Sunday 18 March 2012

murphy's war (1971) - peter yates

Peter O'Toole is his usual charismatic self as Murphy, the only survivor after his ship (Mount Kylie) had been sunk by a German U Boat in the Orinoco. He wants revenge, as survivors were gunned down in the water, and while recovering at a missionary settlement, he finds an old plane that he can attack the ship in, which is taking cover in the river. Even when the war is declared to be at an end, he is still relentless in the pursuit of the submarine, and refuses to call an end to the hostilities. The trouble is,  Murphy's War is not that great a film, neither an out and out revenge/war movie, nor a comedy showcase for O'Toole, it can't decide which option to take, and falls somewhat short inbetween the two.
It is also a film that was showing at our local cinema in1971 (the Bootle Odeon, Liverpool), which my parents probably went in to watch, as it was on the corner of our street (turn left straight after the Odeon sign), less than 100 feet away.
Sadly, the cinema is no more, and is now a snooker club, but l had some great Saturday mornings in there, watching the matinees.
Progress - pah!

toodle pip

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