Showing posts with label rabbits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbits. Show all posts

Sunday 20 March 2011

tubbs needs to go on a diet

Tubbs, the indoor rabbit is still such an idiot he is still scared of the wooden floor, trying to run on it extremely fast to make the rug in the living room. Once in the living room, he doesn't like to walk back to his cage by the kitchen, so he has to be shoved along and encouraged. As a result of him hardly moving, he is starting to look like the rabbit above. Looks like he is going to have to wear little rubber boots so he can get a grip and move around more, otherwise, it's diet time.

toodle pip

Sunday 23 January 2011

tubbs is an idiot

At the moment, myself and the FPO are trying to train Tubbs, (the new indoor rabbit) to jump out of his cage, and also to go to it when he wants a poo or piss. No joy so far, although he is getting slightly better. l think he may be a bit simple, as he even finds it difficult walking on the wooden floor, so he only tends to go to the end of the carpet in the living room. It looks like it may take some time, so in the meantime he is hardly moving and getting fatter by the day. Must have been watching and copying us. Here is what he looks like now (thankfully, that is not Tubbs or the FPO)

toodle pip

Thursday 16 December 2010

still going to northallerton

No great change at the moment. Nozzer's still dead and in the garden, Tubbs is still shocked and making me sneeze a lot, and l still have to go to Northallerton (although an operation was performed yesterday, so it's not for much longer).
I took these pictures on the way back today, not a bad day really, although by Christ, I live in the middle of nowhere.

toodle pip

Wednesday 15 December 2010

red sky by northallerton

So, Nozzer is now dead and buried in the garden, and l am back at work going to Northallerton hospital every day. At least the views are nice.

Tubbs has now come indoors, as there is meant to be a cold front arriving, so there seemed no point in delaying it. He is currently looking stunned, that's for sure. l also bet he is red hot compared to being out in all weathers. In a couple of weeks there will be moulted rabbit hair all over the place. who knows, it might even hide the rest of the dust and crap that is already there.

toodle pip

nozzers last night

This is the last night little Nozzer is going to have, as he has an appointment at the vets tomorrow morning, and will more than likely get put down, unless a miracle happens in the meantime. I think Jacko must be suspecting something as she has been lying with Nozzer in the living room. Nozzer just can't walk anymore, is shitting phlegm and we feel as though we are just dragging his last days out, so want to stop him suffering. Not looking forward to it at all, but at least l have the day off. Hope the ground is not too hard, as l will be on the old grave digging duties again. The garden will be full soon at this rate.

toodle pip

Sunday 12 December 2010

nozzer's on his last legs

What a crappy turn of events. Little Nozzer, my favourite pet recently (no, l haven't forgotten Mowgli), has suddenly gone downhill, and looks as the though he might die in the next couple of days. He has been to the vets this week (not by himself of course), but cannot walk or stand up straight a lot of the time and is also pooing phlegm rather than proper rabbit poos that can be eaten (and lord knows l've tried).
He has been ill in the past with his puss and operations (see the photos above), but never as bad as this.
l love the little boy and he upset me tonight by making strange noises and licking me a lot when l picked him up. He does usually lick me, but never straight away when l pick him up. To me, it seemed like he was doing it while he can. Obviously l might be anthropomorphising his response, but l do know the little boy well. What a bastard, l will be so upset when he goes.
Tubbs will benefit by coming indoors and getting a lot of love (and he deserves it as well), but little Nozzer has been great, and l will really miss him.
Happy bloody Christmas.

toodle pip

Thursday 5 August 2010

bloody rats

We still have rats annoying little (or not so little) Tubbs outside. I have seen two large ones and a couple of baby ones, which all come out looking for food after Tubbs gets his grub and is then locked away for the night. Sods. I think it's time for me to build an elaborate trap for them. Watch this space for further developments.

toodle pip

Saturday 17 July 2010

party in catterick - not!

Damn! I am trying to post every day and it has just gone midnight, even though to me it is still Friday night. Spent the evening in, watching the IT crowd, Question Time (which always takes a while due to the shouting at the TV) and holiday programmes.
Also watched Toy Story, as the FPO admitted she had never seen it before (which at first I thought was some kind of elaborate joke), so I ran (to the best of my ability) up the stairs for my DVD of it and forced her to watch it.
Luckily the result was a good one, she did enjoy it (through her alcoholic haze) so it was a job well done.
Afterwards, I went out to feed Tubbs the rabbit, and there was very loud music coming from the top right hand side of the estate. Naturally I thought "Investigation time" and tried to persuade the FPO to do the same. Obviously this did not work, so armed with a little bit of money, my bank card and a camera, I set of, fearlessly exploring the wilds of Catterick, looking for the party or 'happening', promising to return for the FPO (who had now gone to bed) if there was anything good going on.
Sadly, I found nothing. I relied on my senses (that was obviously a mistake) and followed the trail, but realised it was probably Louie's nightclub I could hear, louder than usual, but then again, I am not usually in my back garden at 11.45pm to hear it.
I did take some photos though, so all was not lost.

