Saturday 3 October 2009

garden work needs doing

Took these on the wrong setting - maybe l am drunker than l thought!

There were some pretty strong winds last night and this morning, so strong in fact, that a large branch belonging to one of the trees in the back garden has been snapped off, and is currently laying across our back fence. It's too heavy to lift so l will have to cut it up and add it to the bonfire. Damn! l hate manual work!
Also, the rats have come back and are going into the outside cage and bugging Tubbs (l assume). Going to put some rat poison down for them, but in the meantime, Tubbs is getting fed in the evening and then shut in his cage so the rats can't get to him or his food (little bastards that they are). About four ran out of his cage last night, so that can't go on. Had the same trouble with them last year, so l guess this is a new lot, as the others were all killed off. l should throw them on the bonfire as well, but l don't think that would go down very well.
The joys of living next to farmers fields.

toodle pip

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Bulgaria trip

Oh yes - I'm back again.
One of these days l will get a decent laptop l can use while l am away, as l sure do miss being on the computer, not doing this in particular, just surfing for stuff and catching up on news.
Don't really fancy going into internet cafes, not really my scene (man).
Anyhow, had a good time while away, weather was scorching and the sea was really good for swimming in. l now officially swim like a fish (albeit one that has been caught and left to rot for a few days). The people were friendly, the fake designer gear was really cheap and it was quiet.
The hotel (Royal Beach Barcelo on Sunny Beach) was pretty flash (5 star) and all inclusive but as it was the end of their season, there was nothing in the hotel to do. The hotel hardly had anyone staying there and it was closing for the season at the end of this week. You also had to put on trousers etc for meals unless you wanted food by the outside pool, and that only served food from 2pm till about 4pm. Would have been a better idea to go self catering. A KFC was on the corner, so l could have eaten there. The bar was open all day and that was free, so it was bearable, plus they had a great indoor pool which was hardly used, so l was in there a lot.
A letter of complaint will be winging itself through to the company to try a get a refund of partof the money, as it was not as advertised on the all inclusive brochure.
Also went to a place called Khan's Tent, which is where you have a meal while hey lay on entertainment Las Vegas style, dancing girls, acrobatics, comedy etc. I must admit some of it was pretty good and it was good to see some of the acts very close up. Some of them had some really cheesy smiles, with mad sincere eyes. Proper entertainers l would say.
l would go there again, but l think it might be Romania next year, as it will be very similar, but a lot less touristy and cheaper. Try and get in there before everyone else. Bring on the Gypsies and Transylvania l say!
I am now really brown but sadly back to work today - damn!
Toodle pip

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Silver Moon Shadows

When all the drunks have gone home, that’s when we get in our boat.
Drift through the silence of night, far from the harbour’s sight.
And with a mystical air, we know what we’re searching for:
For silver moon ladders.
Next day, at the jobs we do, no one else has a sense or a clue.
We climbed to the moon last night, sat and looked back at the earth’s blue light.
Such a beautiful sight from silver moon ladders.

Toodle pip

Monday 21 September 2009

away for the week at sunny beach

As Bob Dylan would say - l'm not there - but l will be for the rest of the week.

Sunday 20 September 2009

gardening (not by night)

Before l went off to work yesterday, Dazzer and Louise turned up and said they wanted to help sort out the garden with Mandy (mad fools). l managed to avoid most of the work as l had things to do on the computer (as l am off to Bulgaria tomorrow) and went off to work, but still managed to hurt my back by putting bin bags full of crap into my car to dump (l mean take to the tip). It does look a lot better though.
Suppose they will have to come round for a bonfire night celebration/piss up now.
Last year we had the police around telling us to stop setting off rockets as it was not bonfire night. Got threatened with fine etc, but ignored them and heard no more. They will probably be around this year as well, as we are not doing it till the 7th Nov, seeing as l am away on a cruise and do not get back until about midnight on the 6th. Bring it on l say. Breaking the law, breaking the law.
toodle pip

