Saturday 15 August 2020

l'm a celebrity is coming back

Good to know that, despite Covid 19, there will be a new series of 'I'm a Celebrity' albeit filmed in a Castle in the UK.
Looking forward to seeing these two cheeky chappies again.

toodle pip

nigel farage - the casual racist

I'm kind of reluctant to give Nigel Farage any extra publicity, as it's what he so obviously craves, but.....What.  A.  Twat.

toodle pip

Tuesday 4 August 2020

glastonbury tor photograph

As l live Oop North in the wilds of Sunny Yorkshire, sheep are not that exciting to see, as they are everywhere, and feature in lots of local artists works. I did however, really like this photograph, looking up towards Glastonbury Tor.

toodle pip

william shatner as a female

This made me laugh a month or so ago. William Shatner responding to a tweet of himself as a woman.
Funny, but also true

toodle pip

sheep cartoon

While l'm thinking about cartoons (last post), here's another that made me laugh

toodle pip

new boris cartoons

Been kind of busy (doing nothing) recently with this and that, hence the lack of posts (again). However, here's a couple of recent cartoons that struck home.
The top one is by Cold War Steve, and the bottom by Peter Brookes

toodle pip

Friday 3 July 2020

dominic cummings sorts out the civil service

So, Dominic Cummings not only got to stay in his post after his sight seeing trip Oop North, but is now reorganising the Civil Service. I thought Brexit was about removing power from unelected officials? I fucking despair of this country sometimes, although l am never surprised by the corruptness, lies and hypocrisy of the Conservatives.
At least Keir Starmer is currently tormenting Boris Johnson at Prime Ministers Question time. Long may that continue as it's always good to see Boris suffering, despite him trying to bluff and bluster his way out.

toodle pip

Sunday 28 June 2020

mr parrot is 40

 It's a bad situation when a bleeding parrot gets as many presents as me for his Birthday, but l suppose it was his 40th, so a bit of leeway may be given.
Here's a card for him from his previous owners (they sent pressies as well), plus a picture of him celebrating.

toodle pip

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Little Richard has died - he deserves the capitals

So, Little Richard, the King and Queen of Rock and Roll has shuffled off to meet his maker after suffering the last few years with various health problems. I'm amazed he lasted so long with the lifestyle that he partook in for so long, but he was always a survivor, albeit the most over the top flamboyant one of all. I heard while l was at work over the weekend, and funnily enough l had just finished watching the Elton John biopic 'Rocket Man' on my overnight shift when l heard the news, and was thinking at the time about Little Richard, because without him, there may not have been an Elton, and although Elton's outfits were more flamboyant, and they superficially had very similar lifestyles, Little Richard was waaaay over the top and living his in Black America, before rock and roll coolness had become 'a thing', when it was (and to a lesser degree, still is) a very dangerous thing to do. I know about his influences, and that he wasn't 'the first', but he was the best. I wrote about how great Little Richard was and how fantastic and honest his biography (by Charles White) was here (Which was a long seven years ago), so find out for yourselves. I haven't really much to add, apart from the fact one of the few things l regret is not having been able to watch (or meet) him when he was a young pup (and bitch) back in his old Rock and Roll days. He was a massive gift to us all who lost his Rock and Roll way by heading to the pulpit, and who wasted his talent on lots of different record labels and bad choices of songs, but man, could that cool cat entertain and sing. For those that haven't heard them, his gospel and soul recordings are also sublime. - he could do anything. Even when he was drugged up and not at his magnificent best, the charisma. intelligence, honesty and playfulness shone through, and he'll be missed a lot in this household. I spent a lot of time yesterday watching old youtube clips with a drink in my hand and a tear in my eye, and l advise you all to do the same. The records will be dug out later today, and l pity my neighbours if they are trying to sleep. I may even try putting on some makeup and being bisexual again in his honour - he deserves it.

