Friday 9 June 2023

the question time fuckwit

This man was on BBC TV's Question Time last night, basically saying all parties are the same, plus..

"Both parties are incompetent. And those who are not incompetent are corrupt. Stay behind afterwards, both of you, have a word with me. I'll give you some home truths"

I'd have told him to fuck off, and look at what Labour achieved the last time they were in power, compared to the last 13 years of this corrupt, money grabbing (quite literally) Tory shit show, and wouldn't entertain him for a second, the bigoted knobhead. He's the sort of ignorant loudmouthed buffoons who are presented with way too much air time pontificating that all politicians are the same. That encourages others to not bother voting, or to question who they should be voting for, allowing the real bastards such as the Tories to get in. Unless Labour win the next election, this country is going to become much more right wing, and everyday peoples rights will be eviscerated.

Thanxs to people like this twat.

Toodle pip

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