Wednesday 29 November 2023

the new european highlight the rise of the far right

I've been saying this for ages.  The new far right is on the rise and democracy is at real risk.  They're very dangerous right wing people, who threaten world stability (what we have of it), and the far right of The Conservative party is also part of this agenda. Try going back 100 years to see how it all ended up panning out last time. Spoiler alert - It wasn't good. The thing is, most of the young poorly educated working class who are voting for these populist  / would be fascists are like turkeys voting for Christmas, don't have fathers (or even grandfathers) that thought in The Second World War and have swallowed the right wing presses rhetoric about immigration. l think that is the main reason these people are being elected, so that countries can revert to some idea of 'themselves' and 'looking after our own', when the truth is, they look after themselves and their rich friends, and stir the hatred and division to stay in power.

Stay on guard, and never vote Tory.

Toodle pip

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