Saturday 18 August 2012

alan friedman sun photograhs

These photographs of the Sun and it's flares were taken by Alan Friedman, photographing only the warm hydrogen.  It looks pretty impressive and strange, and if you want to know more, check out Discover Magazine's blog.

toodle pip

the rest of the japanese war posters

The rest of the Japanese war posters (the rest are in an earlier post below).

toodle pip

I want candy (2007) - stephen surjik

A 'so called' British comedy with some well known (in the UK at least) cameos (ie Jimmy Carr and Miranda Hart), I Want Candy was another waste of my precious time.  Two students from Leatherhead film college decide to make a movie.  They change it to a porno, get involved with gangsters, and my will to live started dying out.  This lacked comedy (essential for a comedy movie), tension (important when there are gangsters involved) and  filth (essential if they are meant to be making a porno and the film is crap, as there should be some kind of titillation at least).  It confirms my belief that the more star cameos there are in UK films, the crappier the films become, as if they don't have to try with the script.  I don't know about wanting candy, l wanted carrots shoving in my ears and my eyes gouged out so l didn't have to suffer any more.  Bring on the sweet relief of death if l have to tolerate more of this nonsense.  Thank God l'm not young anymore.

toodle pip 

frozen (2010) - adam green

Three Americans get stuck up a ski lift as night falls.  They try to get down with varying degrees of luck, and wolves are involved.
It was my misfortune to have to spend some of my quality time watching this, but don't waste your time (they're not worth it).
I desperately wanted them all to die long, lingering deaths, endlessly suffering and being shown no mercy.  If l was to be tormented and traumatised by watching it, l wanted them to be hurting to the same degree of agony and torment l was enduring.
Sadly, that was setting an impossible task.
You may have guessed by now - Frozen was not my cup of tea (it was crap)

toodle pip

john smith - the 129 year old indian

This is John Smith, real name Ka-Be-Nah-Owey-Wence, who was supposed to be 129 years old when this picture was taken.  That might or might not be true, but he sure looks that old.  This should be used as an advert to prevent people staying out in the sun for too long (or getting them to moisturise).  I certainly don't think he ever came into contact with aftersun (other brands are available).

toodle pip

world war 2 propaganda posters from japan

These are Japanese  propaganda posters from the Second World War, and they are up for no other reason than they are a fascinating slice of history, and their design and colours are great.  More to follow.

toodle pip

Friday 17 August 2012

terry gilliam and his junk

Holly, Terry Gilliam's daughter, has started posting bits and pieces of her fathers junk on her blog.  I say junk, but these are old sketches, animation cells, film scripts etc to do with Monty Python's Flying Circus, Brazil, The Fisher King, and so much more.  She will certainly have plenty to be delving through and exhibiting, so this could go on for quite a while (unless she gets bored of doing it).  If l was to do a blog featuring my fathers stuff, it wouldn't last a day.  An empty bottle of gin, a couple of books and some clothes would just about cover it.  It's a bugger being from the poor, working class side of town (he moans yet again).  Don't get me started on the advantages she has and will have in her life, even if it is through no fault of her own, and she may well be a lovely person.  Jealous?  Too right l am.

toodle pip

the last exorcism (2010) - daniel stamm

Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) is a jaded preacher who agrees to do a documentary exposing the sham that is exorcisms, and is asked to perform one on a religious and isolated young girl who's father thinks is possessed.  He acquiesces as he intends it to be his last one (hence 'The Last Exorcism' of the title), and demonstrates to the camera crew how it is faked.  After leaving the girl, she then turns up unexpectedly in his hotel, starts being sick, and is taken by the crew to hospital.  Marcus and the crew eventually go back to the girls house, and is persuaded (at gunpoint by the father) to perform another exorcism.  Strange things happen..........A pregnancy is discovered............Ablam (the demon) speaks!...........Odd shapes are thrown........There are witchcraft goings on, killings and birth, and a rediscovery of faith.  Pretty good actually.  Not as impressive (impossible) as 'The Exorcist' (a gold standard of possession movies), but better than expected.  It made the FPO jump, but then again, what doesn't?

toodle pip

people magazine and the death of elvis and michael

There was an interesting article yesterday on David Hepworth's blog yesterday about the death of Elvis Presley, and how little of it was shown on the front cover of People Magazine, the USA's top selling magazine at that time.  As he said, although Elvis was a legend, celebrity death was not such a huge deal at the time, and just before his death, he was only popular with his old die hard fans.  I remember he was openly mocked for his appearance and shambling stage appearances just before his death, and no one was really interested in his new records. He was, to all intents and purposes, a joke.  Elvis died on August 16th 1977 (a month before Marc Bolan fact fans!), so the August 15th magazine above was obviously out before his death. However, it took until the September 5th issue before it was even mentioned (in a round about way), and even then, just in the top left hand corner.  How times have changed, and when you consider Michael Jackson, the circumstances are very similar.  A legend who became an oddity/laughing stock, who most people just wanted to see in concert (at the planned O2 gigs) so they could say they had seen him, but expecting a possible shambles.  His records had stopped selling, and there were also the child abuse allegations following him around.   When he died though, the papers, magazines and TV knew what was expected of them, and the droves rushed out to buy his product.