lovely michael owen

What fucking fantastic game that was (Utd beating Ciddy 4-3). Christ my poor little booze riddled heart.
The first half was just fine and dandy, apart from Tevez nearly putting City ahead, but the second half was one of the best games of football l have ever seen.
l really thought Utd had blown it when Bellamy equalised to make it 3-3, and was sick (as a parrot, so to speak) as Utd were all over City and should have scored more.
Plus it was a stupid fucking attempt at a lob by Rio that caused it. l could have done that lob no problem, but Rio does not possess my natural ability, so why try it especially so late in the game. l also thought Foster in goal should have done better, and he was at fault for City's first goal, also trying to be too clever, so no Christmas cards from me this year.
The four minutes of injury time passed and l truly thought it was all over again, have to settle for a draw etc, but up pops little Michael Owen, the new hero of the Stretford End, to clinch the winner after about five and a half minute of injury time.
The referee is going to be slated tomorrow, and probably on Match of the Day 2 later on (which of course l am going to watch, to see the match again), but the win is oh so sweet. l haven't cried with joy at a goal so much since the 1999 European Cup Final (in old money). Magic, fucking magic!!
toodle pip

Friday 18 September 2009

flick books (no not that sort)

Christ, l can't believe how much crap l have got. I have just been looking at some old Manchester United stuff and came across these, old Daily Mirror flick books from 1972/73. Before DVD and Video, these were the only way of replaying those classic moments from matches, mainly George Best going round the keeper in the 1968 European Cup Final to make the score 2-1. Magical at the time and they bring back so many happy memories, but the kids today would never entertain the idea of using them now. They don't know what they are missing.

OK, I admit it. l would rather be a kid today. Unlimited free stuff on the computer, state of the art computer games and the means to tape TV (and pause it), Manchester United winning loads, plus all the porn you can watch. I wouldn't be so skillful at football though, as l would have stayed in a lot more. You can guess what l would be doing.
Toodle pip

Wednesday 16 September 2009

last turkey photo

How gay can two blokes be without actually being gay?

little jamie

Earlier on today l was looking at some information about Singapore, as l lived there from about 1966 to 1968. Trouble is, my dad died a while ago and my mum died last year. Therefore l have no-one to get information from about where we lived, what school l went to etc. l did try asking my mum a while ago but she couldn't remember anything herself (silly old bat).

l am curious about the facts as l would like to go back there for a holiday sometime and look at where we used to live (if it still exists). Although l was pretty young, l do have good memories of the place. Main memories are being really into American TV programmes such as Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, The Addams family, The Munsters and The Man From Uncle. Also it is the first place l started buying American comics from, as there was a stall at the end of our road (wherever that was) that sold sweets etc plus comics. l was into the Green Lantern at the time, prefer Spider-Man now.

Some of the stuff on the sites seem familiar, such as Serangoon Market (where l might have bought my toy soldiers) and Hua Guan Av (where we might have lived). Don't know if l am just fooling myself with these but they sound about right. More investigation needed.

l did however, find the photo above on the website, which l am sure features me at the front, far left with the blonde hair. Tengah school 1968, just before coming back to Liverpool in time to catch the 1968 European Cup Final. Result!

more turkey scans

scanner up and running! Turkey stuff

Well, it's only taken about two or three years to rig up our scanner, but it is now up and running.
I can't believe l have left it so long, then again, sure l can - l am a lazy bastard.
Now that it is on and l have scanned some stuff, l may as well put them up, so here's a start with some menus etc from our recent trip to Turkey.
Think l wil just scan stuff at random in the future and put up a brief description to go with the scan. Only a matter of time till l scan my arse.
Toodle pip

return from turkey

Back again from the holiday in Turkey. Had a great time there, managed to relax a lot and also visit the odd place in our hire car. We stayed at a villa in the hills outside Dalyan, which had some great views, plus it helped that it was sunny every day apart from the day we were leaving, when we had a lot of thunder and lightning. This made taking off in the airoplane exciting, even though it was delayed because of the storms.
Anyway, it was hot hot hot. Just look at those photos!
Sadly l am back to work tomorrow, so l am making the most of my time off now (by doing bugger all). Never mind, l am off to Bulgaria next week - hurrah!!
toodle pip

Sunday 30 August 2009

turkey here we come!

