Tuesday 13 March 2012

great expectations - bbc three part drama (2011)

I finally got around to watching Great Expectations while l was at work, as it had been gnawing away at my subconscious since Christmas, but l kept putting it off. Everyone knows that it is from the novel by Charles Dickens (although l have never read it), and the film version from 1946 is a bit of an old classic, but this was a pretty fine adaptation.
I thought Gillian Anderson's portrayal of Miss Havisham was the highlight of the series, and Ray Winstone played Magwitch as only Ray Winstone can, like a threatening geezer (whether that is good or bad, take your pick).
Much better than l thought it would be for a BBC production, as they are usually acted in a too middle classy way for my liking (if that makes any sense).
Who knows, l may even get around to reading the book one day (when l am dead and l've got some time on my hands).

toodle pip

senna (2010) - asif kapadia

Considering that l usually have no interest in motor racing (in fact l still haven't), Senna, the documentary film by Asif Kapadia about Ayrton Senna, was riveting.
You certainly don't have to be a fan of the sport to enjoy it, and l am so glad that l persevered with it, as l was tempted to switch it off after a few minutes. After all,  there's limited memory on the old Sky box,  life's too short (as Ayrton found out) and l've got plenty of other things to be getting on with.
Thankfully, the off switch remained untouched, and the film drew you in, with the pace of the documentary spot on,  including a few tearful moments chucked in for good measure.
Even though the ending is well known, the build up to it, plus all the events looked at in hindsight, make for a truly moving experience, unless of course, you have a heart made out of coal (which l usually have).

toodle pip

another dodgy advert # 75

I bet he loved it then (and now), the shandy drinking woman/man.
'Go gentle with me if you want to get your hands on my milky way'

toodle pip

off to the seaside (and sunderland)

Not exactly a busy day at work today, so l got to have a drive out to the seaside. I called in at Sunderland first to take a DVD player back that l got before Christmas from Impact Computers, and I did think they might give me some hassle for waiting so long, but they were very accommodating, and changed it without any fuss (and it is now up and running!).  Looks like they will be getting my business again in the future because of their excellent after sales service (and no, l am not affiliated with them).
After that, it was off to Seaham, which was the first time l had been to the beach there, and it was pretty bleak, deserted and quiet.  The weather was still a bit nippy, which l obviously knew in advance, although l was surprised by the lack of people wandering around. As my old grannie would have said " It was as dead as an old toads todger".*  Not that l'm complaining mind, as l'm a miserable old sod, and l would rather the beach was empty and devoid of human life (including me), so it suited me fine.
Called in at Teesside park on the way back, killed a bit of time, then it was back to work and hometime. Hurrah!!
A nice peaceful day, unlike earlier on, when bomb disposal vans, cop cars and ambulances all went screaming past me on the A19 and A66 towards Saltburn, which l later found out was because of this.
Bit of a contrast to my day, that's for sure.
* Not really - l made it up

toodle pip

north korean comic books

These comic books are from North Korea, and l have absolutely no idea what they are about.
On the other hand, l bet they are full of propaganda for the masses.
They look good though.

toodle pip

another wild night out - keith moon and oliver reed

Keith Moon and Oliver Reed, two people you don't want to go out drinking with if you want to protect your liver and kidneys.
Luckily for me, l don't want to protect my liver and kidneys (they can fend for themselves), and l would have loved to have had a night (or two) out with Moonie and Reedie (as l'd call them).
Whether l would have wanted to live their lives full time is another matter, as l wouldn't.  Much as l am all for the drinking, drugging, puking, raconteuring, hedonistic and  'couldn't give a toss' lifestyle, both of them in the end seemed to be playing a role they had created for themselves, trying to live up to their reputations as wild and wacky men and not being able to escape their cartoon like creations.
Sometimes, l would rather just read a book or watch the footie with a KFC and a can of coke.
Christ, l'm getting old - pass the meow meow before l'm really past it.

