Well, it's nowhere near Christmas yet, but me and the FPO are having a splendid old time.
She is in bed, I am on the computer, but we have been watching some Christmas TV together earlier on.
A Welsh Christmas (or whatever the hell it was called) was pretty crap as far as I was concerned, but I did get a bit of grit in my eye at the end, so maybe it did it's Christmany trick of lulling you into a false sense of security before kicking in with Christmany stereotypical happy endings. Worked on me anyway.
Also watched BBC 3 (or 4 - I am upstairs and tipsy, so can't be bothered finding out which one is correct) musical Christmas do with bellowhead and the Unthanks (amongst others). That was pretty good, the kind of folk music I enjoy (but I don't mean just Christmas songs).
Going a few doors up the road for a party tomorrow night, which may turn out messy, so I should be in bed now, preserving my energy (what little I have left).
Then again, I think "What would Keith Richards do?, therefore I am still awake and tapping at this Godforsaken machine.
No doubt I will stay up till the silly hours, so there may be some posts or you tube clips later. VOTE OBAMA!
toodle pip
Booze, news and views from a drunken opinionated fool who can't spell very well, may well repeat himself, and can't blame it on dislexia
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
gimme shelter

This ended up with me pleading and a begging for her to watch the Stones Gimme Shelter film which was being shown on BBC 3 (or 4).
Obviously the words "I am Keith" and "You are Anita" were bandied around by me, accompanied by swigs from a bottle of whisky, as the good lord Keith would have done.
The FPO did watch the whole film, (drunk), and did enjoy it (to a degree). Lord knows I had to massage her shoulders and keep her entertained to keep her in the room, but it's important history for Gods sake. End of the 60's, someone being killed by the Hells angels, what more do you want?
OK, I am a sad twat - but it's still a great film, and relevant now, as part of the film showed the Stones at Muscle Shoales studios listening to a playback of their new song - Wild Horses, as currently done by Susan Boyle. Still think the Stones version is miles better though.
Wish I was older (if that is possible). I'd have loved to have gone to see some of the top bands while they were in their prime, plus I am a stinking hippie deep down (but with a punk attitude). I would have had a field day, top bands, free love and maybe indulge in the odd substance as well.
Toodle pip
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Patrick has come round and sorted the computer out again, so more posts to follow shortly. Could have been fixed a while ago but a certain sister in law lacks the knowledge.
You know who you are
toodle pip
Patrick has come round and sorted the computer out again, so more posts to follow shortly. Could have been fixed a while ago but a certain sister in law lacks the knowledge.
You know who you are
toodle pip
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
monkey on a goat on a cup on a tight rope
l hate to think of how many beatings these took before they were trained.
Very clever though.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Petticoat Lane (1903)
This all seems so strange. There are hardly any women about and the men are really keen on flat caps.
Most of the young rascals in the film would have been killed in the First World War.
We have never had it so good.
toodle pip
Friday, 13 November 2009
robbie williams

They have no need to take Robbie back on board, as that will overshadow everything they have achieved without him.
Maybe they should recruit Lee Pashley instead, as a laugh. I saw him while sailing the seven seas last month, and he was pretty good at the Robbie stuff, although also a bit too eager to please and be liked (just like Robbie in fact).
Can't believe l am even interested in this - l blame Kerry and Mandy.
Toodle pip
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Jake Thackray - The Remembrance
l know it's a bit late but l have been at work.
Here's to the remembrance
Monday, 9 November 2009
cruise cards

A lot of the people on the ship did not get off in Morocco s they were too scared, but it was really good, everything l expected plus a lot of places that were very modern and posh. Pretty much everyone was friendly and helpful, and if you just give a firm "no" to the beggars, they bugger off and annoy someone else.
One thing about the cruise, it turned out we were not all inclusive as we thought, just full board. Therefore got a bill for £380 at the end of the cruise. Have to take that up with the travel agents as we wanted all inclusive and thought that is what we had. It's work money that is paying for it, but we could have been really caught out if we had blown all our money.
I got back at about midnight on Friday night, then had to deal with a Bonfire night party at our place on Saturday night. Luckily it was a pretty good night, even if it did piss it down (welcome back to England!). Still got some fireworks left, so they can be used at Christmas.
Back to work tomorrow afternoon, so l will have to make the most of today (by going to the pub to see Joeseph).
It's a hard life. More crap to follow.
toodle pip
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Saturday, 24 October 2009
the dark stuff