Heading off to the villa in Turkey tonight/early hours of tomorrow and can't wait for it. Be great to get away from this shitty English weather, rain, rain and more fucking rain. Hope it pisses down while w are away and then brightens up when we get back.
I am off work until the 17th of September so it is going to be a good break from that. Then I am off to Bulgaria on the 21st so September is certainly something to look foreward to.
Should be pretty hot in Turkey, going to do lots of reading and listening to music, plus l won't miss any Manchester United games as England are playing and l am not bothered that much about them.
Thinking about football, it was a great win yesterday against the Arse. They were actually the better team, although United had a couple of decent chances they should have scored from. It's always great when the game is decided by own goals, penalties not given, and disallowed offside goals in the last few seconds. That really winds up the opposition, which makes it all that much sweeter. Marvellous stuff. Spurs away next, that should be a good one. Till then...HOLIDAY TIME!!
toodle pip

Thursday 27 August 2009

bob dylan

Is this some kind of sick fucking joke? A Bob Dylan Christmas album? Apparently it will be released this Christmas and l am dreading it. There is no way l can imagine that it will be good.
I love Bob Dylan and he has done some great stuff in the past, some of the best songs of all time in fact. His voice has now gone as far as singing goes (some would say he never had a voice to begin with), but he still produces the odd decent record.
I can get my head around the fact he may be voicing a sat nav system as that would be a bit of a laugh and would work well for Dylan fans (although l do think that is a joke carried on from his radio series). But (and l repeat) A fucking Christmas album!!! He really is having a laugh.
toodle pip

Wednesday 26 August 2009


Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man

You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Go here to take the superhero quiz

where the money goes

Pretty amazing
example of where the USA has been spending it's money. Wish they would send some my way.

working out

Soon be time to set off to Turkey - at the weekend no less. As we have all rented a villa with a swimming pool, an extra special effort has been put in to look good around it. It hasn't worked out quite as planned and l think we will look the same as usual (see above photos). What has happened to our youth forchristsake??
l guess we will just have to drink more (if that's possible) to convince ourselves we are still cool. So it's not all bad news then.

toodle pip

Tuesday 25 August 2009

The X Factor 2009 - Danyl - Auditions 1 (

This reminds me of when l was singing in Lilac Mist at the Risedale Christmas concerts

Friday 21 August 2009

Soccer AM: Player Profile - Jimmy Bullard - 15/08/09

Jimmy sure is a character


Now back from York. I had a good time there, even though it was with work. Stayed at the York Royal hotel next to the train station, which was pretty large, to say the least (it's lit up in the photos). It is pretty close to the centre of York so York wasn't far to walk into, and the weather stayed sunny all the time l was there.

I don't usually bother seeing many sights when I go to York as it is usually for a concert or a day out on the lash. Made an effort this time and had a good look round. Went to some really old pubs, saw lots of buskers, ate traditional ale and steak pie (with mashed pots, no vegetables of course) and had plenty of ice cream and snacks.

There goes the diet (again).

Also went to see The Railway children at York Railway Museum. Very clever the way it was done, the audience on either side of a railway platform, with the action taking place alongside the railway lines. Scenery was moved up and down the line, and a real steam train was also used, which was pretty impressive.

The only thing with plays though, is l always think they go on too long. I would rather they were shorter. By the time the interval came, I was ready to leave. Let's face it, I knew what was going to happen, the steam train had already been used, and the girl had already waved her red bloomers at the train to stop it. Still worth seeing though.

toodle pip

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Bonnie Scotland

Drove up to a place called Paxton at the weekend for Sue and Bills blessing. Got there early so we managed to hit the pub (The Cross Inn at Paxton, meant to do really good food) beforehand and have a couple of wee drams (or rather, large double drams). Quick change in the pub car park then off to the ceremony.
A good time was had by all, there was an emotional speech given by Sue and Bill which nearly had me wiping a tear away, but l managed to keep it all together (English pride etc, don't want to let the side down in front of the Jocks). Mind you, Ken's introduction nearly reduced me to tears (only joking, he kept it short).

Plenty of food and drink after (All free!! Hurrah!!), then we drove back (well, Mandy did, although l did offer). Back to Catterick about 2am, which wasn't bad at all. it was good to go to the do but still wake up in my own bed in the morning. Seemed a bit unreal that we had been out for a night out in Scotland the night before, but l suppose it's not that far if the roads are clear.
May post some film or photos when l can get to the computer again.

Not been able to get at the computer till now as Mandy has been doing her degree stuff, working till about 1.30am last night. Has to be in by Thursday so at least it is now nearly over, plus it's the start of holiday time at the end of next week - Turkey here we come!


