Tuesday 7 December 2010

Benedict Radcliffe wire car sculptures

These wire sculptures are by the artist Benedict Radcliffe. Very impressive and weird looking, they make you doubt your own vision. Superb.

toodle pip

Monday 6 December 2010


OK, I'm pissed off about not going to Berlin this weekend, plus l have to go back to work on Wednesday. Therefore...signs of depression in my world (look away if easily offended)

Can't be bothered getting out of bed, so therefore stay in it while it is still warm (for however long that takes)
My best mate Nozzer (the indoor rabbit) is going to die very soon, which upsets me a lot
Can't be bothered listening to music, but happy enough to spend the hours doing fuck all apart from watching any kind of crap on TV
Wank (personal -Mrs Palm and her five lovely daughters) ? Pah! Can't be bothered.
Being happy with a blow job or wank, rather than having to make any effort.
Looking at the computer monitor and keyboard and thinking "what am l doing here?, why bother?" Anything to make the day go by
Looking at all your possessions and wondering why you have them, what's the point.
Looking at all the CD's and books and realising you will never have the chance to hear them all, as you are very very old
Realising young girls no longer fancy you (OK l am kidding on that one - I fool myself into thinking)
Jobs, lifestyle, future...who cares
No large network of family or friends (through choice)
No kids (too much hassle and way too selfish)
Everyone else changing (having or trying to have kids)
Hating work, no matter how easy it is
Not knowing who you can trust
Looking forward to death (or at least not being scared of it)
Drinking way more than usual (but not even being bothered to buy or do the drugs)
Christmas - not bothered, which means no great change, although l started feeling better about them a few years ago (unlike when l was a kid)
Still getting loads of music, but not finding the time to listen to it
Thinking heart attack rather than life - OK if it's painless

Right, that's the end of the depressive message - I would like to say l feel much better now. l know what l need, more money and less work.
I do not blame the government or God for a change, l blame my parents.
Scumbags!! (although they knew no better)

toodle pip

german lepus rabbit

Look at the size of that bastardo. Nothing more to add really.

Oh shit l have just remembered - the guy is breeding them for food. What a twat. Get a cow, food and milk whenever you want, and if you have enough space, get chickens (food, eggs, and sex if you want it).

toodle pip

arizona sand

This is not photo shopped, it's the real deal. These sands are in Arizona and they really do look like this. I praise God.

toodle pip

restrepo documentary

Finished watching Restrepo (2010) earlier tonight, which is a documentary about the USA forces (Second Platoon, B Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (airborne) of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in the Korangal valley), going into Afghanistan to win the battle for the "Hearts and Minds" of the population.
It was pretty interesting and showed the effects war has on it's participants, but the main thing l was bothered about was the way the troops treated the Afghan elders.
There was an incident when a cow was killed (and then eaten by the troops). The elder (or farmer) wanted compensation for it, which he quoted as about 400/500 (not sure if this was dollars). This was then turned down, and he was offered sugar/tea etc but he then seemed to go away pretty dissatisfied. Don't the troops realise how much bad feeling this will provoke, probably costing extra lives in the future. The way the elders were spoken to was also out of order, with lots of swearing and a lack of respect. That is no way to win hearts and minds. The troops could also do with learning a few simple phrases such as "sit down", "come here" and "thank you".
My own view is the troops should have just launched a propaganda war, dropping information leaflets, medicines and supplies to the population. That would have been a lot cheaper in the long run, and it is the only way of winning the Afghans over. The war will turn out to be unsustainable or winnable and the troops will eventually pull out, leaving the region to go back to how it was. What a waste of lives.
This war is not like The Second World War (or The First). These people do not feel as though they are being rescued, and will have a lot of resentment against the Americans (and other troops), especially when innocent family members have been killed. This will just encourage the Afghan youngsters to continue the fight (and so on, and so on..).
As I stated before..what a waste.

toodle pip

salvador dali houses

This is pretty damn cool. When houses have been getting done up in Paris (If I remember correctly, although it could be Spain), they have been covered with sheets to disguise and hide the work. The sheets look amazing, and as a long time fan of Salvador Dali (I have been to his birthplace and various museums), I would be sorely tempted to try and nick one.
God knows what l would do with it afterwards (no suggestions thank you).

toodle pip

Sunday 5 December 2010

a serious man - la femme infidele - apres vous - ohayo - the death of mister lazarescu

Recent films l have just seen, with an emphasis on foreign ones.