Here's an early crowd watching Elvis (when he was cool) - look at the joy, despite how shocking he was to some

Here's an early crowd watching Little Richard - look at the disbelief and amazement

The screen test for 'The Girl Can't Help It'. He's a bit subdued at the start, but watch him go after 1.15m. Every time l see him dancing on this l laugh out loud

From 'Don't Stop The Rock' - Bill Haley watching.

toodle pip

Sunday 26 April 2020

a tony hancock painting from the rebel has been spotted

An excellent spot by Steve Hardy regarding a lost Tony Hancock 'Masterpiece' from 'The Rebel'. It was thought the paintings were destroyed after the film, but this was spotted in an episode of Department S.
Now that's what l call being eagled eyed, and rather sadly, l'm pretty damn pleased the painting is hopefully still out there somewhere. I've got a copy of another one from the film ('Self Portrait') sitting on one of my dusty shelves.
I really need to get a life!

toodle pip

Saturday 25 April 2020

me and my uncle - joni mitchell, john phillips, the grateful dead and judy collins

Me and My Uncle was written by John Phillips of The Mamas and Papas during an evening of much merriment, or at least it seems so, as he couldn't remember writing it afterwards. It's been covered a few times, and the Grateful Dead version is probably the most well known.
However, related to this, although l've always liked Joni Mitchell, l could never fathom how so many people (and other musicians) worshiped her so much, and considered her a genius. That was until l saw Joni's 1965 Oscar Brandt 'Let's Sing Out' version, from before she was even signed up to a record label. The guitar playing is intricate and superb, and she sings it in such an emotive and playful way. The other older musicians just look amazed.
Consider me a convert.

Here's John Phillips

Here's one of the many the Grateful Dead versions

Here's Judy Collins

And here's the magnificent 1965 version by Joni Mitchell

toodle pip

Friday 17 April 2020

barnacle bill the sailor - film and song

I watched an old Ealing Studios comedy last night that l hadn't seen before called Barnacle Bill (Released as 'All at Sea' in the USA), starring Alec Guinness. Whilst l enjoyed it (Red wine had been taken), it could have done with this little ditty by Hoagy Carmichael as it's theme song, as it's one of my favourites.

Here's the earliest recording from 1928 by Frank Luther and Caron Robison

toodle pip

Thursday 16 April 2020

matt hancock and the care badges

Fuck Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson and the rest of this government with their pretence of caring about the NHS, Care Workers, the immigrants who have been putting their lives at risk, or the vulnerable in our society. If they cared, they wouldn't be such a racist, money grabbing party, looking after their rich benefactors and mates. They should be insisting on care workers being paid a decent salary, while collecting a higher (or any) tax  from their opulent non taxpaying offshore non domiciliary buddies which would go towards funding the NHS. Don't even get me started on the curiously quiet Jacob Rees Mogg and his accumulation of wealth, or l'll be here all night. They're going to start testing all care home tenants before sending them back from hospital to their nursing or care homes, where there are a lot of other vulnerable people at risk? Why the fuck is this not being done already? It's not like we didn't have any warnings from other countries or the World Health Organisation so we could prepare.
What are we recieving from our glorious overlords?  Empty platitudes and unfulfilled promises of protective equipment and testing, a lack of firm leadership, and to top it all, fucking care badges!! Forget the bastard clapping on Thursday evenings, pressure the government for more, lots more. Action, leadership, wages, correct and up to date information, equipment and tests are all desperately needed, alongside a lot less of the bullshit from the daily briefings, including the sycophantic and banal questions from the likes of Laura Kuenssberg. Try letting some of the front line NHS workers ask questions instead, that might shake them up a bit.
Fuck them all - Where's a revolution when you want one?

Peter Smith nails this.

toodle pip

Edit - Can you tell l'd just been at a cremation for someone from a care home who contacted the virus?

Monday 13 April 2020

joys of the countryside

Outside my front door. How sweet.
That's lunch sorted, and if it wasn't for the bastard birds chirping away and waking me up at 5.30am each day, life out in the sticks would be great.

Here's my walk home from the pub a month ago.