Damn! Too late!!.

toodle pip

Monday 12 March 2012

the singing detective (bbc series) - 1986

It's funny how the old memory can play tricks with you, as l was sure that l had originally watched 'The Singing Detective' with my parents (or at least one of them), as l seemed to recall squirming with embarrassment at having to watch the saucy bits in their presence. This however, cannot have been the case, as  it was released in 1986, and l already had my own place by then, and l was certainly not going round to the family homestead to watch TV.
Maybe l had just been traumatised by it and not realised, as it is a pretty strange, scary, sexy and puzzling piece of work, even after all of these years.
Philip Marlow (an outstanding Michael Gambon) has Psoriatic arthritis, and has been admitted to a NHS hospital to recover. Because of his refusal to take drugs, plus his high temperature, Marlow hallucinates episodes from his past, a new book he is composing in his head, and his real life and surroundings.   All are intertwined and confusing, with plenty of old songs thrown into the mix, but as his condition improves, the memories and fantasies are worked out and understood.
A superb series, written by Dennis Potter, and based on his own (but worse) condition.
I would happily pay my licence fee for more miniseries such as this. One of the greatest things ever to have been shown on TV, and l'll argue to the death with anyone who says otherwise (because they will be wrong).
The film version, starring Robert Downey, Jr is being shown on TV later on in the week, and l will approach that with trepidation, but it would be amiss of me not to give it a go, even if l'll do so with a heavy (and faulty) heart.
Wish me luck, as l suspect that l will need it.

toodle pip

a baby boob hat

Just what a breastfeeding mother needs for a baby. A hat that looks like a boob.

toodle pip

fallout shelters

With all the trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus concerns about Iran, Syria, nuclear capabilities and the Middle East in general, l wonder how long it will be before these type of adverts for fallout shelters and their fittings start making a reappearance?

toodle pip

sarah silverman - the bedwetter

I enjoyed Sarah Silverman's 'The Bedwetter', even though there were no hilarious bits, or anything that made me (as the kids say nowadays) 'laugh out loud'. She basically wet the bed until she was 16, (unintentionally - not as a protest), she is a Jew who is agnostic, she suffers from depression (and got addicted to drugs through the treatment for it), and she has a fondness for risky jokes, dirty jokes, sex and drugs. All OK as far as l am concerned. Although the book was enjoyable, l can't believe she apparently got paid a $2.5 million advance for it. I still think the funniest thing she has done is the 'I'm fucking Matt Damon' video, but then again, l haven't seen 'The Sarah Silverman Program', so l'll have to give that a bash at some stage, as it sounds pretty interesting in the book. As with many other autobiographies, l'm glad l have read it, but even happier l didn't have to pay for it.

toodle pip

johnny cash in pictures

I grew up listening to my fathers collection of Johnny Cash albums, and have always liked him (Cash, not my father).
Cash certainly had a presence about him, and plenty of charisma, some of which  is captured in these shots from Time magazine.
I'm certainly glad l got to see him in concert before he died, and some of his albums (especially the San Quentin / Folsom Prison ones) are amongst my favourites..
A legend (albeit with some crap records before his re-invention with Rick Rubin)

toodle pip 

Sunday 11 March 2012

one hour photo (2002) - mark romanek

Robin Williams plays it straight and menacing as Seymour (Sy) Parrish, the photo shop assistant who prints the eponymous photos, but deludes himself he could be part of a family who bring in their snaps, only to snap himself (literally) when he discovers the husband is having an affair, thus spoiling the idealised image he had of them. One Hour Photo seems to speed along and keep the suspense levels up, even though, in reality, not a lot actually happens in the film, it is more about developing the tension and waiting for Williams to completely snap.
Although a lot of the Robin Willliams output leaves me cold, l prefer his serious films to his comedy ones, and he was certainly believable in this.
Better than l expected.

toodle pip

Saturday 10 March 2012

boobs text

toodle pip

marc bolan - it was 35 years ago today

On this day 35 years ago, Marc Bolan played Newcastle City Hall with The Damned, on the 1977 tour. I was going to go to that gig, but because my girlfriend at the time couldn't go, l gave it a miss, and thought l would catch him on the next tour.
Sadly, that never happened, as he died later in the year, which meant l never got to see him play live.
Bloody women.

toodle pip

einstein pictures

The top picture of Albert Einstein sticking his tongue out to photographers on his 72nd birthday (at Princeton in 1951) is pretty well known, and has been reproduced on lots of posters and t. shirts.
On the other hand, how many photographs have you ever seen of Einstein rowing?
I thought not - so now's your lucky day!

toodle pip

Friday 9 March 2012

bloody spiders in wagga wagga

After the recent floods in Wagga Wagga, the spiders moved up a bit and span their webs on higher ground. Yet another reason for not going to Australia, as there is no way l could walk across those fields.  Bloody spiders.

toodle pip