Footie is back! Started with a 1-0 win against Birmingham. The points are the most important thing at the start of the season, plenty of time to play decent football once the team has settled after a few games. Looking foreword to Burnley on Wednesday now.
That's it. got to go now as l am off to York for the night, hope the weather stays decent.

Toodle pip

Friday 14 August 2009

darts of angry fire

PEOPLE across northern England fled in panic last night claiming the 'cloud gods were shooting darts of angry fire across the sky'.

'Thor and Jesus are clearly not happy.' Emergency services from Carlisle to Middlesbrough were stretched to breaking point as thousands of soot-smeared villagers used their 'sorcerer's talking boxes' to phone the fire brigade. But the exhausted crews were unable to keep up with demand as they dashed across the region, directing their hoses upwards in a bid to stop the clouds from bursting into flames. A Home Office spokesman said: "Their natural reaction is to phone 999 as most Northerners believe the sky to be no more than 30ft high."You would think that the firemen would tell them not to worry, but of course northern firemen are still Northerners."

Meanwhile, south of Peterborough, the phenomenon was attributed to the Perseid meteor shower. Cambridge astronomer Tom Logan said: "It is an annual astronomical event caused by debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet disintegrating in the upper reaches of the Earth's atmosphere. But of course to a Northerner, I may as well have said all that in Mandarin Chinese." He added: "They're really just children. Unfortunately they're also huge, drunk children who will fling an old woman onto a bonfire if they think her cat is up to no good."

Stephen Malley, the deputy leader of Northallerton District Council, said: "The gods have tested us tonight, but I am glad to say our brave firemen were up to the task and the sky remains intact." However, it is clear that we have angered our invisible cloud masters and they must now be appeased with an extended period of sacrificial blood letting. I suggest we start with the poofters."

monkey pees in mouth

What a trick


No proper work now till next Thursday - Hurrah!!
In the meantime, off to Scotland for a wedding at the weekend, then York next week, maybe catch 'The Railway Children' at York railway museum while l am there.
To get back to work though, when l was there last week, one of the tenants went outside for a fag and spotted something in the sky. Luckily we had the camera charged up so l filmed it. Poor filming, but you do get a good closeup of the UFO. Then l got taken on board and probed.
toodle pip

Wednesday 12 August 2009

rod liddle

The article at'Rod has a great description of Rod Little -

"resembles a Buddha made by a toddler out of flabby cheese"

fantastic - wish I had thought of that

toodle pip

Monday 10 August 2009

song to the siren

Long afloat on shipless oceans, I did all my best to smile. 'Til your singing eyes and fingers Drew me, loving to your isle. And you sang "Sail to me, Sail to me, Let me enfold you, Here I am, Here I am, Waiting to hold you". Did I dream you dreamed about me? Were you hare when I was fox? Now my foolish boat is leaning, Broken lovelorn on your rocks, For you sing, "Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow: O my heart, O my heart shies from the sorrow". I am puzzled as the newborn child, I am troubled at the tide: Should I stand amid the breakers? Should I lie with Death my bride? Hear me sing, "Swim to me, Swim to me, Let me enfold you: Here I am, Here I am, Waiting to hold you"

toodle pip

Sir Bobby Robson and tossers

I was thinking again about a recent post (and after many arguments with people) regarding Sir Bobby Robson, and people acting as though they knew him and what his character was really like.

I still state that you only know the side of the person that has been presented on television and radio. Obviously the person may wish to present themselves in a certain way, most of them wishing to come across as nice. This does not mean that they are nice, even if they come across like that in programmes that are more immediate (fly on the wall documentaries, live broadcasts and debates etc). They may well be nice, but we cannot be sure and should not make such a judgment, merely that the person seems to be nice.

On the other hand, I do make decisions based on the same amount of evidence, as to whether somebody is an absolute twat. Is this hypocritical of me? Not at all. If somebody is on a programme and is shown to be a complete twat, that means they are a complete twat. maybe not all the time, but if they have done enough to really annoy me (and it doesn't take a lot to get my gander up), then I don't care how nice they may be at other times, they are just twats. An example of such a tosser is an easy one - Jeremy Clarkson What a fucking knob he is, and I don't care how nice he may be to his Mother or how much he gives to charity, I fucking cannot stand the smug, right wing, middle class tosser. I would love it if he was in a really bad car crash and disabled in such a way as to shut the fucker up for good (and no I won't feel at all bad if that really happened). I'll say it again - I can't stand the tosser.

