Saturday 21 January 2012

joe kidd (1972) - john sturges

This is one of the few Clint Eastwood films l can't remember seeing when l was a kid. Then again, maybe l had just forgotten about it, as it is not one of his better ones.
Clint Eastwood plays the titular Joe Kidd, an enigmatic ex bounty hunter, who gets persuaded to join a posse looking for Luis Chama (John Saxon), a rebel Mexican leader, who is uniting the Mexicans to fight against the landowners. Good old Clint eventually decides he is on the wrong side, and then cajoles Chama into giving himself up, and fighting for justice through the courts.
The film, even though it was written by Elmore Leonard, was pretty unexciting, and it didn't exactly keep you on the edge of your seat. The killings seemed to mean nothing, and there was no dramatic tension, although there were the odd humorous moments.
Clint Eastwood however, was his usual cool, sexy, rugged and good looking self, playing an independently minded maverick (for a change).
The acting (including the other actors) wasn't really the problem, as it was fine. It was just the film itself, it certainly lacked something, and couldn't hold a candle next to some of Eastwood's other westerns.
It all could have been soooo much better.

toodle pip

Friday 20 January 2012

megaupload is taken down by the evil empire

Megaupload, the file sharing service has been taken down by the USA today and it's founders assets have been seized (Ooh, l bet that hurt).
It is a service l (amongst millions of others) have used and it does exactly what it says it does, shares files quickly and easily, and at no cost at all to the individual user, if they so wish (a better service is available for those that wish to pay).
The thing is, obviously it is also used for illegal file sharing and pirating material. This is why the FBI have shut it down on behalf of the large music/film industries, but l also suspect that Megaupload were targeted more because of their recent video promoting the service, which featured various stars endorsing it.
The video was taken off YouTube at first, then re-instated after complaints that it did not infringe upon any copyrighted material (full story here and here). I bet it put a few industry heads backs up (that sounds difficult), as they must have felt as though Megaupload were taking the piss out off their collective positions and copyright stances, therefore, revenge was sought .
The people behind Megaupload made shit loads of money out of it, and good luck to them all, l hope they hire some quality lawyers who will get the case thrown out. They certainly have the money available to hire them, as demonstrated in the photograph of the Megaupload mansion that has just been raided.
The trouble with this kind of action, is that the internet truly is a Pandora's box, in that once something is out there (a service, an idea, a file), it will not go away, as others will duplicate it to the nnnth degree, especially if they feel they have a justified cause, or there is money to be made out of it.
Look at Napster and the outcome of it's shutdown. That didn't exactly stop anyone downloading illegal files by any stretch of the imagination. It was just a minor inconvenience for the people using Napster at the time, until they went to another site (such as Megaupload itself, which was started after the demise of Napster).
More sites will appear offering the same kinds of service (others are already available at the moment, such as Mediafire and Rapidshare), and much as l dislike the SOPA bill that the USA is trying to get passed, l still hold out hope that it will just encourage rebellion amongst internet users, so that the sites become so widespread, they cannot be controlled, unless the internet itself is shut down.

Support the pirates!!!

The megaupload mansion in Australia

toodle pip

the costa concordia and the captain

Obviously it is sad for the families of the people who lost their lives in the Costa Concordia disaster off the Isola del Giglio by Tuscany, but it is one shipwreck l would have survived from.  I am a crap swimmer, so in normal circumstances l would have no chance. On the other hand....even l could have swam to the shore from this. I would have bet a fine and bountiful wager on being able to float over to land on my back, eating my evening meal off my stomach (like an otter) as I bobbed towards the shore.
I would also probably have floated past the captain by the sound of it. At the moment, there are coastguard recordings telling him not to leave the ship, while he is claiming he fell into a lifeboat. There are reports stating he buggered off in a taxi, and he sailed too close to the Island, as he wanted to wave at a friend who he was on the phone to.
Now this all sounds remarkable and somewhat hilarious, but l would also be wary of attaching blame straight away, as there is the chance he might be getting set up to take the rap for it all and is being portrayed in a bad light at the moment, to take the heat away from others (The ship owners/builders for example?).
Remember what the press had to say about Hillsborough straight after it happened. It's understandable to want to find out as much as possible following an event like this, but conclusions should be made once the true facts have been established.
Never trust the media!

