Showing posts with label mugshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mugshots. Show all posts

Thursday 18 April 2013

hey kids - don't do meths

I'm sure l have posted some of these mugshots before, but who knows, with the drugs l have done, my memory has gone.  At least l never got into meths, though l looked worse than this lot last Friday night.

toodle pip

Thursday 17 November 2011

more old celebrity mug shots

"One day l'll be a rock star!" - Steven Tyler

Mr Happy - Kurt Cobain

The man in black - Mr Johnny Cash

The axeman himself - Jimi Hendrix
The right on and Power to the People Jane Fonda

Steven Tyler certainly does not look at his best.

toodle pip

Monday 11 April 2011

Thursday 17 March 2011


Oh yes siree, it's the good ol' U S of A.
People you don't want to bump into if you are doing a road trip across the States.

toodle pip