If somebody walks and talks and behaves like a twat, then they are one. I do obviously, discount myself, as I am only a twat now and again, but deep down I am a really nic... Cancel that - I have proven my theory to be correct, for I am without doubt, one of the biggest tossers going.

At least my argument is correct

toodle pip


I have been reading about the tailor Doug Hayward. He became pretty successful but he remained proud of his Cockney roots; and every week until her death in 1984 he visited his mother, Winifred (who had worked in a bullet-making factory during the war), presenting her each time with a £1 note to pay for her meals-on-wheels.

When she died the family found this money preserved in 15 ice-cream boxes under her bed, along with a note reading: "This money is to get Doug out of prison when they finally get him." She did not believe that her son could earn so much money as a tailor, and assumed that he must have criminal connections.

I can't believe I did not find any boxes like that when my Mother died, as she must have thought that I would end up in jail (again).

On the other hand, I suppose I never took round money every week. Swings and roundabouts I guess.

Toodle pip

more weather!

The bastards are at it again. In today's Observer, they are forecasting sunny weather for the next few days, with maybe more to follow ( in a piece about Britons travelling abroad to find sunny weather). This is still despite the fact they cannot forecast more than about two days ahead accurately.
To top this, in the weather section at the back where they have the six day forecast, predictions are for cloudy weather pretty much everywhere, no sunny forecasts at all. Bastards! I think they are just putting all these forecasts and statements in to annoy me. And by God it has worked.

Toodle pip

Thursday 6 August 2009

the weather

I know it has been covered recently in the papers that August is not going to be BBQ hot after all, as was forecasted in about June, but come on - where's the bloody sunshine?
I really hate the weather forecasters, they predict a load of crap which they admit themselves they have no idea about, if the prediction is long term. After the first day or so, predictions cannot be trusted (unless it's the Sahara you are talking about)
Why then, are the forecasters so sure the rest of the summer is going to be crap? They till have no idea. Next week could be scorching (although l am not holding my breath). Got to finish the rant now as l am at work at 10am and have to get ready.

toodle pip

Tuesday 4 August 2009

John Otway live

Busy weekend - Richmond Live was on so l thought l would be a good lad and take my niece to see John Otway and his big band on Friday evening, as the FPO was too tired. Good time was h by all, then on Saturday, the FPO, myself, Louise and Dazzer went on the lash in Richmond. made our way down to Richmond Live later on in the afternoon for the later acts and Bad Manners, who were much better than l expected. Mind you, we were all pretty minging by then. Indian on the way home, then watched Manchester United against Bayern Munich once everyone had gone to bed. Splendid!

toodle pip


Different and yet very good indeed

Friday 31 July 2009

Sir Bobby Robson

Sir Bobby Robson died today after his 5th bout of cancer. When l was in the Wine bar last Monday, there was a picture of Sir Bobby on the front of the Northern Echo at the England v Germany charity match. We said then he looked at deaths door but didn't thing he was that close to death.
Been listening to various radio stations while l have been out and about today and there have been a lot of tributes poring in, saying what a nice man he was and how much he loved football.
Fair enough with people saying he seemed like a nice man, but half the people spoken to had never met the man, and were stating things as though they were fact.
The radio presenters didn't help either. I know they have a job to do but some of the questions were pathetic. Asking ex players about Sir Bobby who admitted they had never played for him, just knew him a bit. Once again, fair enough. But they were then being asked "What was he like in the changing room at half time?" and "Did he give the hairdryer treatment at half time" when the player had already stated they had not been in a changing room with him.
Other people saying "He was lovely, always had time for people, such a nice man" etc and then saying "I have been crying all day about his death, mind you, I never met the man".
This to me just cheapens it all. He did seem to be a generous and nice man but who the hell am l to know?. Let his family get on with mourning as they are the ones that did know him. Feel sad or grieved if you want, but don't pretend you knew the man.

toodle pip

Thursday 30 July 2009

more jordan

Forgot to add something to the post below about Jordan (it is early). I don't for one minute begrudge her making all her money by whatever means, as she has been upfront (in more ways than one fnar fnar) about pretty much everything to do with her writing career, scents etc. She is obviously a smart woman who plays dumb and makes the most of what she has got (or what she has paid for to have enhanced).

