Sunday 23 March 2014

car boot sale heaven

I was on sleepover at work last night and finished at 8am this morning, (after staying up till 2.30am and getting up at 6.10am).  On a whim, while driving home, l decided to take a detour and have a look at a local car boot sale, a place l have only ever been to once before, but keep meaning to visit.  I was mighty pleased that l decided to do so, as l ended up buying a total of  23 albums (large CD's that scratch to you kids out there), for a total of  £35, and that was with a load of Beatles singles thrown in for good measure.  I was especially pleased with The Rolling Stones ones, as they are the original unboxed red Decca versions, all in great nick, but some of the LP's l bought are just to replace stuff l already have because they are miles better copies (yeeeeessssss...l know l am a sad bastard, and certainly don't need telling).
Originally, there was a slim chance l was going to do some painting today (as if!), but that went out of the window, and all l've been doing is reading and listening to records (and annoying Mr Parrot).  What bliss.
I've said it before and l'll say it again, l could easily fill a house with records, comics, DVD's etc, but at least l've sorted out some old LP's to give to my sister, so the actual amount of records in the house stays roughly the same.
Then there's the not so small problem of finding loads of spare time to read and listen to everything.  The books in the photograph are recent purchases l have yet to get through, l have another pile of unread ones that remain untouched, as well as the two books l have on the go at the moment (as well as TV shows and football to watch, and going out annoying people to fit in).
Multi tasking is the answer.  I'm currently listening to The Who's 'Quadrophenia' film soundtrack while updating this blog and drinking chilled white wine at the same time, with Mr Parrot sitting on my leg, getting the occasional stroke (me stroking him, not the other way round).
No wonder l fall asleep on trains.

toodle pip

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