toodle pip

Thursday 13 May 2010

bloody rats

A baby rat climbing up the side of the hutch to get to the water

Mother rat and two of the babies

Tubbs staring out a baby rat

Mother rat trying to get into the hutch

Two baby rats drinking Tubbs' water

Well, the bloody rats are back with a vengeance. As soon as Tubbs has had his food put into his hutch, the rats appear and try to nick it (and drink his water). Tubbs gets locked up in the evening after the food has been put in, as there are two different fronts (see pictures) for the bottom of the hutch, but the baby rats can crawl up the side of the hutch and get through the bars to his water and food. time for a load more poison to be put down, and I am going to reinforce the hutch to stop the rats getting in at night. Tubbs does not seem that bothered about them, but it must be upsetting for him to have them in his hutch, especially if they are nicking his food. The rats look pretty cute (well, the baby ones do), but it's time for a slaughter again. Updates to follow.

toodle pip

Friday 2 April 2010

nozzer's return and back to work

I am glad to say little Nozzer has come back from the vets and he has survived another operation on his cheek. He is still a bit subdued, but a lot better than yesterday, and as is plainly visible from the before and after pictures above, looking a lot worse for wear. He has to go back on Wednesday, and at the moment he has a pellet in his cheek, plus he has to have antibiotics until his return to the vets. At least he is back home, I was a bit worried something might go wrong this time, and let's face it, like his daddy, he is no longer a spring chicken (think he is about seven years old). It did say however (in the Observer giveaway about small animals), that rabbits can live to about twelve years old. Let's hope so.

In other news, I returned to work yesterday and finished at 2.30pm today. Oh it was great too be back, back amongst the thick of it and keeping myself out of mischief. At least I could sit around watching the first leg of Arsenal v Barcelona while getting paid for doing so (Barcelona relaxed too much and should have hammered Arsenal). I had to get a 'OK to return to work' note from the doctor, and was praying he would say he couldn't give me one (that's another story), but unfortunately, the note was no problem. I never bothered getting a sick note for Tuesday either, so I used one days holiday when I could have got it back. Never mind, it was still marvellous to be off again last week. It was no trouble cycling to work, but coming back I had the bloody wind blowing directly at me and it is nearly all uphill. Christ my legs were aching by the time I managed to drag myself off the bike. I was cursing all the way home, but it's character building I suppose. Legs like tree trunks for the summer.
toodle pip

Wednesday 31 March 2010

life - bah humbug!

What a crappy day it is today. Still getting over last nights 2-1 defeat to Bayern in the first leg of the quarter finals (1-0 up from the start, then lost in injury time.) Rooney also hurt himself, so he is unlikely to play on Saturday against Chelsea, and probably the return leg against Bayern next week. Damn.
Also, little Nozzer is not himself. The little blighter is very quiet and doing very small hard poos, plus his cheek has swollen up again. He is off to the vets tomorrow morning, as there were no appointments available for this afternoon.
I am also back to work today (extra special DAMN!!), so will be cycling in in aprox one hour. I wouldn't be surprised if it pissed down as well, just to rub it in. If I believed in a God I would be cursing him now. The milk has run out again so I can't even have a coffee. Certainly don't want to go near the soya milk again.
At least I finish work tomorrow afternoon until after the Chelsea game on Saturday, plus there is Friday in the Boro to look ahead to (Good Friday day out/piss up). I also still have my dents in my skull to fiddle with, so I suppose I will struggle on.
Damn again! It has just started to rain a little bit!
toodle pip

Friday 5 March 2010

that damn rabbit nozzer

This is Norrin the little two faced buck toothed bastard. He used to be my buddy and I loved the Little furry faced fucker, but now it has all gone wrong. In a competition to check up on his love (all right - that might be slightly wrong). The FPO won out. I was later told of cheating techniques, like crunching teeth for affection (Lord knows I have tried over the years), but what the hell. he was the only bit of love I relied upon. Little furry faced idiot (not me. the rabbit), he had better be on better behaviour tomorrow or it's the pot for him (only joking, I still love the little mite)
toodle pip

Sunday 17 January 2010

everythings back to normal

The panic is over and the country (and my poor arse) can rest in peace. The pooing has stopped, as the Imodium has worked its magic. Nothing has passed my bottom since about 2pm yesterday and I am feeling fine. Not sure how fine I will feel once it wears off, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Listen out for the screams howling into the night, with the echo of the toilet to give it extra substinance, it will be me.
As things are back to normal , Nozzer has got a swollen cheek again, which means it's squeezing out the gunk and squirting liquid into the gap time. Nice.
He's fine and perky though, jumping up on the settee a lot and demanding attention. It's also a game of Russian Roulette when he scrabbles and bites your T shirt, as he gets carried away and bites your nipple. Pleasant at first, but now getting sore (but not as sore as my arse was).
toodle pip