toodle pip

Thursday 19 January 2012

a really (really) drunk drummer

Now that is what l call drunk!  Respect!

toodle pip

sopa explained by gif

Thanks to Oatmeal

toodle pip

Wednesday 18 January 2012

small time (1996) - shane meadows

Also watched around Christmas time, but not put up as the passwords were playing up. Small Time deals with loyalty towards friends and family, and the day to day realities of just trying to survive by ducking and diving are highlighted. It is the first of Shane Meadows films, and it shows.  The characters are more stereotypical, it is not so believable, and it does not manage to bridge the gap between comedy and tension.  It is obvious that Meadows has talent, which he proved with his later films and TV series, but here, he is just finding his feet (and voice). Interesting to watch knowing what goodies Meadows would come up with late, but not that good.

toodle pip

I am ozzy

This book is just as you would expect. Ozzy Osbourne has certainly led an eventful life, so you don't have to be a fan of Black Sabbath or his solo work to enjoy it.  All the tales are present and correct (or as correct as he can remember them). Of the tales, there are legion. Biting the head of a bat? Ticked off. Biting the head of a dove? Correctamundo.  Pissing on the Alamo?  Oh yes indeed.  Being taken to court because of backward messages on the records causing fans to kill themselves?  You couldn't make it up. Crashing his quad bike and nearly dying? Of course.  Randy Rhoads crashing into the tour bus in a small aeroplane and being killed? Sadly true. Fighting with a burglar while naked? Only to be expected. Driving for nearly 40 years without a licence and mainly drunk?  The only cool way to do it.  Going into town on the lash dressed in Sharon's dress and being charged with attempted murder after trying to strangle her? Naturally. There are tales of drugs, drink, groupies, poverty, thieving (and the resulting jail term), plus cruelty to animals and women (of which he is apologetic, and says he feels terrible for the pain he has inflicted). All of this is before l have even mentioned the Osbournes TV show.  They just don't make stars like this anymore.

toodle pip

the beatles in aldershot 1961

This photograph was taken of The Beatles in Aldershot in  December 1961, where, due to mix up, they played to only 18 (mostly uninterested)  people. Shortly afterwards, they would be the kings of the world, and nothing would be the same again. I bet there were plenty of people in Aldershot saying they had attended this gig once The Beatles became famous (and there's a good chance both of the women in the photograph are now dead).

toodle pip

this is england 1988

I can't believe that l forgot to post about This is England 88. It was on over Christmas and is another of the Shane Meadows series following various characters over a period of time around the Midlands (Nottingham/Sheffield) area.  It is one of the best things that has been on TV in the last few years, and the more you know about the people involved, the more you get swept up by their stories, their trials (literally in some cases), tribulations, and their general struggles at survival. There are betrayals, aggression, depression, humour, hallucinations, suicide attempts, questions of faith and class struggles. What more could you possibly want from your Christmas fare?  Happy stuff?  In that case, look elsewhere, as this was one of the most depressing things on over the Yuletide festivities, with the FPO weeping nearly all the way through the three episodes.  Great stuff.

toodle pip

Tuesday 17 January 2012

how to make a profit from cds

Some of these figures are just ridiculous. Wait until l unleash my masterpiece, there will be no where left to sell it.

toodle pip

muhammad ali is 70

Ali is 70 years old.  Where in the world does the time disappear to?  Quite simply, to me, and many others around the world, Muhammad Ali is, and will always be, the greatest. He had everything. Great looks, true belief in himself, a serious attitude and conviction of what he thought was right, was not afraid to stand up to the government, and my oh my, the boy sure was funny, quick witted and sassy.
The champ.

toodle pip

Monday 16 January 2012

the fat idiot rabbit

Just look at the size of Tubbs, the lazy idiot rabbit. About time he had a run around in the garden.

toodle pip

another dodgy advert

This advert is wrong on so many levels. Who the Hell thought of it?  Why didn't anybody point out it looks seedy?  Amazing.

