Showing posts with label poo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poo. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 January 2010

return of the poo EXPLICIT PICTURES!!!!!

Look what happened to me just before going to bed last night! I felt as though I needed to go to the loo and then all my bowels fell out. I sat reading on the loo for about 30 minutes and just kept pooing and pooing, every few minutes. The stench was unbelievable. The wallpaper was peeling off the walls and the cat was too scared to come upstairs. I could see the toilet roll trying to shrivel up and get out of sight, in the hope of avoiding it. The floorboards were curling up at the edges. I had tears in my eyes as the mist nearly overpowered me.
In the end it was the consistency of water again, just like last Friday, and after the half hour I did not believe there was any poo left in me. I was two stone lighter and possessed a sore bum again. It was the most poo I have ever done in one sitting - ever! It does not look like a lot in the top photo, but believe me matey boys, that is one hell of a full toilet!
It is even more than the green poo I did in New York a few years ago. At the time I thought that was a lot to discharge in one sitting (and it was), but this easily surpassed it. The green poo was fascinating, but this was just constant, again and again. Maybe somebody is trying to poison me. The smell of the poo certainly was.
After getting cleaned up, leaving the loo and securing the loo door to trap the smell, I thought Hurrah!! It's all over and I can now relax.
How wrong I was.
I needed to go again 15 minutes later and produced more (the picture with less in). One quick evacuation but no more.
Thankfully I did not poo the bed afterwards, and I have not continued pooing, although I am still not feeling 100% right.
I have not had to take any more Imodium (at the moment), so it will be interesting to see how it progresses.
As I am at work again at the moment, I can't afford any mishaps, so I shall be sleeping with one eye open tonight, and hopefully that is all that will be open during the night.
toodle pip

Sunday 17 January 2010

everythings back to normal

The panic is over and the country (and my poor arse) can rest in peace. The pooing has stopped, as the Imodium has worked its magic. Nothing has passed my bottom since about 2pm yesterday and I am feeling fine. Not sure how fine I will feel once it wears off, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Listen out for the screams howling into the night, with the echo of the toilet to give it extra substinance, it will be me.
As things are back to normal , Nozzer has got a swollen cheek again, which means it's squeezing out the gunk and squirting liquid into the gap time. Nice.
He's fine and perky though, jumping up on the settee a lot and demanding attention. It's also a game of Russian Roulette when he scrabbles and bites your T shirt, as he gets carried away and bites your nipple. Pleasant at first, but now getting sore (but not as sore as my arse was).
toodle pip

Saturday 16 January 2010

poo update

Good news and bad news.
On the bad news front, the poos are still happening. I have had four today already. It's amazing, I am surprised there is anything left inside me. Don't get me wrong, I am a man who enjoys a good poo, and sometimes have two or three a day if I have drunk a lot/had a curry etc, but this is ridiculous.
I have now got some Imodium though, had two at 12.30pm and another one a few minutes ago (after another crap). Hopefully that will be the end of it.
I am at work again at 3pm so I shall see how it goes tonight, as I am on sleepover again. Hope I don't shit the bed at work, that would be sooooooo embarrassing!
On the good news front, as wished for on Thursday night, it has been raining and the snow has nearly gone. Hurrah!!
It wouldn't be so bad if my bloody car was still working, but I have to find other forms of transport at the moment. Roll on the summer.
toodle pip

Friday 15 January 2010

pooing like the devil himself

Christ on a shitty bike. What a day I have had!
I was at work and slept over, and even went to bed at a sensible time (11.30pm) as I was tired. Woke up for a few minutes at 4am, then 6am, and finally when the alarm went off at 7am.
Had a little fart just before getting up but lo and behold, I followed through a little bit in the process, nearly shitting the bed! Oops a daisy, off to the loo for a very watery poo and a clean up.
Got myself ready for work and felt OK, but before leaving at 2pm, I had about three more watery poos. Not a good sign by anyones standards.
Called in the pub for a larger on the way home and had another poo there. Walked back from the pub, had a poo again and decided to have some more sleep as I still felt tired.
Went back to bed at 3.30pm and stayed there till 8.30pm.
Did not feel hungry but I continued with the rather explosive watery poos till now, just before going to bed again for an early night (it's now 11.30pm).
My arse is red raw and I have not eaten since I had a sandwich at work about 12.30pm.
There's no Imodium to be found anywhere in the house ( Lord knows I have looked), so I have just had to suffer, maybe I have already entered the first stage of Hell.
Hope it's better in the morning!
toodle pip