Plus a cool pub in Bedale that l had been frequenting earlier that evening (The Three Coopers). A pool table surrounded by records you can play, plus a chopper (fnaar). What's not to like?
By the look of the photographs, it looks as though social distancing or the lockdown were already in place.

toodle pip

sheldon cooper was ahead of the game

It's still weird watching TV in the new Coronavirus / Covid-19 age, with the social distancing and people doing live screen links, usually from their homes. It always reminds me of  the rather splendid episode of  The Big Bang Theory  where Sheldon Cooper makes an electronic 'Shelbot' version of himself so that he doesn't have to leave his apartment.
I knew he was a genius, but not that he was a soothsaying prophet.

                                      Owen Jones appears via link on the Jeremy Vine show

                                                     Sheldon being ahead of the game

toodle pip

trump - no one could have predicted zac goldsmith

I don't know how to put this clip from Alastair Campbell's twitter feed up directly, but just watch it. As usual, Trump is being a lying, arrogant arse, and Obama is being the kind of leader America (and the UK) could do with right now. 
Boris and Trump currently overseeing a pandemic response - fuck me we're doomed.


And while we're Alastair Campbell's twitter, here's a retweet he put up from Nick Hilton ages ago that l never got round to sharing.
It's still true though.

toodle pip

Friday 10 April 2020

staying at home's not working in richmond

It's all well and good the news outlets showing us deserted city centers due to the Government's Coronavirus Stay at Home advice, but if we are really looking to try and minimise the deaths and infections, restrictions need to be a lot tighter.
I've been traveling to work each day as a key worker, and the roads were pretty empty a couple of weeks ago. They are certainly getting busier and busier now. Below is Richmond, North Yorkshire last Wednesday afternoon, nearly as busy as usual.
Hospital death figures were nearly 1,000 for today, and it is going to get a hell of a lot worse if we continue as we are. However, it wouldn't surprise me if the government was deliberately being lax to sneak in the herd immunity they were after (without adequate testing).

Toodle pip

john prine has left the building

John Prine, one of the greatest songwriters of his generation has sadly passed away from the Coronavirus, although he had been in poor health for a while.
If you are unfamiliar with him and his work, do yourself a favour and check him out, as his ability to inhabit a character and speak plainly and emotionally from their viewpoint was outstanding.
He'll be missed a lot in this household.

Here's some examples of his genius

And here's Jeff Tweedy paying tribute with a John Prine song

toodle pip

loans available!!

It's a good job that some kind soul called Jonathan has been around dropping off leaflets to offer me a loan if l am desperate. He certainly looks to be offering competitive rates, at only 466.37% APR.
I think l'll pass, and l've also blanked his number out, as the last thing l want to do is advertise these kind of loan sharks that prey on the vulnerable in our society, especially in these times.

toodle pip

I just went on holiday...and now it's all this

Thankfully just before the Coronavirus shutdown, myself and some mates were out and about a lot locally, seeing bands and watching football. we also managed to squeeze a short holiday to Hamburg and Copenhagen in, arriving back to shutdown.
It's certainly strange times indeed, but luckily for me, it doesn't affect me that much, as l'm pretty unsociable most of the time. I'm still going to work most days, and enjoy staying in and pottering about, reading, watching TV, and listening to music.It's a shame l can't go to the pub, but it gives me some time to sort out the crap l've accumulated over the years (and buy more crap over the internet).
Anyway, here's some scans from the trip, where pretty much plenty of everything was taken, apart from food.
A splendid time guaranteed for all (apart for Peanut John).
Also, obviously l wouldn't go boasting that l am the only attractive one in our group, but Lara, the young attractive barmaid we were talking to in our favourite pub, slipped me her phone number as we were leaving to meet up with me later that evening. Result!!  Problem is, l mistook the line separating the area code and her number for a one, so rang the wrong number. Never mind, it was still an excellent thing to wind up the others with, and l'll just have to stalk her next time we go back. I've blanked out some of her numbers to prevent people calling her.

And here's some photographs - not in order

toodle pip