The remaining idiot rabbit in the garden yesterday

The remaining idiot of a cat

The food for Ken's (sick boys) birthday at Stockton

The back of Dazzer's pants - they look a bit suspicious
Rather sadly, this is my last day off before heading back into work tomorrow, no doubt to a shed load of work and problems to be solved.
I have been off since last Tuesday afternoon (last Wednesday was my first day off), and it seems like ages ago, although (of course) it also seems to have flown by and l now have work entering my tiny little mind again.
Myself and the FPO have been out and about (to visit the family for a birthday do, off to watch a post grunge band at JT's, round Richmond castle etc), but most of the time we have been at home relaxing and generally chilling out.
She was back to work on Tuesday, so l have had some time by myself to read, play music, watch TV and doss about (the usual stuff).
I have managed to cut the bloody grass again (two bin fulls packed tight), but no decorating has been done (what a surprise!).
It's my last night of freedom tonight before the toil continues, but at least l have just had a phone call to meet old Joe down the pub at 4.45pm, so l suppose that will top off the holiday (to go with Manchester United's reserves beating Shalke 04 last night).
Ah well, forget about tomorrow and enjoy the rest of today while l can. The sun is shining, the weather is sweet (but windy).
As Tom Lahrer would say..
Spring is here, a-suh-puh-ring is here.
Life is skittles and life is beer.I think the loveliest time of the yearIs the spring! I do - Don't you? 'Course you do.
but there's one thing that makes spring complete for meand makes every Sunday a treat for meAll the world seems in tuneOn a spring afternoonWhen we're poisoning pigeons in the park
toodle pip.