A splendid time guaranteed for all. We all went out for Dazzer's birthday tonight at the Indian at White shops, which was OK, pretty quiet, and the food was not that spectacular (should have gone to Shute road). By we, I mean Dazzer and Louise, me, Mandy, Ruck, Debbie, Maria and John. We all ate loads and got pretty drunk, apart from Louise, who is with child and had the scan to prove it. Who's it is is anyones guess but at least she's happy (only joking!). Couldn't make head or tail of the scan though, just a smudge to me, but I do think I saw a snout there somewhere. Anyway, off to J.T's afterwards for more drinkiepoos, leaving about 1pm I guess, can't really remember. On the good side, I didn't collapse again so I managed to retain a little bit of dignity (what little I still possess), although I did manage to scratch my nose, which I did not realise until it was pointed out to me and the blood started running down it. Damn! What can I say? I have issues. Argued playfully with a conductor guy at the bar in J.T's about music not having to be perfect, which was a bit of a laugh (I was right, he was wrong). Walked home with Ruck and Debbie as the rest of them buggered off back to Stockton in the car (Louise driving). Same time again next year!(at Shute road).
toodle pip
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