Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Monday 28 May 2018

the neighbours have trimmed their bush

I wondered what the neighbours over the road were doing to their massive bush the other day, and now l know. They have trimmed it back and made it look a lot better.
I'm impressed, but if it was mine l would never have started the job in the first place.

toodle pip

Saturday 31 March 2018

another trip to ikea

I was out and about in Richmond yesterday, and was just about to drive home when l crumbled and headed to Gateshead Ikea to buy some more record storage. Of course l then had to build and erect it (Fnaaaarr) as soon as l got back, but l am now chuffed that l made the effort, as l'm very pleased with it. Plus l was there and back in no time, as it's dead easy when you live by the A1. 
I'll be on one of those hoarding programmes in a few years. It's only a matter of time.

toodle pip

Saturday 24 March 2018

rare records cartoon

I can certainly relate to this, although l don't like the way he is manhandling the record.
No wonder l have ended up with Mr Parrot!

And to be extra pedantic - here's what the 1969 RCA pressings looked like (I'll get my own coat).

toodle pip

Saturday 17 March 2018

mr parrot unscrewing his climbing frame

To say that Mr Parrot is a clever little sod would be an understatement. He watched me putting his climbing frame together, and here he is is taking it apart again. Since then, the screws have been tightened up so he can't manage to do it again, but he is now pissed off.

toodle pip

'spider' on the settee

This certainly freaked me out the other night. Mr Parrot had been pulling at the throw on the back of the settee while l was watching football on the TV, and it made it look like there was a big spider on it when l turned around.
To say l nearly crapped my pants would be an understatement. 

toodle pip


When l make a cheese and onion sandwich, l don't go easy on the onions!

toodle pip

bob taylor 1981 testimonial programme

I know l've collected a lot of crap over the years, but sometimes l amaze myself.
Found this while sorting some old boxes out. A programme for Bob Taylor's 1981 testimonial year, signed by him on the front.
Two things about this. l don't like cricket at all, and l have no idea where l picked this up from.
I've also found  a signed snooker programme which l might put up later, and l also have no clue where that's from.
Methinks l may need some help.

toodle pip

Friday 2 March 2018

the washing machine is fixed!

After my post on Feb 15th about breaking the door of the new washing machine, l purchased a replacement part from ebay (below), and managed to dismantle the door and fit the new catch myself - with no instructions. Looks as though it would be easy, but it took a while, and was trickier than expected, trying to get my small rod into the hole (fnaaaar!!).
Works like a dream now, but l have had to throw away the chopstick l was using to open the broken door, as it snapped in half while trying to do so.
It was a decent one with patterns that l have had for years so it is a bit of a shame, but being a sad bastard, l will keep the remaining one as a souvenir.
Just what l need, more bleeding junk / interesting items around the house.

toodle pip

Thursday 15 February 2018

mr parrot's new stand

Hmm...Mr Parrot's new stand is a bit bigger than l thought it would be.
Still, he loves it now, so it will be staying

toodle pip

the broken washer drier

My old washing machine finally packed in  a couple of weeks ago. This, despite the fact that when l noticed the drum wasn't spinning, it received a kick from me to make it work. This method was fine for a while, but it then started tripping the electrics, which even l thought may not be a good thing.
So, it was left outside, taken the next morning at 8am by the scrap men, and a new washer drier purchased.
All well and good, but l thought l'd switch the new machine on for a quick first wash with no clothes in it, and then noticed there were pipes left inside the drum. I stopped the machine, tried to open the door too fast, and promptly broke the door handle off. All before it had even washed any of my clothes.
Luckily l can still open the door using a broken chopstick (don't ask), and the machine is working fine.
Now l've got to decide whether to fix it or continue as l am.
Let's face it - the door will be like this for some time.

toodle pip

Wednesday 3 January 2018

new years fitness regime with ozzy osbourne

I went to read a second hand copy of Ozzy Osbourne's 'I am Ozzy' a couple of weeks ago, and this fell out of it. Somebody's fitness regime for the New Year in 2012. The places they describe are very close to where l live, so l might even know the person who wrote it, and I'm curious to know whether they stuck to it.
I think l left my fitness regime in the pub

Image result for am ozzy paperback

toodle pip

Sunday 3 December 2017

the living room has got bigger

Messing around with the new phone.
My living room appears to have increased in size.

toodle pip

Sunday 21 May 2017

mr parrot dances to the new york dolls and my flip video is back!

