Monday 9 July 2012

leon keer 3d pacman

A marvellous looking 3D Pacman artwork by Leon Keer in Venlo, The Netherlands. These things never cease to amaze me.

toodle pip

Sunday 8 July 2012

ethyl fuel adverts and salvador dali

I've said it before and l'll say it again. I love Salvador Dali stuff, and he is the first one that really got me into liking pictures that could be looked at in more than one way (I was already into surrealist comedy). I also like old stuff and adverts, so these Ethyl gasoline ones hit the spot for me.

Years ago, l went by inter rail around Europe, and one of the areas l went to was around Figueres, Spain, where Dali's museum is. I also called at Dali's house in Port Lligat, (near Cadaques), but no-one answered when l went a knocking, although he was living there and still very much alive at the time. It was probably my hopeful knocking that sent Gala (Dali's wife) completely demented and into her grave. Anyhows, what a place - eggs on the roof and right next to the sea. I could easily live there in my dotage, if it wasn't for the bloody annoying tourists, mooching around and trying to get an invitation inside the house, which of course, was exactly what l was trying to do was when l swung by. We won't be seeing his like again for a long long time. The Dali picture above (The Metamorphosis of Narcissus from 1937) l have had for years (sadly not the original), and it is framed by the top of our stairs. Sheer brilliance.

toodle pip

Saturday 7 July 2012

keeping the mixing old school

This is how they used to do the mixing back in the day. It shows that hardly anything is new, and most ideas have been tried before. It's a Gaumont Chronophone system, and dates back to 1910.
No, l didn't have one when l was younger. I know it's hard to believe, but even l'm not that old.

toodle pip

Friday 6 July 2012

bloody english summers

The view out of my back window at this afternoon, in the middle of what us English laughingly call a 'summer'.
Still,  l've got work at 3pm - life couldn't be any sweeter.

toodle pip

jeremiah mcdonald talks to his 12 year old self

Jeremiah McDonald was filmed in 1992 when he was 12, supposedly talking to his future self. He has now completed the circle by making a film of himself talking to his younger version. He did one a while ago, but this is the updated and much superior one to watch. The comedic timing in this one is pretty good, so l will ignore the various short film clips at the beginning of him growing up that would normally want to hate some precocious actor child like him.

toodle pip

and thinking about fireworks....

This compilation never fails to amuse.
There are a lot of fucking idiots out there.

toodle pip

san diego fireworks go off all at once

Here's a couple of videos of the firework display at San Diego, that went (to put it mildly) slightly wrong.
All of the fireworks were accidentally set off at the same time, resulting in an outrageously spectacular display, but sadly only lasting for 30 seconds or so.
Myself, l would rather see a display like this. It's certainly unforgettable, and the unplanned part would have made it even more memorable. Much better than an everyday run of the mill display.
It's like a firework version of the old 'live fast - die young' motto, or 'burn like a super nova - and then fade away'.
I may have made the last one up.

toodle pip

markus mueller sexy tshirts

What a fantastic couple of photographs by Markus Mueller to advertise a company called 'Das Handwerk'.
He took the original pictures of the girls, put them on the shirts, then took these pictures.
I'll have to get my hands on some of them to make my brothers arse more appealing when he comes to stay in August.

toodle pip

the young lions (1958) - edward dmytryk

The Young Lions has certainly got some top names in it. Marlon Brando! Montgomery Clift!  Dean Martin!
It's anti war, shows that the Germans (Brando) weren't all bad, the USA army could bully their own troops for being a Jew (Clift), and some people just want to avoid war and have a good time. but can be dragged into it whether they like it or not (Martin).
War! Urgh!! What is it good for?
Dated, but excellent, and all three lead characters shine (even if it was a bit too long).

toodle pip

an exciting medical life in photographs

It's not all trips abroad and lots of time off you know. Sometimes it's hanging around at medical establishments waiting for appointments or courses.
Someone's got to put the hours in, and it makes a change from the usual routine.

toodle pip

Thursday 5 July 2012

fox attacking a bird

While working yesterday, l managed to get a great photograph of a fox (with huge knackers) leaping off a house to attack a bird, which l caught by accident as l was going to take a picture of the torrential rain (it's non stop work when l'm in).
The bird escaped, but that is not really surprising, as the 'so called' fox is actually a slug that was on the window. It just so happens that when l took the photo, it was at that angle, and a bird flew past at the same time.
Looks good though.

toodle pip

the official batman batbook and the tv series

While l have been off work today l have had a bash at sorting out the spare room, and getting rid of some of the old bits of crap. This took bleeding ages and it is still in need of more sorting out, but the stuff l uncovered while in there made it all worthwhile in the end (well, some of it anyway). Old remote controls and phones have turned up, plus plenty of old books, cds etc. This rediscovery was a corker. The official Batbook (Batman guide) by Joel Eisner. These are some of the pages from when Batman was proper old school, non of this new fangled 'Dark Night' nonsense. Batman (the TV series) is often accused of being pretty camp or even gay (can't disagree with that), but it looks like Robin's thoughts are pretty hetrosexual in one of the pages above. Dirty little crimefighter.
OK, l've crumbled. I like the Dark Night stuff as well, but to me, Batman and Robin will always be Adam West and Burt Ward. Sod the bad costumes, acting and sound effects - bring them on! - Embrace it!  Lose yourself in it!  If you don't take any of it seriously, and go with the campness (easy for me to do), it's great.

