Friday 16 June 2023

official - boris johnson is a liar

The most unsurprising news of the year, and the most unsurprising newspaper front pages.

Rather sadly and totally predictably, this also applies to the right wing Johnson mouthpiece, The Mail.

Remember.  While Johnson repeatedly lied about parties, repeatedly broke lockdown rules that he had made, and repeatedly mislead (lied to) parliament, people were dying and not being able to comfort loved ones. The full report is here, Also remember, the journalists who are calling out Johnson for being a liar now, should have been doing it a long time ago.  They're just as responsible.  The police security at Downing Street must also have known about the parties, or they are pretty crap at their job. All complicit.

But of course the toady sycophantic right wig press have another view.

Toodle pip

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