It's been nearly three years since l lost my flip video machine, but yesterday, l found it. I actually lost one of my mobile phones yesterday, so rang the number, to discover it had fallen down the back of the settee. Now when you feel down there, after a certain bit it feels like anything down there would fall onto the floor, but l discovered there is another sheet which traps things, such as my phone, and, after searching around some more, my flip video. Hurrah!
I knew l hadn't thrown it out and it must be somewhere l hadn't thought of (I'd already searched down the back of the settee), but it had been driving me mad / madder.
It's now charged up again, and this was the last thing filmed on it.  Mr Parrot getting exited when l put on The New York Dolls. Sadly, he stops when l start filming him.
He's a parrot with taste.

toodle pip

Friday 5 May 2017

the house is more of a mess than usual

Apart from all of the hard work involved in cleaning out the garage, it's the long hours l'm having to put in to sort of some of the stuff from in there. Sadly, that means that the home has been more of a mess than usual for the last few days.
Then again, it's also been great, discovering things l had forgotten about, and luckily, because l am such a sad geek, l had wrapped items up well, so they are mainly in excellent condition.

 The living room looking clean

Not so clean while trying to sort some of the stuff out

toodle pip

spider alert

A more than usual scary looking spider in the garage. It wasn't very big compared to some of the monsters in there, but l certainly didn't like the look of it.
It has now ceased to be, so panic over.

toodle pip

beer dilema

Since l've had a new garage door fitted, l've been crapping myself (due to fear of spiders) cleaning it out. Thirsty and dusty work, but at least l've discovered some beers left in the spare fridge in there. They do however, have an expiry date that was eight years ago.
Mmmmmmmmm...shall l risk it?

toodle pip

Monday 24 October 2016

paul gambaccini shows how to get old

I think l am turning into Paul Gambaccini, or at least l'd like to, judging by how his home life appears to be.
If l could keep all of my comics and books, retain the parrot, but have all of the music he owns, plus the larger house, organisational aspect (and probably a cleaner), l think my sexual persuasion could be changed.
I'm not wearing the pink jumper though.

toodle pip

Saturday 22 October 2016

oliver reed's drinking advice

Because l've been reading a lot recently, plus listening to music and watching films and box sets, I've actually not been drinking that much, (not a drop for the last 13 days at the moment), but when l do, l can certainly relate to this advice from Oliver Reed.

toodle pip

Thursday 22 September 2016

old badges

While trying to sort out some crap in the spare room today, l came across this little lot, a load of badges from gig going many moons ago. There were more, but these are all l could be bothered photographing. Now in a plastic bag and stashed away again. 
Christ, l'm a hoarder.

toodle pip

Thursday 15 September 2016

limmy and the spider

Limmy has done a few videos where he is pratting about with a rather large spider. If you don't like spiders, they are a bit unsettling (to say the least), but the worst one he has stuck up has to be this one, due to the beginning.


I've still got a pretty large spider in my living room which has hidden behind a large bookcase, so every time l am in there l am on edge in case it suddenly appears. Then, despite my fear of them, the large brown bastard is going to meet a horrible end.
I just hope l get it sooner rather than later, as the non stop fear and anticipation will be the end of me if it stays hidden.
I could always clean the living room and move stuff to find it, but let's face it, that's not going to happen in a hurry. Here's Mr Parrot with the defensive bookcase in the background (spider still hiding somewhere)

toodle pip