Showing posts with label liverpool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liverpool. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 October 2011

art for places project - bootle 2008

I missed the Art For Places project when it hitched up in Bootle in 2008 (as l was swanning around New York at the time), but l grew up in the street next to this balloon and have been in the pub on the corner (The Pacific) on many an occasion. I'm all for art projects in deprived areas, although l would have preferred a permanent item, like the Antony Gormley statues at Crosby beach (Bootle beach to me). Just don't give the artists all of the money, and use local craftsmen to make the exhibits.
The Johnson's factory was the landmark l most related to as a nipper, but apparently, it is going to be transformed into flats and shops. At least it is not being knocked down, it should be (if it is not already) be classed as a listed building). I hope the renovation works out better than the bee hives they installed along the canal.

toodle pip

Wednesday 10 August 2011

bloody riots - they've got it easy - try bootle years ago

This is the sort of deprivation l was used to in Bootle when l was a nipper. Tin baths, outside toilets, prating about in the cinema car park and catching pigeons in the back yard, it never did me any harm.

There is a ridiculous article about the riots and the supposed causes here (from the Daily Telegraph), but to show not all Tories have outrageous views, there is a more reasoned one by a Tory here.

My own view is no matter what original grievance the rioters had, they are now just having a laugh, causing destruction, being excited about being on the TV and part of what is going on, and looking upon it as a way to act tough and nick some goodies. Rather sadly, they also wreck their own communities and local stores, rather than heading somewhere like Harrods or Harvey Nichols. Although the news will throw up instances of Teachers assistants or students being arrested, the majority will be poor and working class. I bet there will be no one from Eton/Cambridge/Oxford University caught looting JJB sports or the local mobile phone shop (especially now that the likes of Charlie Gilmore has been dealt with). This is not students and toffs/anarchists protesting about student fees, it's (mostly) young males with hardly any aspirations and very poor role models, such as drug dealers. It does not help that most magazines aimed at youth highlight the 'bling' culture and aspirational consumptionism (watches, mobiles, TV's, trainers, designer clothes etc).

I am reading The Golden Ass by Apuleius at the moment (Ooh - get him!), and during it, he talks about a bandit wanting to recruit lads to join a gang for looting and pillaging. His reasons for them joining are :

"Some might have to be impressed and kept loyal by a sense of fear, some would be attracted by the prospect of loot, and come forward as volunteers, others would be only too pleased to escape a life of drudgery for membership of a company which exerted an almost sovereign power"

I would say nothing much has changed since the Second Century AD when the book was written. That would still be the reasoning behind most lads joining a gang of drug dealers or looters. Power and a sense of worth.

toodle pip

Friday 26 November 2010

who's in the bootle primary school photo

Looking at some old Bootle primary school pictures, (see ) for more, somebody in the photo at the top looks familier. Check out the small lad on the right hand side in a snazzy waistcoat (with D on it). It's non other than Cheggers himself, Keith Cheggwin.
Obviously another famous friend from years gone by (although he was a year above me).

toodle pip

Thursday 25 November 2010

tom mairs - secret millionaire in bootle

The FPO taped this for me as she thought l might enjoy it, as l was in the bath while it was on (got to wash the filth off sometimes).

The reason for the taping was because l am from Bootle (and proud of the fact), and it is always good to see how the old hometown is portrayed on the goggle box. Secret Millionaire is not normally something l would watch, as a lot of the time l just think it is people trying to get themselves on TV (like everybody else) and look caring (and get some good publicity at the same time). Also, the cheques they usually give away do not amount to a lot, especially when they are outrageously rich.

Tom Mairs lives in the Wirral and was given £1,000,000 by his father to do what he wanted with. He then bought a load of houses across the water in Liverpool and rented them out to students. Result! Made more money in rents and still owns the property. Easy to do when you are already rich, even Robbie Fowler does it.

He has over two million pounds now, but to cut a long story short, he went to Bootle, met people and gave away some money. This is the bit that bugs me.