Good luck to her, it's the idiots that buy her stuff that l despair for.

toodle pip


So.. Jordan (Katie Price) has got a new fiction book out. l can't be bothered looking up the title or checking that the above picture features the correct book. l do however, know that she admits herself that she does not write them.

What kind of celebrity fascination drives people (kids and kids parents) to buy a book like this? Admittedly, a child (maybe) may have borrowed one at school, or read one not knowing about the author, (doubtful) and enjoyed it, therefore wanting to read another. But who the hell buys the first lot of books to spread the word. Fucking vapid idiots who would buy any sort of crap if it was wrapped up nicely and featured in Now!, or Hello, or whatever the plebs read nowadays.

l despair of my fellow working classes who buy into this bullshit, but at least they can blame a crappy education and a need to escape, and l suppose any reading is better than none if it leads onto proper books. l do however, suspect that a lot of the books, are being sold to the aspirant middle classes, (just a hunch, absolutely no figures on which to back it up).

Trust me though, l am right. And they are all idiots

toodle pip

Wednesday 29 July 2009

more holidays!

Looks like my greasing at work is finally paying off. I am away to Turkey on holiday for the first two weeks in August and when l return to work, l go off to Bulgaria for a week from 21st - 28th September. All expenses paid. l should then be going on a cruise for a week/week and a half, also through work, also all expenses paid. l am sorting out voyages and options, but it looks like it will be the Med and Africa. Also just been told today that l can also go away at the end of October/November, somewhere undecided but hot, abroad, and all expenses again. Hurrah!!

l had been looking forward to getting swine flu so l could have a week/ten days in bed, but l suppose l should try and avoid it now. Mind you, l probably had it when l was in Portugal in May, as l was coughing for about the first four or five days away. Would probably have killed anyone else, but l am made of strong stuff.

Now l just need to sort out some nights away with work, staying in hotels and going to shows or concerts. Already got the 18th August sorted for York. it's a shame the only fellow at work doesn't want to go to football matches, or l would be unbearable (or should l say even more unbearable). Who cares - what a cushy job at the moment.

toodle pip

Monday 27 July 2009

exotic lager

Some of the beers l have knocked back this evening while dossing around. A fine selection from various countries - all tasting more or less the same.

I would rather drink Coke for the taste, but l like the effect alcohol has. Got them out today as Dazzer the swine flu boy and Louise called round, and l can't deal with people sober. All that was in the house was stuff bought back from trips abroad so it was a case of them or nothing. Going to keep the bottles as l like the look of them, maybe only keep one bottle of each as the house will end up like the house above.

toodle pip

Sunday 26 July 2009

old movies

Lazy day today doing bugger all. l have been lounging around watching football and films (after lounging around in bed reading the Sunday paper). Saw Lifeboat for the first time, pretty dated but still OK. Not as good as Ice Cold in Alex which has the same premise, IE people are thrown together in a small passenger craft (lifeboat and jeep), they are both trying to reach safety and both pick up a German and don't know whether to trust him, but have to rely on his expertise. Oh, nearly forgot, in both films they are desperate for a drink. Also pretty unbelievable how the rather lovely Sylvia Simms would fall for John Mills in Ice Cold in Alex, but that's the make believe glory of the movies. The old sad bastard with drink problems can still pull attractive young females. If only life was more like that. Hold on a minute....

Damn. l forgot in real life the sad old blokes are rich.

toodle pip

Friday 24 July 2009

stevie g

Steven Gerrard has been cleared of affray today, following a trial at Liverpool crown court. As he's been found innocent, here are the facts.

After Gerrard was initially questioned by police, his solicitor said: "He understands his obligations and responsibilities and this is completely out of character and out of the blue...he is extremely remorseful for what actually happened and certainly there wasn’t any intention for events to turn out that way."

CCTV footage clearly shows one of Gerrard's friends throwing the first punch at Marcus McGee. Then, Gerrard is seen to throw three punches - something he referred to in court as: .."very difficult [at the time] to explain to police why I did throw that first punch." Gerrard was then shown on CCTV being physically restrained by his friends. He's always maintained that he was acting in self-defence. 6 of his friends have already pleaded guilty to affray.

The judge, in clearing Gerrard, said: "The verdict is a credible verdict on the full facts of this case, and you walk away from this court with your reputation intact."

What a suprise he got off. The law is an ass

(with thanxs to peterthecook)

toodle pip