Tuesday 25 January 2011

paige drumming alongside lps

This picture was on 'The Word' blog, and features a sad bastard like me's storage system for LP's. l was immediately jealous and wished the storage shelves and all the albums belonged to me (as l am a sad bastard), even though l obviously don't know what the albums are (though l could harbour a good guess at most of them). I can't remember who's taken the picture and l certainly can't be bothered looking, but the child is called Paige and it is either his (it is always a man who who has records like this) child or near relation. It would make a great album cover if it was cropped slightly, a childs innocent pleasure playing music against the history of music and the weight of expectation. One day, when l win the lottery, l will have rooms filled up like this (but without the pesky kids). Ah well, one can still dream.

toodle pip

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