Thursday 14 January 2010

bloody snow

Rather sadly I am now back at work, not really slaving away but at least I am attending.
Still have not cycled to work (did I mention that my car is now scrapped?) as the weather has been so crap. We had more snow last night, and even though it is not too deep, it still prevents me cycling or walking far. It's been good for the taxi's so far, as that is what I have been using.
Wait till it all clears I say, there will be no stopping me on the old pushbike (apart from maybe a heart attack).
At least Tubbs had a run round the garden today before I left for work. Still putting rat poison down at night when he is locked away, but the buggers never touched it last night, even though I could see some little ratty footprints in the snow. Never had any coke left to mix with it, I will have to purchase some more as they love it with that.
Meanwhile...I have however, just had a shower (IT'S CHRIIISSSTMAAASS!!!) and am going to read for a little bit before having an early night. I may make a start on "I am Legend" which I got for Christmas. It must be better than "The Omega Man" film which was based on it (with Charlton Heston). Will Smith's version "I am Legend" was much better,so we'll see.
I still haven't been down to Leeds yet to see my brother, as I have either been working or the weather has been too bad. Going to have to go soon though, or he'll start getting paranoid.
Let's hope it pisses down tonight and gets rid of the snow (unlikely I know), that would help matters. It was good to have it for the hols but it has overstayed it's welcome.
Bring on Summertime!
toodle pip

Wednesday 21 October 2009

nozzers back (again)

The poor little bugger has been to the vets again today. I had to leave him to be gassed and cleaned out again as his puss under his cheek was building up, then picked him up again later on, looking a bit dazed, but he seems OK now.
When will it ever end?
At least his head is clear at he moment, (unlike my heart, which is full of love for him!).
One day we will run away together and breed a new race of rabbit men.

toodle pip

Saturday 3 October 2009

garden work needs doing

Took these on the wrong setting - maybe l am drunker than l thought!

There were some pretty strong winds last night and this morning, so strong in fact, that a large branch belonging to one of the trees in the back garden has been snapped off, and is currently laying across our back fence. It's too heavy to lift so l will have to cut it up and add it to the bonfire. Damn! l hate manual work!
Also, the rats have come back and are going into the outside cage and bugging Tubbs (l assume). Going to put some rat poison down for them, but in the meantime, Tubbs is getting fed in the evening and then shut in his cage so the rats can't get to him or his food (little bastards that they are). About four ran out of his cage last night, so that can't go on. Had the same trouble with them last year, so l guess this is a new lot, as the others were all killed off. l should throw them on the bonfire as well, but l don't think that would go down very well.
The joys of living next to farmers fields.

toodle pip

Tuesday 21 July 2009

nozzer looking a state

I think this will upload properly - nozzer and his war wounds. Just trying out the add video bit
toodle pip

Monday 20 July 2009

nearly holiday time!!

Another day, another dollar. Slaving away at work recently but at least it’s not for long. Soon be holiday time, plus there are other things to look foreword to.
Have got a long weekend off this weekend, then it’s Richmond live the weekend after. Two weeks after that l am off to a wedding in Scotland, and then it’s off to Turkey for two weeks at the end of August. Have also just confirmed l am going to Bulgaria for a week in September (21st onwards). Staying in a five star hotel and all expenses paid. Hurrah!! Will also be the start of the football season in a couple of weeks (Charity Shield game against Chelsea). Been a long summer without football.

At work now but l am obviously not doing any work at the moment. Been a quiet day and the weather has been pretty damn good this evening, so we have had a relaxing day.

On the home front, Nozzer is still swollen on his cheek. Can’t wait to give that a squeeze tomorrow. Hope it clears up soon, poor little fellow.

Have also been trying to get some home movie footage posted, no luck so far but will persevere with it. That’s the lot for now, what excitement!

Toodle pip

Saturday 18 July 2009

nozzer's back

Had to take litle Nozzer to the vets again yesterday as his right cheek had swollen up with puss again. They had to keep him in overnight to cut into it, clean it out, put in a capsule, give him anti-biotics and clean him and repeat this morning.
Went to pick him up earlier and he looks a state again, a bit like his daddy, but in his case all shaven and still a bit swollen (maybe if l have a shave...). Good to have the little boy home though, it wasn't the same going to bed last night without putting him to bed first.
Have to give him anti-biotics and clean him twice a day, then he returns to the vets for a check up on Thursday afternoon.
He sat on my shoulder coming home in the car and was jumping around (for joy l hope) when he heard us in the vets, but is a bit subdued at the moment. Probably been awake all night wondering what is happening to him.
l have said it before and l will say it again, l love that little bunny.

toodle pip

Friday 10 July 2009

Nozzer's gone mental

I don't have any idea what has happened to Norrin the indoor rabbit at the moment. He's gone crazy and won't leave you alone, especially if you have got some food. I started it by training him to stand up when he wanted food. That has now gone out of the window as he stands up every time he hears the fridge opening or the rustle of any paper. If you are eating food, he leaps all over you and will even go as far as putting his head in your mouth and licking your tongue (yes, I do let him and secretly enjoy that bit). He has also taken to laying flat out next to you on the settee, wanting attention and stroking. Was hilarious at first, now it is rapidly becoming a pain. be careful what you wish for. Still, I will miss him when he is gone, I love that little mite.

toodle pip