I have just finished reading it again, so it's time to stash it away again for a while, as l will no doubt read it again in the future.
It's amazing that he has so many quotes in the book, as he was well known for not taking notes or recording interviews (plus he was a junkie). They should therefore all be taken with a plateful of salt, but the book is still excellent if that sort of scene is your bag (maaaann!).
I certainly like it.
toodle pip
Friday, 23 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
nozzers back (again)
When will it ever end?
At least his head is clear at he moment, (unlike my heart, which is full of love for him!).
One day we will run away together and breed a new race of rabbit men.
toodle pip
Brown hair zig-zag around her face
And a look of half-surprise
Like a fox caught in the headlights
There was animal in her eyes
Oh she was a rare thing
Fine as a bee's wing
And I miss her more than words could ever say
If I could just taste all of her wildness now
If I could hold her in my arms today
Well .....I wouldn't want her any other way
And a look of half-surprise
Like a fox caught in the headlights
There was animal in her eyes
Oh she was a rare thing
Fine as a bee's wing
And I miss her more than words could ever say
If I could just taste all of her wildness now
If I could hold her in my arms today
Well .....I wouldn't want her any other way
Monday, 19 October 2009
scotland meal
Went up with Deb and Rook in their car, but there was a diversion on the A1 so we had to go through Bamburgh and Seahouses. Dazzer and Louise were just behind us so we decided to stop for lunch at a cafe in Bamburgh, just up the road from the castle. We should have gone to the pub instead as it was a bit of a rip off and half the food for the toasties was not available (I blame the girls).
We then got to Sue and Bills and met Ken and Ann, watched the football results coming in (Utd beat Bolton 2-1, Liverpool and Chelsea lost), and had a few cans (cheers Dazzer!). The girls took ages getting ready, but we then went into Eyemouth for the meal at Oblo http://www.eyemouth.com/scottish-holidays/directory/food-and-drink/listing.php?id=16.
We met Heather and her grandparents there and l had the haggis starter, which was better than my main course (chicken), as although it was cooked well, it had traces of coriander in, which l can't stand. Anyway, we had loads to drink with the meal, plus some before (thanks Dazzer!). Ken and Ann were getting a bit amorous during the meal, then Ken threw up outside afterwards. I wonder if this could have been related in any way?
Although deposits had been paid for the meal, Bill paid for the rest of it (thanks Bill!), but as we were ordering drinks and knew he was paying, we all paid for the alcohol separately. Well worth it though.
Back to Sue and Bills for more drinks, including 10 year old malt whisky and slow gin (thanks Bill!), which was very nice. Went outside to look at the stars for a while (bloody freezing), then beddy byes in the living room on an air bed.
Next day we all went to St Abbs for breakfast at the cafe, had a look round the harbour and then headed home.
My bloody ear has been hurting all weekend as l had been poking it with cotton buds last week. Deaf and sore, what a combination.
Had a good weekend though, have to go up there again (in about a year).
toodle pip
Friday, 16 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
the caring tories

don't get me wrong, Labour should have done a lot more with their huge majority (ooeer) when they first got into power, but they still do help the less well off members of our society a lot more than the Tories ever will. Some would say they help the less well off too much, which l don't agree with, but even if it was true, l would still rather poorer people were assisted rather than increasing the wealth of the rich (which l know has happened as well).
Now the Tories want to 'help' claimants on long term sick by re-assessing them and 'trying' to help them back to work.
Let's face it, claimants would have tougher testing, then a load of them would have their benefits reduced, probably unless they took a crappy job with little pay. During this process, a lot of people with genuine problems that may not show up on tests would suffer.
A few years ago, l injured my back while playing football. I had only shifted in preparation of making a tackle, nothing too strenuous, and yet l could not move, as it was agony. l was off work for four weeks (there's always a good side!), but the doctor found nothing wrong with me, (although he did sign me off, as l was clearly in a lot of pain). Sometimes things do not always show up, even though people can be genuinely ill.
My own view is it should be like the justice system. Accused people have to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, even if this results in some guilty people being freed. This is because the rights of the innocent party is all important, and the saying is something like "It is better for 20 guilty people to be freed, rather than jailing an innocent man".
The benefits system should also work like that. If a person is going to have their claim questioned and reduced, evidence beyond reasonable doubt should be produced to show that the claimant is faking, such as film of them playing football while off with a bad back. Otherwise, leave the poor buggers alone, to protect the genuine claimants who may suffer the stress and hardship of having their claim investigated and reduced.
Bastard Tories.
Nearly forgot, they also want to raise the inheritance tax to one million pounds. Who is that going to benefit l wonder?
toodle pip
elvis and bolan

