Monday 26 March 2012

shelf collapse disaster

What a disaster! The extra thick shelf in the spare room that has been up for about 70 years (at a guess), has collapsed under the weight of some of my records and books. This happened just before the Manchester United v Fulham game, so l had to run up and down the stairs to rescue records, books, DVD's and clothes from the collapsed, plaster covered debris. This was just before the kick off, at half time, and just after the game. I have never felt so knackered in all of my life, running up and down the stairs, clearing some of the mess up, taking some of the records downstairs, and trying to fight off an asthma attack with all of the dust flying about (while also celebrating yet another (less than glorious) Manchester United win).
Of course the FPO ignored it all, persevering with her Second Life (the one that's better than her own). At least she informed me that it had happened, so there has been some progress in her development and progress from her addiction to it.
More work to do at the weekend fixing the calamity, but at least l found the LP (Queen live at the BBC bootleg) l had promised to give to Ken Moore  once l remembered where it was. I am way too nice (or stupid) for my own good (but also, still knackered with all the dust flying about).
I blame God (again).

toodle pip

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