Showing posts with label WORK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WORK. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 June 2016

my secret stash at work has been found

This note was pinned to my secret stash at work the other day by Kelly, one of my fellow workers. It actually looks a lot worse than you would imagine, as my secret stash is some guinea pig food l had hidden away for Toffee, the pet at work, as everyone else try to just feed it vegetables.
As you can probably guess, l have the food stashed away, and feed it at night.
Now it looks like l'll have to find another hiding place for it. The hunt is on.

toodle pip

Monday 23 May 2016

optical illusions

I've just completed a course on Intensive Interaction, and as part of the course, we were shown various optical illusions, an art form l've always liked.
I'm not going to show any that we were shown, in case anyone does the course in the future, but here are two recent ones that took my fancy on Facebook.
It took me some time to spot the wall one, but once seen, it can never be unseen.

toodle pip

Tuesday 3 May 2016

slightly over the top packing

I don't know about anyone else, but this arrived yesterday, and I feel safe in stating that the packaging here is a tad excessive.
I thought the box was pretty light when it arrived, but would never have guessed that all it contained was a solitary fork. I'll admit l removed some of the packaging before taking the photograph, but it was only a plastic bag that the fork was in (therefore could have been sent without the box).
Like me, the world is going mad.

toodle pip

Saturday 20 February 2016

hand written messages at the kfc

When l was at the Catterick branch of KFC yesterday (I'm still not used to having a branch at Catterick!), my order came with a handwritten message at the top, which l did not notice until l had driven away from the premises.
Now this meant l immediately considered two options. First of all, and the one that would have been more likely years ago, was that the girl who was serving me took a bit of a shine to my cheeky charm, and left the message as a flirtatious one off. The second, more likely option, is that she was just being friendly, and leaves a message for most people. Either way, a nice gesture, that enhanced the already joyous experience of purchasing chicken and chips.
I suppose there is also a chance that the staff are slave driven worker drones on less than minimum wage who have no say in the matter as it is now part of company policy, and face instant dismissal if they fail to adhere to the strict work code, in constant fear of losing their jobs, and having to plaster on fake smiles all through their mind numbingly tedious shifts, while waiting for the aching in their feet from standing all day to abate with the sweet relief of death, or the clocking off time, whichever comes first.
I hope it's one of the first two options.

toodle pip

Thursday 27 August 2015

l knew l'm not colour blind - eye of an eagle!

While arguing at work about colours, l'm obviously convinced my views are right (as l am with just about everything). After doing a recent test to see if l could notice slight changes in colour, apparently my vision is superb, and l have the eye of an eagle.

toodle pip

Thursday 20 August 2015

my personality test results

After taking the test based on Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myer's typological approach to personality, l am apparently an INTP type. The 16 types are below, along with some of my results.


Now, much as l usually poo poo a lot of counselling ideas, l must admit, this has pretty much summed me up, and it turns out that l may have the same personality type as Carl Jung himself.
Then again, it could all still be hogwash, and l'm pretty sure that if l did the test again, just putting down any old answers at random, l would still get a readout that would probably apply to me.
Still, l'm prepared to admit that the result was still a lot closer than l expected.

toodle pip

Thursday 18 December 2014

sunny torremolinos

While l recover from the last few days, here's a few more photographs of recent trips.  This one to sunny Torremolinos (in Spain) with work at the start of October.
It was a lot quieter than l expected, and also pleasanter, yet still very warm and sunny, but it all seems so far away now.

toodle pip.

Saturday 6 December 2014

the deserted seaside


A trip out the the pretty deserted seaside with work, looking for devil's toenails.
Redcar to be precise.
It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it.

toodle pip

Wednesday 13 August 2014


Part of the reason for not posting recently.  I've been in Ibiza!
Photos and more information will follow.

toodle pip

Sunday 23 March 2014

the hancock museum in newcastle

I'm back in Newcastle for training tomorrow, and while there, l've had to find things to do with my spare time apart from hitting the pub, as can't drink during the day, and in the evening l've got to drive back from Darlington.  Therefore, l have been checking out the nearby museums, and the above photographs are all from The Hancock Gallery's natural history section.
It's an interesting enough way of killing time, but they might find that the T.Rex is slowly getting smaller. That's because l'm stealing it, bone by bone, as l intend rebuilding it in the back garden to scare away the neighbours cats.  As long as those pesky kids don't catch me in the act.
Wish me luck.

toodle pip