A Serious man (2009) is a Coen brothers film about someone who's wife has an affair, his kids don't respect, and is in fear of losing his job. It also questions the church and religion. Pretty bleak all the way through, but good.

La Femme Infidele (1968) is about another man who's wife has an affair, only this time, the husband kills the other man. He then takes the rap for it as the wife realises how much she loved him (her husband) really.

In Apres Vous (2003), a man (Daniel Auteuil) saves another man (Jose Garcia) from hanging himself, then takes responsibility for his life. It's a black comedy and also really well done, enjoyed it a lot.

Ohayo (1959, also known as Good Morning) is about a small community in Japan, focussing on how petty the neighbours are, and the two young boys taking a vow of silence because they are desperate for a TV. Nothing really happens in it, but it is a pleasant enough way to spend an hour or so.

The Death of Mister Lazarescu (2005) shows the last hours of the eponymous man, a person the hospitals do not want to admit as they are either busy, or because he has been drinking and is about to die anyway. Long and bleak, it is a Romanian film and is meant to be a black comedy, but there was not a lot of laughs in it, that's for sure. Just up my street.

I really don't just watch these type of films to be different, it's just that l much prefer them to the Hollywood blockbusters that star (for example) Bruce Willis in a vest, or Arnie destroying things. Foreign films, when they are good, are a relaxing way to spend some time, also giving some kind of insight into the countries they are based in. Who knows, l may even improve my knowledge of foreign languages (and let's face it. l have a lot to learn).

toodle pip

Saturday 4 December 2010

failed trip to berlin

The bloody weather and the airports have let us down big style.
After finishing work on Wednesday (early because of the weather), myself and the FPO travelled to Middlesbrough to meet up with Kerry and Robbo for a holiday to Berlin.
We were meant to be going top Paris first, then onto Berlin, but a lot of the flights were getting cancelled due to the weather, as there was a lot of snow about. We tried changing the flights on the internet and also ringing KLM, but to no avail. Then we thought "Fuck it, lets go to Newcastle Airport and sort it out there".
After setting off at 2.30am to get to Newcastle, we were then put onto a flight which went to Amsterdam, then onto Berlin. Sadly, this flight did not leave until 5.30pm, sop we had a long wait ahead of us. No problemo, there was a bar open, and we could also crash out at the airport and get some shut eye.
The girls then had an idea about 1pm, to check if there were any cancellations on earlier flights, in the hope we could get on them. Unfortunately, that is when they discovered all the flights were cancelled. Bummer (to say the least).
we then got a taxi back to Newcastle (as everyone was too drunk to drive by then), and booked into the Malmaison hotel for the night.
What can l say, we made the best of a bad situation, had lots of food and drink and then set off back home the next day. Still have the holiday money we have not spent, have time off work, will get flight money back and some insurance money back, but l would still rather have got to Berlin.
I blame God and the French.

toodle pip

gary lineker craps himself during a world cup game

I can't believe this was not noticed at the time.

toodle pip

the beatles helter skelter - vocal only

Paul was once a very cool man. This is some great raw singing on Helter Skelter. It's just a pity it helped send Charles Manson closer to the edge.

toodle pip

Friday 3 December 2010

let it be video

What a mad selection of stars, God knows what it is in aid of.

toodle pip

Tuesday 30 November 2010

andy warhols polaroids

John Lennon

Mick Jagger

Liza Minnelli

Andy Warhol

Sylvester Stallone

Debbie Harry

Mohamed Ali

Truman Capote

William Burroughs

In the Rolling Stones book of the 1972 tour (Stones Touring Party), It mentions Andy Warhol coming to the last night of the tour in Madison Square Gardens and then taking polaroids backstage. Andy Warhol took polaroids when he was working at The Factory, so most of these (if not all) are from there. Still interesting though, having such famous personalities popping by to say hello all the time. No wonder he roped in other staff to do a lot of the art work, following his instructions. He probably never got a minutes peace, poor old bugger.

toodle pip

Monday 29 November 2010

stones touring party, apathy for the devil and the music myths and misbehaviours of primal scream

l have just finished these three little beauties, and they were all just what l expected.

Stones Touring Party is an account of the Rolling Stones 1972 tour of America, with all it's attendant madness (sex, drugs and rock and roll). It also presents the downside of it, the burnouts, the brutality and the sheer boredom of life on the road (maaaan).

The Primal Scream one is like an updated version - they are/were living and fulfilling their Rolling Stones dreams, with both the good and bad experiences that kind of lifestyle throws up.

