Thursday 3 April 2008

who needs water ?

Dr Stanley Goldfarb, a kidney specialist at the University of Pennsylvania, has just written a review in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, stating that drinking lots of water does you no good. He states that their research has shown drinking excess water does not improve skin tone, nor "flush out" toxins in the system. Drinking too much water can hinder kidney function. He does not think that drinking a small amount of extra water helps headaches or obesity. Either research proved there was no benefit, or no good research had been done on certain topics, it was a topic that had been passed on as safe, but there was no real data to support the argument.

l say drink more lager and wine, avoid salad if possible ( especially celery ), put mayonnaise on nearly everything and do illegal drugs ( in moderation ). Water and salad is bad for you. Then again, you should see the state of me. Toodle pip

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