Monday 21 November 2011

lilja 4-ever (2002) - lukas moodysson

There's nothing like a nice cheerful Swedish film to pass the time, and this (you've guessed it!), was nothing like a nice cheerful Swedish film (but it passed the time). Lilja 4-ever tells the story of Lilja (Oksana Akinshina), and her gradual (but downward) spiral into the sex trade. She is originally from the Eastern Block (it's not specified in the film), but is abandoned by her mother, has to use her wits to survive, and is then tricked into leaving the country for a (supposedly) better life. Pretty grim all the way through, but an excellent film, loosely based on a true story, and 100% believable.

toodle pip

lost in translation

toodle pip

Sunday 20 November 2011

signed (and old) status quo pictures

Status Quo used to be cool. Nobody believes me if l tell them now, but at one time, they were outsiders, a band of the people, and they knew how to ROCK!!!!

This was all many moons ago.

toodle pip

david bowie heroes out takes

Does exactly what it says on the tin - out-takes from the David Bowie Heroes photo shoot (taken by Masayoshi Sukita). Iconic pop history would have been changed if they had used a different shot (and 99% of the world would not have cared less - only us sados).

toodle pip

Saturday 19 November 2011

christmas with cliff

What kind of new Hell is this?
With Cliff?
With the Daily Mail?

No thanks - l think l'm busy.

toodle pip

Friday 18 November 2011

rather brilliant tom samui sculptures

These sculptures are made of recycled car and motor bike parts and can be made to order. Fantastic stuff - shame l am so poor, or l would cough up for a giant something or other (rabbit?) in the front garden to scare off the neighbours.

toodle pip

Thursday 17 November 2011

some old silent movie posters

I just love the colouring and layout in these old posters. They certainly don't make them like that anymore.

toodle pip

the basketball diaries (1995) - scott kalvert

Based on the book/autobiography by Jim Carroll, a promising basketball player who became addicted to drugs (mainly heroin). The Basketball Diaries was sadly lacking something or other, as it just didn't ring true, sometimes feeling too staged and over the top (although it did feature Carroll himself, who makes a short appearance as a junkie). Carroll (played by Leonardo DiCaprio), loses interest in basketball as he descends into addiction, and all the fun that brings (homelessness, lawlessness, prostitution) until, after a spell in the old chokey (Rikers), he cleans up and gets on with being a writer/artist. It deals with growing up and loyalty amongst friends and family, and also the hatred one can have towards classmates, teachers and society. There is an often copied fantasy sequence when Carroll shoots up a classroom (and the inhabitants) while wearing a long black coat, but most of the time his acting couldn't hold a bubbling spoon up to the cast of Trainspoting, which was sooooooooooooooo much better and realistic. I suppose these sort of films and tales are meant to put you off drugs, but l always want to have a bash and start cooking up the minute they have finished (or during them). I need help, as l am a very sad (and old) man.

toodle pip

suzi lelievre artwork

I like this artwork by the designer Suzy Lelievre, especially the dice, which is such a simple idea but looks so new and original. More of her stuff can be found here.

toodle pip

more old celebrity mug shots

"One day l'll be a rock star!" - Steven Tyler

Mr Happy - Kurt Cobain

The man in black - Mr Johnny Cash

The axeman himself - Jimi Hendrix
The right on and Power to the People Jane Fonda

Steven Tyler certainly does not look at his best.

toodle pip

Wednesday 16 November 2011

another new spider found!

Great news! Another disgusting looking spider (an Albino Trapdoor Spider) has been discovered in Australia. Another reason why l am staying well away from the bite-your-bum arachnoid infested so-called paradise.

toodle pip

the greatest thing on the internet

This is probably the biggest waste of time and yet the greatest thing anyone has ever uploaded to t'internet (and it is right). Instantly transported back to the old days (1972).

toodle pip

new amy winehouse album - lioness : hidden treasures

This will certainly be plugged a lot pretty damn soon (and will probably sell bucketloads). I bet as soon as she died the record company were thinking about how to get their moneys worth out of the Christmas market and their newly deceased star.

toodle pip

the paris flood of 1910

Here's some pictures from 1910 in Paris of when the Seine burst it's banks.

And no, l didn't take them myself. Even l'm not that old.

toodle pip

toast sandwiches versus dead birds and mice in tesco food

The bird in the salad

The mouse (minus tail) in the bread

There is an investigation being conducted at the moment after a Somerset man found a dead bird in his Tesco salad. I think that is pretty disgusting, in fact, so pretty disgusting, that it is probably worse than finding a dead mouse in your bread, which was discovered by an Oxfordshire man - 'minus the tail' last year (let's face it, that's bad enough).
Yum yum - can't wait for tea tonight, all this food and dead stuff talk is making me feel peckish.
Whatever it is, l'll certainly be checking it thoroughly (especially if it involves a salad sandwich).
Maybe l should just stick to eating toast sandwiches. After all, times are hard.

toodle pip