Thursday 30 August 2012

confessions / kokuhaku (2010) - tetsuya nakashima

A teacher tells her class before she leaves that she knows two of them have murdered her daughter, and she has taken her revenge on them (which they are shocked to discover).  The story then develops, giving alternate viewpoints and showing different time frames, until the unexpected twists at the end.  Confessions / Kokuhaku  is a Japanese film by Tetsuya Nakashama with English subtitles, and it is one of the best films l have seen.  It seems longer than it is, due to the interweaving and dark plot, and it certainly drags you in, gets you involved, and keeps you guessing.  Egotism, bullying, revenge, an Oedipus complex, love, grief, betrayal, inventions, killings, blood and gore, denial, the internet, a dog and some dance moves.  All are present and correct.  Even the soundtrack, featuring Radiohead and The XX (amongst others) is excellent.  What more could you possibly want from a movie?  Marvelous.

toodle pip

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