Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Monday 19 November 2012

bobby neel adams aging photographs

These are photographs that show the effects of aging, taken by Bobby Neel Adams, incorporating old photographs, torn and linked with new ones.  The top four photos all feature one person in each, the young and old version.  The others are direct descendants (mother/daughter etc), highlighting how similar they are (plus the effects of aging).  You can't turn back the old hands of time, that's for sure.  There are more pictures on his site.

toodle pip

Sunday 28 October 2012

what a super sunday!

What a great day l have had today.  We went to Lolls birthday do at Tunstall last night with Robbo and Kerry (and Cairon), but were home at a decent time because Rook wasn't drinking, so we nabbed a lift home with him and Deb when they left.  Managed to hit the pub first, witness Robbo hurting his ankle falling out of the pub, drink and chat at the party,  then eat about 72 sausage rolls before we left.  All of this and we were still  in time for 'Match of the Day'. Result!
A lazy lie in this morning with the paper was followed by a bath and the two football matches, Everton v Liverpool (2-2) and Chelsea v Manchester United (3-2 to United).  The results and games were great for me, and it was made sweeter by the fact Luis Saurez (we know what you are) had a winning goal disallowed    for Liverpool (hilarious), and Javier Hernandez for United had one stand that was offside (tremendous).  Fernando Torres capped off all the fun by being sent off for diving, in a decision that was surprising (but welcome) even to my blinkered eyes.
Apparently there will be repercussions from the Chelsea game, as Chelsea have reported the referee (Mark Clattenburg) for 'inappropriate' comments he made to two of their players.  If he is found guilty of being racist to them, l wonder if Chelsea fans will start booing the players involved.  I certainly hope they do.
It was such a fun packed day , l nearly forgot to say that l managed to bid on (and win) a load of old Manchester United programmes.  All of this was before l made some cheese pasta for tea (Mmmmmmm)
Altogether now........
Heaven......  I'm in Heaven.....

toodle pip

Friday 12 October 2012

liverpool v manchester united 1968

This is where l was 44 years ago to this very day.  Living in Liverpool (Bootle) and going to see Liverpool play Manchester United with my Uncle Ray.  Bliss indeed, and it was made sweeter by the Football League Review having a poster of Manchester United in its middle pages.  I have a larger copy of it framed, and another one based on it framed, containing Manchester United's 'Team For All Seasons' in the spare room next to this very computer.  I also have a long suffering FPO (but you can get cream for that nowadays).
Just a shame that United got beat 2-0, as they were starting their slow descent from being Kings of Europe to losing 1-0 against Oxford United in the Second Division (I was there again), as Liverpool went on to conquer all before them, until United's unbelievable resurgence under the magnificent management of Sir Alex Ferguson.  It's been wine and roses for the last few years, but l had to put up with a lot of stick during the 1970's and 1980's. Let's hope those dark days don't return.

toodle pip

Sunday 12 August 2012

at the caravan with the babies

What happens to the decking area when there are kids around

The crazy mother in law with Lauren and Cairan

Called in at the caravan at the weekend, and Robbo and Kerry bought Cairan along, to join Louise, Dazzer  and Lauren, so it was baby madness all the way.  Luckily there were also hotdogs, crisps, cheesecake and lager, so it wasn't that bad, plus l got to go to The Wine Bar for a while afterwards (unlike Robbo), so l could show off my chest wound.  Result!!

toodle pip

Sunday 5 August 2012

more paul and robbo's bum

The sort of nonsense l have had to put up with all weekend.  Paul flaking out in our house with a squirrel on his head, and waking up to Robbo's bum after Richmond Live.  What joy.

toodle pip

Friday 3 August 2012

paul and rab outside the wine bar

A long weekend is ahead, as l have just picked up my brother Paul, and he is staying at our place for a few days.  Here is the start of the madness, Paul outside the Wine bar in Catterick with old Rabbie, who is still hanging on to life with a mad Scottish determination.  More reports later.  It will get messy.

toodle pip

Monday 2 July 2012

beginners (2010) - mick mills

Myself and the FPO kept putting off watching this, as it didn't look too promising, but Beginners turned out to be a really good film, even if it did flag a bit in the middle. Ewan McGregor plays Oliver, who is coming to terms with his fathers death (an excellent and moving performance by Christopher Plummer), and the fact that he came out to him as gay after his mother died (when his father was 75). McGregor is also looking for love, and dealing with looking after his fathers dog (one of the highlights of the movie is the dogs thoughts). Bases on Mike Mills' own experiences with his father, it's well worth watching, and awards were justified and forthcoming for the film and Plummer.

Saturday 2 June 2012

meal at akebar for the birthday girl

It soon rolled round, but once again, it's the FPO's birthday weekend, and this year, we've been to Akebar for a meal with Louise, Dazzer, Lauren, Rookmeister, Deb, Kerry and Robbo. I promised l wouldn't put up any pictures of them, so the cakes and glasses will have to do.
It was a pretty limited selection of food that was available, but for those of us drinking, it helped that we had booze and fizzy to compensate, and l have a really long video of the occasion (which l will also not put up).
I was being an all round good lad (for a change) and had taken up flowers and a cake in advance, but l didn't know Dazzer had made one as well, so there was a feast of chocolate goodness for desert, and l will admit his was tastier.
Myself and the FPO got dropped off at White shops afterwards, where we had a few drinks in The Wine Bar and J.T's, but we were still home by about 8pm.
A splendid day for all the family.

