Showing posts with label catterick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catterick. Show all posts

Sunday 27 May 2012

bikers in catterick

While l was out and about today minding my own business, l went to Tesco in Catterick for some much needed provisions (wine/cheese - you know how it goes), when l viddied a load of bikers by the new sports centre. I know it was a sunny day, and they like to meet up, but l think l would rather have been driving through the countryside, rather than hanging around, looking at an industrial estate. Honestly, some people have no imagination, and they are meant to be rock and roll hellraisers.

toodle pip

Monday 21 May 2012

the iron railway bridge at catterick bridge

 Looking towards the bridge from the Catterick Bridge area

 A closer view

 Looking back towards Catterick Bridge and Catterick Racecourse

Close by and the River Swale is visible

 Under the bridge (as The Red Hot Chili Peppers would have said)

The fencing and gate

The bridge - earlier today

When l was younger, l used to paint caravans at Catterick Caravans, which is situated between Catterick Bridge and the entry to the A1 North. As l was still outrageously fit in those (long gone) days, l used to run to work from Colburn. In fact not only did l used to run there in the morning, l also ran back to Colburn for lunch, back to work again afterwards, and then home after work (to play football in the evening). All these journeys involved running across the Iron Railway Bridge at Catterick Bridge, which was a pretty risky thing to do even all of those years ago, as the crossing consisted of rotten wood covering the steel girders, so you certainly had to watch where you were placing the clod hoppers, especially in the dark and wintery mornings.
As l was driving by it today, l had an urge to have a wander over and see how the old structure is doing. As you can see, it is still standing, but gated up due to the dangers - Health and Safety gone mad.
Ah, all that stuff seems soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long ago now, as though it was a different world (probably because it was).

toodle pip

Friday 27 April 2012

the spooky white shops

These photos are of the White Shops in Catterick. They looked good and spooky, but l think my unsteadiness with the camera achieved the eerie effect, which l was pleasantly surprised with.
I'll make a photographer one of these days.

toodle pip

and no one on the roads

These were taken last week when l was out and about for work. Once again - hardly anybody was about.
Don't get me wrong, that's what l like about the place, especially when the weather is good.
We certainly live in the middle of nowhere, but are also extremely close the the A1 if we want to find civilisation- hurrah!!.
Therefore, the best of both worlds, as long as other people stay out of my way, and the sun starts shining a bit more.

toodle pip

Monday 19 March 2012

l don't feel like chicken tonight

We keep getting these adverts for our local chicken takeaway shop at The White Shops in Catterick.
They are certainly persistent with their advertising policy, as this must be about the twentieth leaflet that has come flapping through our letterbox in the last couple of years, so l guess they must know l am a greedy chicken loving pig.
As l just stated, l love a good chicken meal, especially of the KFC kind, but the stuff for sale in this shop does not taste anything like the wondrous delight that the good Colonel introduced to a grateful public (me especially) back in the day.
You can also buy boxes of 'Southern fried' chicken at our local Tesco for about £3 or £4 (depending which amounts you want), which only require heating up a bit and then devouring like a madman while watching the football (at least that's the way l eat it, others may be different).
It's a shame, but unless the quality improves dramatically, l can't envisage a rosy future for this outlet.
The KFC outlets are often dirty looking and badly run, but at least the taste of those secret ingredients keep enticing me back for more of the same, whereas the chicken in this place just put me off.
I once drove to Newcastle from Catterick to get a KFC. With this place, l can't be bothered walking 10 yards from the pub doorway to get some, even when slightly worse for ale. Now that IS bad.

toodle pip

Friday 23 December 2011

the arc rouges gallery

While out and about recently, l was persuaded to go down to the Arc in Colburn as they were showing some football game or other I wasn't that interested in. Now don't get me wrong, l enjoy a drink as much as the next man. I also frequent the Arc now and again. But just take a gander at the collection of rogues they have in the (out of focus) picture above, which is on the bar. What a scary sight first thing in the morning.

toodle pip

Thursday 31 March 2011

doodle bug comic


Some reviews from The Record Mirror, back from when God where a lad.

toodle pip

royston robertson - penguin vs polar bear

I used to help out with DoodleBug comic many moons ago, and was the main cartoonist involved with it. Oh what fun we had, traipsing around Newcastle with boxes of comics, facing up to the North Eastern wind and rain. Since then, as l have stewed in my own piss and vinegar, he has gone on to be a successful cartoonist with a book out. Am l bitter? YYYEEESSSSS!!!!!!, but it is still good to see someone from Catterick doing well and following their muse. His book can be purchased by clicking onto my Amazon link, or at the Online Shop. A bargain at £5.99 plus £1 postage (and no, l am not receiving any royalties from it).

toodle pip

Saturday 17 July 2010

party in catterick - not!

Damn! I am trying to post every day and it has just gone midnight, even though to me it is still Friday night. Spent the evening in, watching the IT crowd, Question Time (which always takes a while due to the shouting at the TV) and holiday programmes.
Also watched Toy Story, as the FPO admitted she had never seen it before (which at first I thought was some kind of elaborate joke), so I ran (to the best of my ability) up the stairs for my DVD of it and forced her to watch it.
Luckily the result was a good one, she did enjoy it (through her alcoholic haze) so it was a job well done.
Afterwards, I went out to feed Tubbs the rabbit, and there was very loud music coming from the top right hand side of the estate. Naturally I thought "Investigation time" and tried to persuade the FPO to do the same. Obviously this did not work, so armed with a little bit of money, my bank card and a camera, I set of, fearlessly exploring the wilds of Catterick, looking for the party or 'happening', promising to return for the FPO (who had now gone to bed) if there was anything good going on.
Sadly, I found nothing. I relied on my senses (that was obviously a mistake) and followed the trail, but realised it was probably Louie's nightclub I could hear, louder than usual, but then again, I am not usually in my back garden at 11.45pm to hear it.
I did take some photos though, so all was not lost.

toodle pip