Friday 23 June 2023

netflix knows its audience


the brexit question time

Last night's BBC Question time was made up with an audience who all voted for Brexit, and no-one prepared to come forward from the government to defend it on the panel. I agree with Alastair Campbell that people were lied to, but these ignorant, racist, small minded fuckers, are the reason l have had to put up with the consequences of Brexit, so as far as l am concerned, they got what they voted for, and l hope they are all suffering for their idiotic actions and viewpoints. Just look at this audience. That would be a nightmare night out at the pub. Fuck them all (not that l'm bitter or anything).

Toodle pip

pornhub does sad

 One of the saddest messages you're likely to see.

Toodle pip

missing charisma

Our glorious leader woos the crowds yet again.  I bet it took some persuading (or threats)  to get those people to sit and listen. 

Toodle pip

the minority group


spiders are out to get me

I nearly walked into this beast the other day, first thing in the morning. It's not on the door, it's hanging down from the ceiling. To say it made me jump is an understatement, but l certainly woke up pretty damn fast.

It has since ceased to be. It is an ex spider.

Toodle pip

the breakfast of champions

 How l haven't had a heart attack is beyond the grasp of medical science.

Toodle pip

Thursday 22 June 2023

Paul McCartney & Wings - Maybe I'm Amazed [Live]

Another one of the records bought earlier today.  In this case, the Wings Over America triple album.

Toodle pip

The Style Council - Walls Come Tumbling Down! (Official Video)

One of the many second hand records l bought today.  A classic.

the first glastonbury festival

 Glastonbury Festival.  Like everything else, things were so different back in the day.

Toodle pip

Wednesday 21 June 2023

th conservative's jingle mingle

 Remember, according to Boris Johnson and the government, there were no parties. There were however, invites to them, people mingling, drinking, dancing, and taking the piss out of the general public for following the rules. 

Never forget, and never vote Tory.

Toodle pip

keith's had a few

This is Keith Richards at the reception at Mick and Bianca's wedding reception in St Tropez, 1971. This is also what living life to the full looks like.  How the hell is he still alive?

Toodle pip

Tuesday 20 June 2023

bob dylan has got talent

It's not enough for Bob Dylan to be the singer / songwriter of his generation, an excellent radio show host, and a welder to boot, but he can also paint.  This is one of his works.

Toodle pip

Monday 19 June 2023

Keith Richards has put he hours in

These are the Great God Keith Richards fingers.  He's put the hours in in more ways than one. 

Photograph by Francesco Carrozini.     

Toodle pip

Sunday 18 June 2023

the history of rock magazine #72

I've been reading some articles on Glam Rock in the last few days (as you do) and dug out The History of Rock magazine on the subject. Looking back, l bet they wished they had gone with a different cover, and nowadays, so do I. I feel like a pervert just for leaving it lying around in my own home.

Toodle pip

never vote tory Part 6463


                                                                           Cold War Steve

Jacob Lusk - Lord Don’t Move the Mountain (Later with Jools Holland)

Now this is what you call singing with emotion. Poor Kelly Jones and his new venture 'Far From Saints' had to follow this, and much as l like Kelly Jones, he's no match for this.

Toodle pip

Saturday 17 June 2023

book mix up - david beckham versus the good soldier svejk

This David Beckham Joke Book arrived today, and as l had not ordered it, l thought it may be a prank from a mate.  However.....

On checking what l have been ordering, l discovered it was sent in error (now resolved), instead of The Good Soldier Svejk, by Jaroslav Hasek (seen below).  A bit of a difference, that's for sure, and despite being a Manchester United fan, l'd rather read about the good soldier than jokes about Becks.

Toodle pip

Tom Butchart - Sound it Out Records RIP

Another good lad gone way too young.  I only found out today that Tom Butchart from Sound it Out record shop in Stockton had a heart attack in the store and died on the 9th June at the much too young age of 50. I only knew him slightly from the shop, where he sold me such favourites as Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks Test Pressing, but condolences to his family and friends. A sad loss for those close to him and the larger music community in the area.

Toodle pip

Friday 16 June 2023

mr parrot destroys the jack daniels birthday box

 What a little cutie he is! I can't leave anything lying about.

Toodle pip

recent books

 As I'm trying to cut back on the clutter in the house, l've started getting rid of books that l have just read, unless they are favourites or ones l do want to keep, for sentimental reasons, or to read again. These are the ones l have read recently that are going.

The Ian McEwan one l only realised l'd already read it with about three chapters to go.  I did think a part of the plot seemed pretty familiar, but it was also something l thought l may have read in another book. Saying that, l do read a lot, and probably read it when it was released, so a mere 25 years ago.

Toodle pip

official - boris johnson is a liar

The most unsurprising news of the year, and the most unsurprising newspaper front pages.

