In other news, I returned to work yesterday and finished at 2.30pm today. Oh it was great too be back, back amongst the thick of it and keeping myself out of mischief. At least I could sit around watching the first leg of Arsenal v Barcelona while getting paid for doing so (Barcelona relaxed too much and should have hammered Arsenal). I had to get a 'OK to return to work' note from the doctor, and was praying he would say he couldn't give me one (that's another story), but unfortunately, the note was no problem. I never bothered getting a sick note for Tuesday either, so I used one days holiday when I could have got it back. Never mind, it was still marvellous to be off again last week. It was no trouble cycling to work, but coming back I had the bloody wind blowing directly at me and it is nearly all uphill. Christ my legs were aching by the time I managed to drag myself off the bike. I was cursing all the way home, but it's character building I suppose. Legs like tree trunks for the summer.
toodle pip