the week l was at Northalleton, visiting someone and taking someone else (work again) for an appointment. That's without the trips to James Cook at Middlesbrough.
At Catterick hospital, the only other person l saw was the doctor, as there wasn't even anyone on the gate when l drove in (excellent security), no one in the corridors, and on the way out l just ignored the security post and didn't stop, as it still looked empty.
Northalleron hospital was busy (apart from the waiting room), but l wanted to avoid photographing other people, so it looks as though a plague has struck.
Still, it's always a ride out and something different to do, so there is no way l am complaining about it, it's great to get out and about as far as l am concerned.
Bring it on.

toodle pip

59 seconds - richard wiseman

I enjoyed 59 seconds (by Richard Wiseman), but all the way through it l had a nagging feeling that l had read it before (which l hadn't). This is probably because a lot of the interesting information in the book has been repeated elsewhere or reported on in newspapers or magazines. It's interesting psychologically wise, but most of the stuff l already knew about (how use body language, advertising, the art of persuasion and touch, failure of brainstorming, visualisation  etc).
Still, there were the odd bits that were new to me, such as how to praise children, so it wasn't a complete waste (not that l'll be praising any children in the near future).
A very interesting book if you haven't already read this sort of thing before, otherwise, it's just a matter of jogging the dusty old memory banks, which (let's admit it), l could certainly do with.

toodle pip

martin minton - ken pyne

The story of a poor man's struggle through life, Ken Pyne's Martin Minton is depressed, suicidal and boring. He meets a woman, gets married, gets feted and famous, gets divorced (again), gets married (again) and divorced (again). What is the point of anything?
He eventually settles down in the country with a new woman, but is he happy?
A bleak look at life and family, but a clever idea with some valid points.
The boy did good.

toodle pip

Friday 16 March 2012

how to write a hit the dave grohl way

Dave Grohl shows how easy it is to write a hit (especially if you are Aerosmith).

toodle pip

rabbit hole (2010) - john cameron mitchell

A couple are mourning the loss of their 4 year old son,  who was run over by a young driver,  and are finding it hard to move on.  Becca,  the mother,  (Nicole Kidman) then starts meeting Jason (Miles Teller),  the young driver,  to chat,  and he tells her of parallel universes and infinite possibilities,  which he is also drawing a comic book about.  Her husband Howie (Aaron Eckhart) disapproves of the meetings,  but has been going to grief counselling meetings with a friend and 'getting high',  nearly having an affair in the process.
There are also issues with Becca's sister and mother (who had also lost a child, only as an  adult),  but in the end, they are gradually coming to terms with it.
An interesting film,  although l would have preferred more stuff about the parallel universes and comics, but never mind.  I will forgive the director (John Cameron Mitchell) pretty much anything,  as he also did 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch',  one of my favourite films.  In fact, it was because l noticed he was the director of this film that l decided to watch it.

toodle pip

Thursday 15 March 2012

another day out and and about with work

I had another good day out at work today, as l had to take somebody to James Cook hospital in Middlesbrough  (just turned down to become a city), which meant l was out all morning, and by the time l returned (after a snack at Barton), it was pretty much time to go home.
The sun was shining (although it doesn't look like it in the photos), and all was OK with the world.
If only every day was as good.

toodle pip

little robbo and kerry

Earlier on today - still small but growing.

toodle pip

the pink floyd comic - usa tour 1975

While l am pondering doing the scans of more comics (see below), here's another to bide my time.
The 1975 Pink Floyd tour of the USA was accompanied with a comic, which can be viewed in it's entirety above.
Now pass the acid and the headphones maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn

toodle pip

the valiant comic - 22nd nov 1969

I used to love The Valiant comic when l was a kid (still do really), and Raven on the wing was my favourite strip in it (by the rather fabulous Solano Lopez Buster).
I decided to scan one today (from 22nd November 1969) to see how long it took and what the results would be, as l am (rather sadly) thinking about scanning a load of them (obviously l have a vast collection), but maybe putting them on a separate blog, just for comics.
All l need now is more time and an extra dollop of sadness (OK, just the time, l'm sad enough).

To see in huge size, click on the picture, then right click and open image in new tab. Then it can be magnified in the new tab.
Tech advice over.

toodle pip

Wednesday 14 March 2012

todays entertainment in richmond

How enticing does this look?
Pity l'm working today.

toodle pip