Tuesday 13 March 2012

great expectations - bbc three part drama (2011)

I finally got around to watching Great Expectations while l was at work, as it had been gnawing away at my subconscious since Christmas, but l kept putting it off. Everyone knows that it is from the novel by Charles Dickens (although l have never read it), and the film version from 1946 is a bit of an old classic, but this was a pretty fine adaptation.
I thought Gillian Anderson's portrayal of Miss Havisham was the highlight of the series, and Ray Winstone played Magwitch as only Ray Winstone can, like a threatening geezer (whether that is good or bad, take your pick).
Much better than l thought it would be for a BBC production, as they are usually acted in a too middle classy way for my liking (if that makes any sense).
Who knows, l may even get around to reading the book one day (when l am dead and l've got some time on my hands).

toodle pip

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