Rather sadly and totally predictably, this also applies to the right wing Johnson mouthpiece, The Mail.

Remember.  While Johnson repeatedly lied about parties, repeatedly broke lockdown rules that he had made, and repeatedly mislead (lied to) parliament, people were dying and not being able to comfort loved ones. The full report is here, Also remember, the journalists who are calling out Johnson for being a liar now, should have been doing it a long time ago.  They're just as responsible.  The police security at Downing Street must also have known about the parties, or they are pretty crap at their job. All complicit.

But of course the toady sycophantic right wig press have another view.

Toodle pip

Thursday 15 June 2023

you said peerage


takeaway success and failure

Rather rarely for me, last week l decided to get a takeaway from one of our local Gurkha Takeaways (little Buddha).  I asked for something that would taste like a Chicken Korma, and it was excellent. However, when asked if l wanted chips or rice, l opted for the rice, as l thought I'd have too much food with chips as well.  Unfortunately, I discovered afterwards the rice cost £5, l ended up not eating it, and also discovered you shouldn't keep it and reheat it for longer than a day, so it was wasted.

There was a lot of it though, and probably an excellent meal by itself if you happen to like rice. 

Toodle pip

Wednesday 14 June 2023

boris - big boots to fill

 By Nick Newman in Private Eye

Toodle pip

Tuesday 13 June 2023

silvio berlusconi is dead

 Good riddance to the old fascist. He won't be missed in this household.

Toodle pip

the past master at eton college's letter in the times

An honest assessment by John Claughton, a former master at Eton College, but  l would argue that the pupils attending Eton are already privileged and have a sense of self entitlement inbred into their psyche, that no schooling is going to address.  I'd abolish all public schools, so everyone can have the same kind of education. Then we'd see more money pumped into the system and also be able to highlight how thick some of these privileged knobheads are, and the fact that they are classed as charities is a fucking joke.

Toodle pip

Monday 12 June 2023

Pop Will Eat Itself - Can U Dig It?

Calexico - Crystal Frontier

charlotte owen to the house of lords

Now obviously l am only guessing, but there must be a reason why this is happening, and my guess is, seeing that she is a young lady who worked with Johnson, and knowing what Johnson is like, sex is involved on some way.  A favour after sex or in the hope of sex, hush money after sex or attempted sex, or she's linked in some way to a previous sexual exploit of Johnson's.  Normally you follow the money trail.  In Johnson's case, you can follow the money and sex trail, and (I'm guessing), she not a multi millionaire Russian who could benefit Johnson, my money's on the sex trail. 

Watch this space - I'm sure more will be revealed. 

Toodle pip

max hastings on boris johnson

It's fair enough Max Hastings writing this in The Times, obliterating Boris Johnson, as any reasonably educated person would already know that what he writes is true.  However, Johnson has always been like this, and Max Hastings is one of the enablers that employed him (twice), after Johnson had already been sacked from his previous job for lying. People like Hastings are happy to support Johnson and his like when it is beneficial to themselves, so have no right to take the moral high ground now (although he has criticised Johnson over the last few years).

Toodle pip

Sunday 11 June 2023

Saturday 10 June 2023

the boris johnson supporting press

Yet again, the sycophantic press support Johnson with barefaced lies, no doubt hoping for their peerages in the future when he returns with an even more right wing party. It's a sad day when you have to rely on The Daily Star for honest reporting. The sad thing is, most people don't really follow politics at all, so will just believe the headlines. A reminder - The privileges committee was Tory favoured, and a vote in the Commons would have been Tory favoured as well. Johnson resigned to save his own skin from a possible by election defeat, and in his resignation letter, tries his best to disrupt or destroy the party that mainly supported him. Twat.

Never vote Tory.

Toodle pip

Friday 9 June 2023

Kirk Franklin - Revolution

The Beatles - Revolution

Spacemen 3 - 'Revolution'

the question time fuckwit

This man was on BBC TV's Question Time last night, basically saying all parties are the same, plus..

"Both parties are incompetent. And those who are not incompetent are corrupt. Stay behind afterwards, both of you, have a word with me. I'll give you some home truths"

I'd have told him to fuck off, and look at what Labour achieved the last time they were in power, compared to the last 13 years of this corrupt, money grabbing (quite literally) Tory shit show, and wouldn't entertain him for a second, the bigoted knobhead. He's the sort of ignorant loudmouthed buffoons who are presented with way too much air time pontificating that all politicians are the same. That encourages others to not bother voting, or to question who they should be voting for, allowing the real bastards such as the Tories to get in. Unless Labour win the next election, this country is going to become much more right wing, and everyday peoples rights will be eviscerated.

Thanxs to people like this twat.

Toodle pip