toodle pip

jeremy clarkson is upset about his dog

Jeremy Clarkson has declared Britain to be a nation of 62 million bastards, after he received twitter messages mocking him over the death of his dog.  I don't condone such actions on twitter, but if Clarkson is happy to take the piss and mock other peoples (and countries) weaknesses, disadvantages or basically just be an all round pompous opinionated arse (as if l can talk), he should expect people to have a go and mock him whenever they get the chance, as it will be one of the few chances they get to piss him off, annoy him, or upset him.  Clarkson goes on to complain about the British hating anyone who has a supercar (or is basically successful).  He is missing the point.  If someone has become successful through talent or expertise in some field, and do not behave or pontificate like a  gay hating, same sex marriage, anti abortion southern preacher, they are generally liked, no matter what car they drive.  It's the rich prats who think they are above everyone else and have a superior, pompous attitude (hello Mr Clarkson!), especially to the working class,  that the majority of the public despise.  If you can't take abuse, don't dish it out, and if you don't want people taking the piss about your dogs death on twitter, don't go on twitter to announce it.  I wish he'd piss off out of the country and take his Chipping Norton set with him (or change it into some kind of Peoples Temple set instead) . Some say he is just controversial for the sake of it, to have a laugh and promote the show.  I say he's an absolute twat of the worst kind, and l agree wholeheartedly with Stewart Lee and what he has to say about Top Gear and it's presenters.

toodle pip

national geographic photography winners

Fred An

Camilla Massu

The winner!  By Cedric Houin 

Michelle Schantz

Lucia Griggi

The winners of the 2012  National Geographic photography competition have just been announced, and here are some of them.  More information and photographs can be found at their site.

animals versus man and drink

 The drivers viewpoint (possibly)

 The pissed off bear (possibly)

Talk about having a bad day driving.  A Norwegian driver was pottering along, minding his own business, when a elk (moose in America) came out in front of him.  Bad day at the office or what?  Luckily he managed to swerve and miss the moose, but he then crashed into a bear as he was swerving out of the way.  That is what you call wildlife on the road, non of your crappy rabbits and hedgehogs that we get.  Saying that, l did hit a deer a few years ago that ran out in front of me, barely 4 miles from where l live on a place called Longwood Bank, without it even giving me time to brake or swerve.  That is what you call living in the country brothers and sisters, but soft English style, it sure doesn't compete with Norway.   Moose and bears, that is hardcore.

On a similar note, the story reminds me of the moose (elk in Sweden) that got itself pissed on fermenting apples in a garden by Gothenburg and then stumbled and got stuck in a tree (below).  Pissed up animals stuck in trees - l'm living in the wrong country.

toodle pip

baby carrying jacket

I don't know if this is a genius idea and looks great, or it's one of the most scary things l have ever seen.  I think I'll sleep on it (if l can).

toodle pip

paul mccartney is available

A cracking flyer by Tom Scott (@tomscott), which rather sadly, rings way too true.
Book Paul McCartney for your own Hey Jude-O-Grams now!

toodle pip

the pussy riot verdict

The verdict is due today for Pussy Riot, the Russian girl band that have been in prison since March for playing an impromptu show at The Cathedral Of Christ The Saviour in Moscow, and subsequently being charged with hooliganism (nothing to do with being anti Putin).  They face up to 3 years imprisonment, and whether you like their music, performances, or political stance is irrelevant.  They have already served long enough and should be freed.  The Sex Pistols designer Jamie Reid came up with the above advert as one of the many worldwide shows of support.  It would make a great t-shirt.

toodle pip

richard o'sullivan (and me) getting old

2009 Photo from the Daily Mail (probably the worst one they could find)

It's a bugger getting old, and sometimes it hits home what an old git you are when you remember shows or records from the past, and realise how long ago they were.  Not just that, but l recently found out that Richard O'Sullivan, who used to be Robin Tripp in Man About The House (1973), and Robin's Nest afterwards, had a stroke in 2003, and lives in the artists retirement home Brinsworth House.  He was in lots of other TV shows and films before Man About The House (including a role as  Cleopatra's brother in the 1963 film), but that is the programme l most associate him with.  I knew he had an relationship with Sally Thomsett (Jo) from the show, and was later with Tessa Wyatt (who famously made Tony Blackburn plead for her return on the radio), but l didn't know he had been ill.  Time waits for no-one and all that garbage, but l wish him well, as, although the shows don't appeal to me now, l liked them a lot when l was younger.

toodle pip