Sunday 26 November 2023

dangerous right wing knobheads

As most of the media goes on about their respective hair styles and outlandish behaviour, it should not be forgotten that we live in dangerous times for democracy, and both Geert Wilders (Netherlands) and Javier Milei (Argentina) are very populist and right wing, and would happily take away most of the electorates freedoms and form dictatorships if they could get away with it.  Rather like our current right wing Conservative party, who make a mockery of laws and regulations, and who  have already disfranchised the right to vote for many. We're also looking at the possibility of Marine Le Pen being elected in France, and Donald Trump returning in America, and there is already Erdogan in Turkey.  Luckily Bolsonaro was defeated in Brazil, but it's not looking good at all, and that's without thinking about Russia and China. What a time to be alive.

Never vote Tory.

Toodle pip

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