Elvis died in August 1977 and the same as now with Michael Jackson, people went out and bought Elvis albums and put them back in the charts, even though Elvis had been a joke just before his death.
The above is from a Sept 10th 1977 (my birthday!) copy of Record Mirror. Just look at those charts. Punk was just catching on, but there was a lot of Elvis because he had just died, and elsewhere, a load of crap. Christ, times were hard back in the day.
There is also Marc Bolan's thoughts on his death, from his weekly column in the same paper. Sadly, Bolan would die six days later, hitting that bastard tree in Barnes on 16th Sept (just before his 30th birthday).
Although The Marc Bolan show on TV at the time was embarrassing as far as Bolan's versions of his songs went, he had some great guests and and was looking good again, so at least he left a pretty corpse (if you ignore the damage from the crash).
The last show went out the week after his death, and the very last song was a duet with his old mucker David Bowie. Sadly, Bolan fell off the stage as they started and they could not do another take as the technicians were on a work to rule/strike at the time. The show also highlighted Bolan and Bowies different standings at the time. Bowie had come over and did a version of his new single 'Heroes' which he sang live and was fantastic. Bolan's stuff on the show was nowhere near as good. Plus when Bolan played his old songs, they were crappy versions of them. He had assembled a band that was full of great session players like Herbie Flowers, but they dressed really badly, looked like session players, and it lacked any soul or emotion. About the only decent thing they did was 'Soul of my Suit' which had extra emotional attachment to it once Bolan had died (lyrics include "l'm not such a bad boy").
In a way though, l am glad Bolan went when he was young, as he would probably have ended up like Quentin Crisp (although thinking about it, that's not too bad). Maybe l will end up like dear old Quentin myself, l'm halfway there already.
toodle pip
Monday, 12 October 2009

It still left some questions at the end regarding flashbacks that were shown, but l don't mind that in a movie. l would rather it was challenging rather than just glossy crap.
Looks like l may have to purchase or borrow the DVD of it and watch it again, in reverse order, and try to work out some more of the stuff from it. l did learn not to trust women though!
It will probably take a few years before l get round to getting a copy, but it will be done eventually (like everything else).
toodle pip
what a fine day to go to work

Anyhows, went to work afterwards and had bugger all to do as most people were out. Good news as l could go on the computer and catch up with some paperwork. Turned out we were having a take-away in the evening as well (hurrah!), and as l wanted to go to Tesco to get a new sim card, l took someone up there and picked up a Chinese (food, not person) on the way. Watched England getting beat by Ukraine then off to bed. Splendid!
Only drawback was l did not notice that the Chinese take-away now does Singapore style food (damn again!). If l had known that in advance l would have got some, instead of my king prawn foo yung (another surprising order, l don't think). Still a fine day though.
toodle pip
Saturday, 10 October 2009
fun at the wine bar

It has just occurred to me while writing this, to copy it and then put the copy back and confuse them. Excellent idea. Now all l have to do is get off my lazy fat arse and do it. Damn!!
toodle pip
Thursday, 8 October 2009
happy families

While l was looking for some leads for the mobile phone yesterday, l found this photo booth picture from Kenya taken in about 1962. I am the blonde one in the middle and the other two are my parents. It all seems so alien to me, they both look so young and my mother even looks attractive (steady on!!). They are also both together and close in a photo (even though my father is doing his best to look cool), and l look happy and carefree. I think this is the only photo I have of them together with either me or one of my brothers or sisters.
They had loads of years ahead of them, had more kids to come and had more traveling to do.
Then it all got fucked up

All very well and good, but it got me to thinking (although l shouldn't really, it hurts my brain), about how l prefer the old style of drawing and colouring. Steve Ditko is a genius, but check out Spidey's eyes in the early strip. This is missing from later re-prints, even though it only appears on the one panel.
I also don't like the way the later colouring makes it look too sleek, the older version just looks rougher and better to me.
Why do things have to change? Why am l so sad? Why does any of this matter?
I need to get a life and get out more
toodle pip
Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Another glorious day off work, lazing around, reading and watching films. Watched Tombstone today which was OK, some parts were good and stuck to the facts, while other parts of the story simply were not true. It bugs me when films do that, why not tell the proper story and be accurate. It's one thing to have a love interest etc (sickening as that is) and incorporate that into the story, but if the story involves historical events which do not require embellishing, what's the point? Surely it would be better to have an accurate film and market it as such. Stupid little points that no-one else would be bothered about really annoy me (there's a surprise). One example is it shows the Wyatt brothers being injured and assassinated on the same (stormy) night. This did not happen. Also no-one really thinks the Doc really killed Johnny Ringo. If the story is to be told, do it right!
I did enjoy Val Kilmer's version of Doc Holliday though, camp, educated yet menacing, wish l could be like that (without the consumption). At least l have a mild form of asthma and can tick off at least one of the three listed above.
Toodle pip
Monday, 5 October 2009