toodle pip

the size of the man made stuff in space

This is pretty interesting to a geek like me. It's a drawing of the relative sizes of all the man made space stuff that has floated about at one time or another, by the astronomy blogger 'Invader Xan' (what a great geeky name). If l didn't have to go to work, l could spend hours reading stuff like his blog.

toodle pip

Wednesday 4 July 2012

deus - quatre mains and their latest news

dEUS are a band l have loved since 'Worst Case Scenario', waaaaay  back in the day, and l have just been listening to their new cd ''Following Sea' this afternoon (on my return from my solemn re-emergence to work  after a week or so off). The stand out track that l can't get enough of at the moment is 'Quatre Mains', hence the video above.
Their website is here, there's a good short interview with Tom Barman  (the singer) in The Guardian here, and the album is available on iTunes here.
They're a top band, and certainly different from most.
Now, want to hear my tale about the time myself and Robbo were annoying and singing to them backstage at 'The Riverside', Newcastle?
It may appear at some stage, so be warned.

toodle pip

Tuesday 3 July 2012

hugh cornwell and glen matlock tour poster

Hugh Cornwell (ex The Stranglers) and Glen Matlock (ex The Sex Pistols) are doing some dates together, and this tour poster to promote them is an excellent play upon the old boxing posters. A very good idea indeed, simple and obvious (once you've seen it) like most of the best ideas are.
Punks not dead!

toodle pip.

the 10 commandments of bowieism

Good rules to live your life by. The rules of Bowie.

toodle pip

carrots on a stick

Times used to be tough back in the day. Carrots on a stick. Mmmmmmmmmm

toodle pip

Monday 2 July 2012

beginners (2010) - mick mills

Myself and the FPO kept putting off watching this, as it didn't look too promising, but Beginners turned out to be a really good film, even if it did flag a bit in the middle. Ewan McGregor plays Oliver, who is coming to terms with his fathers death (an excellent and moving performance by Christopher Plummer), and the fact that he came out to him as gay after his mother died (when his father was 75). McGregor is also looking for love, and dealing with looking after his fathers dog (one of the highlights of the movie is the dogs thoughts). Bases on Mike Mills' own experiences with his father, it's well worth watching, and awards were justified and forthcoming for the film and Plummer.

the smell of new york

Missing the big apple? Here's the thing designed especially for you! The smell of New York in a bottle!
I assume it won't just be the scent of pizza, sweat, exhaust fumes and piss, but who knows?

toodle pip

Sunday 1 July 2012

getting ready to go out

The FPO went out to Richmond with her sisters on Friday night, and as am a good lad, l agreed to drive them in and pick them up afterwards. I'll admit they weren't too drunk when l picked them up at the end of the night, and at least l had the house to myself for the evening (apart from the stinking animals and ants) to potter about in.
This however, was the scene in the bedroom when the FPO was trying to decide what to wear. More clothes were tried on as well as these, but this was just a snapshot of the madness.

toodle pip

Saturday 30 June 2012

food, drink and dexy's - result!

Of to the Boro today to meet Robbo and  Kerry (plus Cairan) for lunch at the Cross Keys. A splendid time was had by all, l stuffed my face with a cheese and bacon fat supply (see above), and we ordered some tickets to see Dexy's at the Sage in September, after a possible holiday together at the start of September. Not a bad day's work by anyone's standards, and myself and the FPO even went down to JT's in the evening. One of us was a bit tipsy by the time they came home, lost his balance, and fell in the bath, but l won't say who that was (OK, it was me - drunken idiot).
Keith would be proud. Here's our half of the bill.

toodle pip

Friday 29 June 2012

billy connolly's route 66

Myself and the FPO have been considering doing the Route 66 road trip next year (at the moment it's that or Japan), and saw the Billy Connolly TV series when it was on, to help whet our appetite. I have also just finished the book of the series, and it's made me want to get out there and explore (and meet people). The route and stops that Billy did are easily manageable in a month or three weeks, but obviously, the longer you have to do it (and the more money), the better it would be. I love the USA, but there are still plenty of places l haven't been to, both there and abroad (like Japan), so we will have to see how it goes.
I suppose l could always do a 'Vanishing Point' kind of trip and travel it as fast as possible, and with minimum sleep (3 or 4 days?), but that would be a different experience altogether, and l would have to go back to illegal substances (what a sacrifice). Not sure if the FPO would be up for that kind of trip (in both senses).

toodle pip

the uk at night from the international space station

As it says in the title, this is the UK at night from the International Space Station.  I think l can see our house (looks like we are having a BBQ).
It looks really populated and built upon, but as anyone knows when you fly over it, there is plenty of greenery. In fact, if l remember correctly, only about 10% is classed as urban, and that includes roads and back gardens, so if anyone says the UK is full, they are talking crap.

toodle pip