Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts

Friday 27 January 2012

anti aging mouthpiece from japan

I'll have to but the FPO some of these. An anti aging mouthpiece from Japan.

The promo says

'This easy-to-use beauty and skincare product was developed by an ordinary housewife. Chikako Hirama was simply concerned about her own age and wanted an easy way to combat those telltale lines. Just try the yellow or pink Pupeko daily using such techniques as puffing out your cheeks or sucking them in while breathing through the mouthpiece. Then you can try it while keeping your head upright to give your neck and other muscles further exercise training'.

It can work on so many levels. It looks dirty, it might keep her quiet for a while, and it helps her look younger.
A result on all levels! Hurrah!!!
Look here.

toodle pip

Friday 14 October 2011

grave of the fireflies - isao takahata (1988)

I watched 'The Grave of The Fireflies' with the FPO the other night, and she was in tears nearly all the way through it. That does not mean it is a bad film (or l had done something wrong), in fact it is quite the opposite, as it is superb, although pretty gloomy. Based on a true story of the same name (by Akiyuki Nosaka) of the bombing of Kobe during the Second World War and his sisters death through malnutrition, it deals with a young boy (Seita) trying to survive and keep his sister alive after Kobe has been destroyed, and the hardships they endure. Brilliant, and who cares if it is animation, you soon get sucked into the story and swept away with the tale. Very similar to the 'Barefoot Gen' graphic novels by Keiji Nakazawa, which are also superb and highly recommended. Go and get your money out and buy this stuff immediately! (the film might still be on Sky, so funds can maybe be saved on that).

toodle pip

Friday 19 August 2011

some japanese manhole covers

Japan - such a cool place. These are some of the souvenirs l will be bringing back when l eventually go to Japan. They will look cool in my garden (although carrying them back may prove to be a bit of an obstacle).

toodle pip

Tuesday 2 August 2011

wards of tokyo flags

As l was searching for an image of Sunflowers this evening (don't ask), l stumbled upon these flags for the 23 special wards of Tokyo, something l had never heard of before. I think they look pretty cool and may have to get them printed onto some T shirts (when or if l eventually get around to it.). I will claim copyright of that idea right now!

toodle pip

Monday 2 May 2011

those crazy japanese part 583

The crazy marshmallows game - who thinks of all of this stuff?

toodle pip

Sunday 20 March 2011

those crazy japanese part 274

A fine selection of vending machines, as only the Japanese can provide. They are for beer, porn and used knickers - what a country.

toodle pip

Saturday 18 December 2010

those crazy japanese (part 482) - toilet themed restaurant

Those crazy Japanese have only gone and done it again, it's a restaurant that has a toilet theme in more ways than one. The only thing that spoils it being about those crazy Japanese is the fact that it is the Merton in Taiwan. Damn!

toodle pip

Monday 21 June 2010

l love japan (part 386)

These are actually from China, but it's close enough for me and means l can use the 'l love japan' headline. Anyway, they will soon be doing the same in Japan.
What it is, is paint for animals. There has been a craze in China and people have been painting their pets with this paint (which does not harm the animals) to look like other (more exotic) animals. Brilliant stuff. l am off to find Nozzer and do him up.

toodle pip

Sunday 6 June 2010

l love japan part 4047

A game show in Japan. The dirty dirty people. They are so far ahead of us in the UK, because when we get game shows like this, l will start watching them.

toodle pip

Thursday 22 April 2010

l love japan

Apparently, because of their love of Kit Kats, the Japanese have the privilege of loads of extra flavours, some just for certain regions. They are sooooo far ahead of us.
toodle pip

Saturday 13 March 2010

japan is great

This looks like an ordinary container of noodles, but of no! Them crazy Japanese have only gone and made another device for having sex (if you are a man).
As in the picture, there is a gap for the penis and it comes (fnarr fnarr) with lubricant.
toodle pip