toodle pip

Wednesday 30 May 2012

my wife and the shunt

Sitting on our doorstep drinking red wine the other night (classy, l know), myself and the FPO were talking about plastic tubes going into bodies, such as the ones drips can be attached to (the evenings around our way just fly by). During the course of this discussion, she mentioned they were called shunts. Now don't get me wrong, she may look like a blithering idiot, and may indeed be one, but every now and again, usually on the occasions that Manchester City win the league, she startles me with a minuscule sliver of knowledge that l don't have, and this was one of those rare occasions.  I thought she may be taking the piss at first, as l didn't realise they were known as that, and obviously l never mind her knowing something l don't, but suffice to say, once l had looked it up, l sulked from then until now.
I still can't get over it,
l'm devastated.
If we had a cat that wasn't so raggedy, l'd go and boot it over next doors fence.
It's the last time she gets some wine of mine (someone at work bought me it).

toodle pip

Saturday 26 May 2012

walking round easby abbey

I knew it was too good to last. I was alternating between lying in my hammock and sitting in the sun reading, when I was dragged kicking and screaming out on a walk around Easby Abbey (next to Richmond, North Yorkshire) with the FPO, Louise and Lauren. Fortunately the sun continued to shine, and l got an ice cream at the end for being a good boy, so it wasn't that bad in the end. At least it's ticked off a 'date day' for the month!

toodle pip

Sunday 29 April 2012

hold up in bedale and seeing my brother on tv

As we were short staffed (again!), l agreed to work on Friday night and then Saturday morning. This should have worked out fine, as l was meant to be going to Stockton for the FPO's fathers birthday in the afternoon of Saturday. Of course things did not go so smoothly, as other staff phoned to cancel shifts and l had to stay longer, until re-enforcements arrived. Then l got stuck for ages in the Bedale area, as l suspect there may have been a crash (as well as roadworks), due to fire engines shooting past me with the sirens a sounding. By the time l finished work, the FPO phoned to say it was pointless coming through, as her and her sisters would be coming home soon. The good news is she bought me some goodies back (samosas, sausage rolls etc), and l saw my brother on the TV watching the Wigan v Newcastle game in a bikini (at least l think it was him). I thought he lived in Leeds.....

toodle pip

Saturday 31 March 2012

visiting joe in hospital (again) and the love crazed rabbit

As it was another glorious day full of the Great Lords sunshine today, l took up some stuff  for Joe, who has been admitted into James Cook hospital and had another hip replacement done, as there were complications with the first one.
I needed some fuel when l set off, but was amazed to see the queues  at the local garage. I had to wait a while to get served, and fuelled by the paranoia about strikes and shortages (see what l did there) , decided to put in extra diesel 'just in case'. Of course this also develops into a 'Catch 22' situation, and will probably cause shortages in the future, but what the fuck, l need the fuel anyway, and just got a little bit extra to save me queueing later on and make sure l can get to work (but not until next Tuesday afternoon).
Joe was his normal self (unsure if that is good or bad), in a private room, and is going to be kept in for 4 - 6 weeks.
Saw Robbo afterwards, got some wine for home, and watched some recorded stuff on the TV with the FPO (with the idiot rabbit finally crumbling and licking my nose at long last).
A loved crazed rabbit, a drunken FPO, Joe with his radio, and me on the computer. All is present and correct with the world.

toodle pip

Tuesday 20 March 2012

old age medicine - cocaine toothache drops

I got a phone call today from the mother in law, asking if l would pick up some medication for her mother, as l was off work and live nearby. This l did (naturally cursing all the way), and discovered the medication was for codeine, a strong painkiller.
If it had been back in the old days, l could have got some of these toothache drops instead, as l'm sure they would have done a better job, both killing the pain, and making her full of the joys of spring.
Sadly, Tesco were out of them.

toodle pip

Thursday 15 March 2012

little robbo and kerry

Earlier on today - still small but growing.

toodle pip

Tuesday 6 March 2012

brothers in leeds

There is an ongoing joke around these parts that 'my brother lives in Leeds'.  This is indeed true, and after l had finished work today, l drove him to Northallerton station to catch the train back there (he has been staying since last Thursday).  Peace and quiet at last (and a day off work tomorrow!).
But thinking about brothers, Tub's (our idiot house rabbit) brother died a while ago. Maybe though, he has another one, as the misserable and stupid looking git above sure looks like him, just a (slightly) fatter and lazier version (and the bloke looks like my brother nowadays).
I'll have to quiz the bunny about it later on tonight over a carrot or two while we watch the footie.

toodle pip

Saturday 3 March 2012

paul and linda, family and the past

It's all go at the moment, as l am back at work this afternoon, visiting Joe in hospital, and entertaining my brother Paul, who has come up from Leeds for a few days. Myself, the FPO, Paul, Linda and Shane all went out to The Wine Bar last night, which unfortunately for our wallets and my health, let us stay until about 1am.  I had been out with my brother to J.T's the night before, so l am certainly putting the hours in (as well as doing what seems like hundreds of CD's for him). No wonder l can't get rid of my bleeding cough - l'm knackered.  I need sleep, drugs, and time off work (not necessarily in that order). It's been interesting quizzing Paul and Linda about our childhood though. Paul's happiest memory is playing in a swing park (non with our parents). Linda said hers was going back and staying in Liverpool with our grandparents (non with our parents). Mine is going to the football with my uncle Ray (non with our parents). Paul also remembered a time when he wasn't sure if our dad was going to attack him with a hammer he suddenly produced when calling round the house. That was a pretty barmy situation, but it all worked out fine in the end. He just attacked the TV, washing machine, radiogram etc with the hammer, smashing everything up (he was getting divorced from our mother). He then threw the budgie cage across the room (with the budgie still in it). Happy days indeed (and that's just a small taster of the madness).   At least we all still get on, even if we probably all have different fathers (mummy was no angel).  l also managed to dig out an old photograph of Paul with his dad, just after he had been born. How cute - he hasn't changed much.

toodle pip