Sunday 18 December 2011

american beauty (1999) - sam mendes

I love this film, and am sure l have posted about it before, but it mainly concerns Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) re-adjusting his life and having a bit of a mid-life crisis (before he is shot). Everyone is excellent in it, the music is great, and the humour is pitched at just the right level. Great stuff.

 toodle pip

Saturday 17 December 2011

four months three weeks and two days (2007) - christian mungiu

Set in 1987 in (the then) still Communist Romania, this is a pretty stark Romanian film, following a girl who goes to a hotel to have an illegal abortion, assisted by her friend. Her friend does all the running around, also has to sleep with the abortionist they hired, and then disposes of the foetus afterwards.
Cheerful stuff.
Long silences, bleak settings, and not a lot of laughs.
I enjoyed it.

toodle pip

Friday 16 December 2011

putting the hours in at joe finnegans

It's been a busy old week. The FPO has been slaving away with her assignments, l have been working as usual, and l have also had to find time to go out and about causing my usual mischief, including a visit to see crazy old Joe Finnegan at his palatial abode, as he is still waiting for his operation and hardly going out. I had Ritchie dragging me out of bed to get some booze from Tesco's (12 year old malt Jameson whisky and boxes of beer and lager), which we then dropped off early doors, and returned at about 5pm, after a couple of scoops in The Wine Bar. We ended up going with Jimmy Cav and Larry (in separate taxis), but Jimmy buggered off after one drink, Larry coughed up some more Jameson's from his place, and a splendid time was had by all. Joe was certainly pleased to see us all, but l wouldn't have liked to have to clean up the next day. Then again, that's what he has Peter for (why get a dog and bark yourself? etc). Ritchie managed to fall on his face in Tesco's and send a trolley flying forward (before he had even had a drink), l whacked Gary in his crown jewels by accident in The Wine Bar, and everyone was very, very intoxicated by the end of the evening. It's not easy putting in the hours (a Keith shift as l would refer to it), but sometimes it just has to be done.

toodle pip

diebold and co and the large forehead

I will admit l have never heard this record before and know nothing about the man on the cover. I do however, suspect he could be gay (nothing wrong with that), but he certainly has one of the largest foreheads l have ever seen.

toodle pip

Thursday 15 December 2011

some of the old super hero costumes - batman, robin and superman

These are some of the original (and old) superhero costumes. They certainly look pretty dated and would never be worn by any of your modern heroes, as their costumes all have to be state of the art, skin tight and fetishy creations to show off their strapping and ripped bodies. The old Batman from the TV series (an unripped Adam West) wouldn't last two minutes against the later versions. Holy Yellow Shoelaces Batman!

toodle pip

Wednesday 14 December 2011

the changing face of the spider-man comics and mary janes' larger breasts

Now l love my comics, especially The Amazing Spider-man (amongst many others). I also bow down to no man in my admiration for a fine set of breasts, but l still don't like it when the classic comics that l love so much are given a revamp to appeal to a new and younger generation. I understand it has to be done for higher sales, but l discovered and loved the comics even though l was not an American high school kid and a lot of the references were aimed at Americans and the USA market. If the comics are good, they will sell, but l guess in not enough numbers, otherwise the companies wouldn't bother redrawing them. On the other hand, maybe all the messing around with the artwork devalues the original concept and kudos about owning the comics. Then again, what the hell do l know, apart from Mary Jane Watson certainly got a trendy makeover and larger breasts. So maybe everyone's a winner (especially Peter Parker).

toodle pip

Tuesday 13 December 2011

an octopus sunbathing

Here's something you don't see every day, an Octopus catching some rays by Mount Vesuvius. I have (on my many travels) been to Italy, been to Pompeii, been to Mount Vesuvius, but never seen anything like this (not that l was looking out for a lurking Octopus). It's enough to put you off going into the sea, but from what l remember of the Naples area, a lot of it was crap, definitely not the 'See Naples and die' beauty l was led to believe, so l was a bit dubious about going for a dip around those parts anyway.
Photograph by Pasquale Vassallo.

toodle pip

Monday 12 December 2011

robb hamel velvet art

Black velvet artwork by Robb Hamel, which is pretty moody (but in the good way). Buy it here (if you like it and have a spare couple of grand or so).

toodle pip

a tardis fridge

A fridge done up like the Tardis.
I might do our one up like a red phone box (of course l will never get around to doing that, l am just sprouting my usual rubbish).

toodle pip

chisum (1970) - andrew mclagen

Chisum is based on the Lincoln County Wars, so features Lawrence Murphy, Billy The Kid, Pat Garrett and Chisum (JOHN Chisum) himself (played by John Wayne). There are disputes over land, lawlessness, and trying to do the right thing by the law, when the law itself is corrupt. Another classic western!
The amazing thing for me, is how it was not so long ago when the USA was so lawless. The picture at the top is of George Coe, who was involved in the fighting, lost a finger at the Blazers Mill gunfight, and was (obviously) still alive just before the Second World War, as this photograph was taken in 1934.
As l said - amazing.

toodle pip

wrong turn at tahoe (2009) - frankc khalfoun

I can see why 'Wrong Turn At Tahoe' went straight to DVD, but it wasn't that bad, it just wasn't that great either. Joshua (Cuba Goodring Jr) is working for a baddie called Vincent (Miguel Ferrer), and they end falling out with Nino, a more powerful crime lord (Harvey Keitel doing his usual off the rails, bad guy routine). Lots of violence, deaths, shootings, man to man fighting and drug taking, but pretty implausible in lots of places.
Also, Mr Khalfoun does really spell his name Frankc.
What an arse.
Unless of course it's just a foreign spelling, in which case l will let him off.
But not like a firework.
I'll stop now.

toodle pip

the bacon tree for christmas (as chris rea never sang)

Thinking about Christmas and all the tasty food that goes along with it, this image entered my mind. That's the sort of Christmas tree l want this year - a bacon one (maybe with a pork pie on top).
As the good Lord Homer would say, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

toodle pip

Sunday 11 December 2011

please please let me get what I want - the john lewis advert and this is england

There has been a lot of praise for the new John Lewis Christmas advert which uses 'Please Please Let Me Get What I Want' by The Smiths as the music (but sang by Slow Moving Millie - AKA Amelia Warner from Liverpool - AKA Colin Farrell's ex wife). Now I love that song, and there is no way l am going to knock it (or the treacly, saccharine, rosy tinted advert), but to me, my favourite version of the song will always be the one used (performed by Clayhill) at the end of 'This Is England' by Shane Meadows. Very emotive indeed, especially if you have been following the story.
There is also a new series (three episodes) of 'This is England' on Tuesday nights and starting this week! Hurrah!!!!!!!
Watch it.

toodle pip

Saturday 10 December 2011

the sex pistols on the bill grundy show

I remember the aftermath of this (l was living Oop North) and the headlines in the next days papers ('The Filth And The Fury'), but l have just discovered it was over 35 years ago.
Bastard!!!!!! How did the time fly by so quickly?

toodle pip

wonderful world - david attenborough

The ongoing Frozen Planet series has been excellent, with some superb (as usual) footage (I'm thinking of the frozen finger and the starfish - ooh err!), but this advert is also hitting the nail on the head as far as top moments go. Well worth the licence fee alone. We'll miss the BBC when it goes.

toodle pip

Friday 9 December 2011

some more amazing photographs

More amazing shots, but rather sadly, not by me. I have got to get myself a decent camera (and then travel to some exotic places to take the snaps). If l only had the time...(and bucketloads of money)

toodle pip