I especially agreed with the passage above re pleasure, pain and suicide. l have always thought that it's the only way to go if you are fortunate enough to be given a choice and have been saying that passage more or less word for word for years. Good to know that others out there share the same viewpoint. l am planning on jumping off a tall building (or cliffs), or a heroin overdose. l will decide nearer the time. May seem depressing to some but l am all for it. Don't want to go just yet though, even though l am an old git with various aches and pains (pass the ointment and give me a rub down). Anyway, l still want more holidays and to see Manchester United win the European Cup again
toodle pip
Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter 1969
And here's the Stones on top of their game on a top of the pops video
Sunday, 4 October 2009
most of the garden work is done (for now)
Bastard Bastard Bastard - l have been slaving away all day in the farmers field sawing the branches that got blown of the tree in the gales and throwing them over my fence for the bonfire on 7th November (l am away on the 5th). Sweating like a pig - l have never worked so hard in years. l don't do manual work, (much) and with good reason, it's knackering. l didn't realise till l got over the fence that three large branches had snapped off during the gales. Bastard trees and wind. It took fucking ages and l was cursing more and more as the time dragged on. Only just got cleaned up and out of the bath, going to demolish some red wine l got earlier to make up for it. It's going to be one hell of a bonfire!
toodle pip
Saturday, 3 October 2009
garden work needs doing
There were some pretty strong winds last night and this morning, so strong in fact, that a large branch belonging to one of the trees in the back garden has been snapped off, and is currently laying across our back fence. It's too heavy to lift so l will have to cut it up and add it to the bonfire. Damn! l hate manual work!
Also, the rats have come back and are going into the outside cage and bugging Tubbs (l assume). Going to put some rat poison down for them, but in the meantime, Tubbs is getting fed in the evening and then shut in his cage so the rats can't get to him or his food (little bastards that they are). About four ran out of his cage last night, so that can't go on. Had the same trouble with them last year, so l guess this is a new lot, as the others were all killed off. l should throw them on the bonfire as well, but l don't think that would go down very well.
The joys of living next to farmers fields.
toodle pip
Also, the rats have come back and are going into the outside cage and bugging Tubbs (l assume). Going to put some rat poison down for them, but in the meantime, Tubbs is getting fed in the evening and then shut in his cage so the rats can't get to him or his food (little bastards that they are). About four ran out of his cage last night, so that can't go on. Had the same trouble with them last year, so l guess this is a new lot, as the others were all killed off. l should throw them on the bonfire as well, but l don't think that would go down very well.
The joys of living next to farmers fields.
toodle pip
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Bulgaria trip

Oh yes - I'm back again.
One of these days l will get a decent laptop l can use while l am away, as l sure do miss being on the computer, not doing this in particular, just surfing for stuff and catching up on news.
Don't really fancy going into internet cafes, not really my scene (man).
Anyhow, had a good time while away, weather was scorching and the sea was really good for swimming in. l now officially swim like a fish (albeit one that has been caught and left to rot for a few days). The people were friendly, the fake designer gear was really cheap and it was quiet.
The hotel (Royal Beach Barcelo on Sunny Beach) was pretty flash (5 star) and all inclusive but as it was the end of their season, there was nothing in the hotel to do. The hotel hardly had anyone staying there and it was closing for the season at the end of this week. You also had to put on trousers etc for meals unless you wanted food by the outside pool, and that only served food from 2pm till about 4pm. Would have been a better idea to go self catering. A KFC was on the corner, so l could have eaten there. The bar was open all day and that was free, so it was bearable, plus they had a great indoor pool which was hardly used, so l was in there a lot.
A letter of complaint will be winging itself through to the company to try a get a refund of partof the money, as it was not as advertised on the all inclusive brochure.
Also went to a place called Khan's Tent, which is where you have a meal while hey lay on entertainment Las Vegas style, dancing girls, acrobatics, comedy etc. I must admit some of it was pretty good and it was good to see some of the acts very close up. Some of them had some really cheesy smiles, with mad sincere eyes. Proper entertainers l would say.
l would go there again, but l think it might be Romania next year, as it will be very similar, but a lot less touristy and cheaper. Try and get in there before everyone else. Bring on the Gypsies and Transylvania l say!
I am now really brown but sadly back to work today - damn!
Toodle pip
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