I finished work at 8pm this evening and have the place to myself as the FPO is having a girls night out in Richmond, so it's all blissful until l have to go and pick her up at midnight (when she turns into a pumpkin).
I have been dossing around reading some music magazines that l bought a week or so ago from a charity shop. What a result it was. There was a large cardboard box full of old music mags (Mojo, Classic Rock etc), and all of them at the rather splendid price of 10 pence a copy. Naturally l bought 30 of them straight off, then went back to the shop today to buy some more, but they had all been sold (Damn!).
I suppose it is for my own good really, or more importantly, the poor old floorboards in the spare room, as there are comics, books, records, CDs, DVDs and junk all over the place. The top photos are the top and bottom of my wardrobe. Not a lot of room remaining in there, so l should be cutting down on junk, not increasing it and accumulating more.
Then again, l still bought a couple more books today and have just got another one from Amazon. The madness. It never stops.
toodle pip