Nick Kent was living the dream in the early 1970's, then got hooked on heroin for the second part of the decade. Then goes further and further down, into the squalor and mixing with the lowlife.
Mmmm... sounds good, makes me want to try it.

toodle pip

Sunday 28 November 2010

come together - primal scream - london olympia 26-11-2010

Deep joy at the end of the gig. This is from where we were standing.

toodle pip

Saturday 27 November 2010

primal scream in london

A rather splendid time was had down in old London town yesterday evening, watching Primal Scream do Screamadelica at the Olympia in Kensington.

Some random memories of it :

Getting there in pretty good time (5.30pm aprox), surprising the FPO with cans of beer for the journey, and then being stuck in traffic and driving around for ages trying to find somewhere to park that wasn't resident permits only or £30 for the night. Finally ditched the car without having to pay by the Army Museum, along from the Royal Hospital, home of the Chelsea pensioners. Bought some small bottles of wine, then headed to Victoria to get the tube, as we couldn't find the Sloane Square station (maps are for girls).

Two old pissed up/drugged up scousers on the tube to Earls Court (also on the way to the Primal Scream gig) who managed to get the train to stop twice by leaning on the door (not realising what they were doing). The train driver tried to get some police to arrest them, but then carried on the journey as there were non available. I told them how to get to Olympia and which stop to change at, for which they were very grateful, so l thought l might ask if they had any disco biscuits spare when we changed at Earls Court. They then disappeared the wrong way, never to be seen again, so God knows what happened to them. As l said to the FPO, that could easily have been me (some say it is).

Down the front for the gig, which was great. A really large hall with everyone standing/dancing.
They didn't play Screamadelica in order, which was better really, so they had the slow songs in the middle and more crowd pleaser's at the end. Could have hit the bar again during 'Shine Like Stars' and 'Inner Flight' though (price of a small bottle of cider - £4.60 each). They also had a good stage set up with screens/lasers etc, plus it was all filmed.

Queueing for an hour after the gig to get the FPO's coat back from the cloackroom. What shitty organisation, a very small cloakroom with hardly anyone helping, yet loads of security trying to clear the place.

Getting the tube to Sloane Square after the gig, knowing the tickets were not for two zones. I got through the barrier by quickly following someone, but the FPO never made it and had to get assistance. Luckily she pleaded stupidity, was believed (I wonder how) was let off, and let through. We then walked to the Chelsea and Westminister hospital by mistake, looking for the car. Went past lots of toffs outside flash nightclubs (don't get me started) and when we realised our mistake (standing outside the wrong hospital), we got a taxi to the car instead (£7 plus a £3 tip). Well worth it, as it was bloody freezing.

Going through red lights on the way out of London and then getting pulled over by the rozzers (painful at the best of times) in Kilburn High Street. I thought it was for the red lights, but turned out it was a random number plate check and they realised the car was from miles away, so investigated in case it was stolen. Denied I had been drinking, but as the car had a load of beer cans in it, they were suspicious and breathalysed me. Hurrah! The first one l have ever passed! They even gave me the bit l blew into as a pressie (see photo above).

Lots of snow and traffic jams on the way home, so we stopped twice for a kip in the car (took a sleeping bag and quilt with us). In the end, it took about nine hours getting home, dirty and knackered, but still chuffed we went.

Already looking forward to the gigs next year.

toodle pip

Friday 26 November 2010

who's in the bootle primary school photo

Looking at some old Bootle primary school pictures, (see http://www.bootlehistory.com/ ) for more, somebody in the photo at the top looks familier. Check out the small lad on the right hand side in a snazzy waistcoat (with D on it). It's non other than Cheggers himself, Keith Cheggwin.
Obviously another famous friend from years gone by (although he was a year above me).

toodle pip

Thursday 25 November 2010

tom mairs - secret millionaire in bootle

The FPO taped this for me as she thought l might enjoy it, as l was in the bath while it was on (got to wash the filth off sometimes).

The reason for the taping was because l am from Bootle (and proud of the fact), and it is always good to see how the old hometown is portrayed on the goggle box. Secret Millionaire is not normally something l would watch, as a lot of the time l just think it is people trying to get themselves on TV (like everybody else) and look caring (and get some good publicity at the same time). Also, the cheques they usually give away do not amount to a lot, especially when they are outrageously rich.