A woman with problems arranging holidays for children (or maybe one child, l skipped through some stuff) with learning difficulties or physical problems was given £30,000 and a promise of an extra £10,000 a year to keep the holidays up. Nice one. No problems with that.

An ex criminal who Tom originally had issues with (as Tom's family had been the victims of a robbery while at home) was advising kids not to join gangs or rob, also emphasising the horrors of imprisonment. He did not want money but was sorry for what he had done in the past and didn't want other kids to make the same mistakes he had. Nothing wrong with that - doing good work (all for free).

However............and this is the bit that really bugs me......Tom visited The Space Centre, which helps give kids something to do, gets them off the streets, and gives them self worth and shows them there is more to life than gangs and crime. This involves loads of kids and has been going for a while. Tom eventually revealed himself as a secret millionaire and then after all the build up, produced from his pocket a cheque for £8,500. There were lots of tears and thank you's and hugs from the kids and staff, but l would have told him to bugger off and stop slumming it for his supposedly altruistic reasons. They could get that kind of money with some sort of charity event. Any money is nice and it it had been given anonymously or by someone poorer, that would be great, but to make a bleeding great fuss of presenting it, after his so called bonding dancing with the kids is just an insult. These are exactly the kind of kids that will probably have a crap education, poor family life and roll models, and end up drifting into drugs, alcoholism, dead end jobs or crime. He shouldn't be too surprised when they grow up and rob him in years to come.

OOh thank ee guvnur, l be so very very umble l be, and not worthy of thous most gracious gift.
Bah humbug. They should have said "How fucking much??!!!", then ripped it up and threw it back in his face. l for one, would have stood up and applauded (rather than doffing my cap).

Bootle, you let me down.

toodle pip

Wednesday 24 November 2010

my grammer school (nearly)

This is the school l would have gone to if my parents had split up and l had gone back to Liverpool (It is Balliol Road Bootle Grammer School). They nearly did split when we were in Germany and l had just passed my 11 plus (obviously with flying colours), so it was a close thing.
It would have been a hell of a lot different from Linacre Lane primary school, that's for sure.
I would have ended up at University or prison, one of the two. Mind you, l went to Durham Prison years ago, so half of that came true anyway. Damn! Just missed out on University then.

toodle pip

Monday 22 November 2010

linacre lane school - bootle

Ah, my old school in Bootle. Looks pretty posh (l don't think). This was taken before l went there, although probably not too long before, as l am now an old bastardo.

toodle pip.

Thursday 15 July 2010

I'm in a happy place - with mummy

Not really.
I am sick of doing so much work, it's been non stop at the moment as there are so many bleeding forms I have to get the hang of, plus the usual day to day running of a home (two homes). Stone me, what a life. Wish it was back to the good old days (that now seem so far away) of being a support worker, which was a piece of piss.
Just come across these pictures of the toy shop at Bootle broadway. The shop has been like this for years, and it does bring back happy memories when life was uncomplicated, I was flying past my 11 plus, and all I needed from life was a new Manchester United keyring/pennant/badge from the shop. Oh and maybe a bit more love and affection from my bleeding parents. I now blame them for the fact I am working so hard now, I'll just have to think of a reason, but that will come later.
I'm in a happy place.....

toodle pip

Saturday 27 March 2010


I borrowed this off someone at work on Sunday, as 'Carra' is from Bootle like me, so I was curious to read about his early days. Sadly, he is from Marsh lane, very close to where I was born (the other side of North park) but it meant he went to a different primary school than me. Didn't plan on reading the whole book, but decided I might as well as I am off work. Skimmed a lot of the talk about Liverpool and was not interested in the stories about their triumphs (so long ago now!), so overall it was not that interesting for me. Think it's good that he is so proud of his roots though, still hangs around with his old Bootle mates and although he plays it down in the book, I know he has helped out supporters financially when they have been stuck. Just a pity he plays for Liverpool really. Admits as well that he would rather Liverpool were successful rather than England. Substitute Manchester United in place of Liverpool and I am in agreement.
toodle pip