toodle pip

the kings speech ( 2010) - tom hooper

The Kings Speech was much better than l envisaged, as l fully expected it to be some kind of  Merchant Ivory / Rambo hybrid, where the future King overcomes his setbacks and difficulties, to emerge victorious at the finale, despite all odds. Don't get me wrong, it was like that (after all, they want to appeal to the American audiences), but not as obviously overblown as l imagined. In fact, l enjoyed it, even in it's so obvious 'What a sad life he has had',  'Poor little darling he has been teased and frightened', 'I've got no friends' and 'I don't really want this life' kind of way. I have little sympathy for somebody in his position who has untold wealth and influence, when all he has to do is make some speeches and show himself in public, but, saying that, Colin Firth was excellent as King George V1. I also thought Geoffrey Rush was superb as Lionel Logue, his speech therapist, and l lasted to the end, which l was not expecting beforehand. Somewhat obvious, overblown and sentimental, but that's exactly the sort of movie that attracts the Oscars (amongst other awards), so it's no great wonder the film was done that way.
And then he led my grandfather into war.....the bastard!

toodle pip

ideal - two series back to back

Over Christmas and the New Year, l've put the hours in and really got into Ideal, watching two series more or less back to back, therefore getting to know the characters pretty damn quickly. I love Johnny Vegas anyway, but to me, the characters of Cartoon Head and Psycho Paul are superb, as (rather sadly), l either know characters like them, or can relate to the humour of them

"Psycho Paul doesn't do Relate" (done in a menacing accent).

Now l have made another burden for myself, as l now have even more TV to watch, due to the fact there's loads more series of Ideal that l have yet to see.
I don't know if that's great news or depressing, after all, l'm an old man and l haven't got time for new experiences (although l will make exceptions for certain things - call my mobile).

toodle pip 

Sunday 15 January 2012

sir henry at rawlinson end - vivian stanshall

One of the classics of English prose, poetry, flights of fancy, and music.
Sir Henry At Rawlinson End might appear at first as the raving of an old school English madman, but it is pure genius by Vivian Stanshall. Danny Baker often quotes the start ....

 "English as tuppence, changing yet changeless as canal water, nestling in green nowhere, armoured and effete, bold flag-bearer, lotus-fed Miss Havishambling opsimath and eremite, feudal still, reactionary Rawlinson End. The story so far.."

 There's lots more.
A character called Scrotum for a start.
Here's one of the first long bits (as we say in the trade)....

 "Tendril-fragrant honeysuckle sucked and honey-babed, close to the ancient limestone walls of Rawlinson; and Florrie, awake, bayonetted her turkey head from its privy orifice. It was a lovely morning: gorgeous beyond imagining were brassy hoars of winter-depression-fierce daffodils, blaring yellow-white reveille, and croci, gingering the lawns in tessellate Performing-Right-Society. No need for wellies, Florrie, shawl about her sparrow shoulders, took the interminable beige thing she was knitting into the garden".

We could do with more mavericks in the pop/rock/musical idiom nomadays

Class....pure class.

 toodle pip

Saturday 14 January 2012

notes from a small island - bill bryson

Notes from a Small Island is the first travel book l have read by Bill Bryson, and it was pretty entertaining in parts, with some interesting observations and amusing throwaway lines. The only other book of his l had previously read was 'A Short History Of Nearly Everything', which mainly dealt with science, (and is superb, even with the odd mistakes). 'Notes' has Bill travelling from dahn sarf in Blighty up to the top of porridge munching land, using mainly public transport, and doing a lot of walking, drinking tea, and staying in crappy hotels or bed and breakfast places along the way. He gets a bit tiddly sometimes, gets soaked a lot, but loves the countries and the people. l think l may peruse another one of his books in the future, as they are something you can just dip in and out of, with plenty of moments to make you at least chuckle a bit. He has also enlightened me about the 5th duke of Portland, William CS Bentinck and his life at Welbeck Abbey, including the underground tunnels he had built. What a character he was. He lived the life l could only dream of, but he certainly did his own thing, and bugger what anybody else thought of him or his actions. Check him out.

toodle pip