Tom Mairs lives in the Wirral and was given £1,000,000 by his father to do what he wanted with. He then bought a load of houses across the water in Liverpool and rented them out to students. Result! Made more money in rents and still owns the property. Easy to do when you are already rich, even Robbie Fowler does it.

He has over two million pounds now, but to cut a long story short, he went to Bootle, met people and gave away some money. This is the bit that bugs me.

A woman with problems arranging holidays for children (or maybe one child, l skipped through some stuff) with learning difficulties or physical problems was given £30,000 and a promise of an extra £10,000 a year to keep the holidays up. Nice one. No problems with that.

An ex criminal who Tom originally had issues with (as Tom's family had been the victims of a robbery while at home) was advising kids not to join gangs or rob, also emphasising the horrors of imprisonment. He did not want money but was sorry for what he had done in the past and didn't want other kids to make the same mistakes he had. Nothing wrong with that - doing good work (all for free).

However............and this is the bit that really bugs me......Tom visited The Space Centre, which helps give kids something to do, gets them off the streets, and gives them self worth and shows them there is more to life than gangs and crime. This involves loads of kids and has been going for a while. Tom eventually revealed himself as a secret millionaire and then after all the build up, produced from his pocket a cheque for £8,500. There were lots of tears and thank you's and hugs from the kids and staff, but l would have told him to bugger off and stop slumming it for his supposedly altruistic reasons. They could get that kind of money with some sort of charity event. Any money is nice and it it had been given anonymously or by someone poorer, that would be great, but to make a bleeding great fuss of presenting it, after his so called bonding dancing with the kids is just an insult. These are exactly the kind of kids that will probably have a crap education, poor family life and roll models, and end up drifting into drugs, alcoholism, dead end jobs or crime. He shouldn't be too surprised when they grow up and rob him in years to come.

OOh thank ee guvnur, l be so very very umble l be, and not worthy of thous most gracious gift.
Bah humbug. They should have said "How fucking much??!!!", then ripped it up and threw it back in his face. l for one, would have stood up and applauded (rather than doffing my cap).

Bootle, you let me down.

toodle pip

Wednesday 24 November 2010

my grammer school (nearly)

This is the school l would have gone to if my parents had split up and l had gone back to Liverpool (It is Balliol Road Bootle Grammer School). They nearly did split when we were in Germany and l had just passed my 11 plus (obviously with flying colours), so it was a close thing.
It would have been a hell of a lot different from Linacre Lane primary school, that's for sure.
I would have ended up at University or prison, one of the two. Mind you, l went to Durham Prison years ago, so half of that came true anyway. Damn! Just missed out on University then.

toodle pip

national geographic weather photos

Been thinking about the weather for the weekend (off to London) and next week (off to Berlin).
Think it is going to be mighty cold, but l would rather it was cold than raining.
Anyway, here's some great weather shots from National Geographic. Impressive stuff.

toodle pip

gary glitter advert

This advert just looks so wrong. I'd hate to think what other use he had for the cream.

toodle pip

Monday 22 November 2010

the royal wedding

The nation is soooo happy! We are all walking around with smiles on our faces! Think of how much money this will make for the country! (even though l will be paying towards it).
Sod that l say.
A couple of outrageously over privileged spoilt bastards decide to get hitched. So what. I am not interested in their wedding one iota, but l am interested in the way the media are falling over themselves to build it up (and yes, l do know we are talking about our future king and queen).
It is supposed to be heading us all towards a classless society, and the Mail have even gone as far as calling her a commoner.
This is a commoner who went to a £30,000 a year school and lives in a one million pound flat which her parents bought her. Curious to know what (real) work she does as well.
Honestly, it makes my blood boil.
Bring on the revolution brothers and sisters.

toodle pip

linacre lane school - bootle

Ah, my old school in Bootle. Looks pretty posh (l don't think). This was taken before l went there, although probably not too long before, as l am now an old bastardo.

toodle pip.

Sunday 21 November 2010

george best - five years ago already

Bloody Hell, time sure does fly (like the great pumpkin). It was five years ago yesterday when George Best died. I was on the train to London when it happened and got told of his death by a taxi driver, when l asked him if he had any news about George, who was at deaths door when l got on the train.
Sure doesn't seem like five years ago, and l wish Manchester United had him still playing now (obviously when he was younger, not in his current state).

toodle pip

made to eat his beard

He is not just a stereotypical southern citizin of the good old U S of A, he was also forced to eat his beard. You couldn't make it up.

toodle pip