Showing posts with label class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 March 2011

the demise of cbgb's and monica from friends apartment

l love the Manhattan part of New York, but it has certainly got a lot more upmarket since l first started going there. One thing l liked about it was it had lots of dodgy places that stayed open late (which were relatively cheap). Now it is getting way too gentrified and expensive, which to me is summed up by the closing of CBGB's as the rents became too high. It is now a John Varvatos fashion outlet, which makes me want to puke. Where the fuck the character of New York is going to be in the next few years is anyone's guess, it will of course still have The Empire State building, The Statue of Liberty, Central Park etc, but be inhabited by posh bastards and students (and maybe the Mexican workers sleeping 20 to a room). Everyone is getting pushed out to the suburbs, but these will suffer the same fate unless there is stronger rent controls both for shops and apartments (or lots of aggressive squatting). If l remember correctly, the only way that Monica from friends could live in her apartment was because it was rent controlled. l know it's a new country, but have a sense of history and try to think of the ordinary working man/woman. Mind you, l still don't think Monica could have lived it an apartment that size!

toodle pip.

Monday 6 December 2010


OK, I'm pissed off about not going to Berlin this weekend, plus l have to go back to work on Wednesday. Therefore...signs of depression in my world (look away if easily offended)

Can't be bothered getting out of bed, so therefore stay in it while it is still warm (for however long that takes)
My best mate Nozzer (the indoor rabbit) is going to die very soon, which upsets me a lot
Can't be bothered listening to music, but happy enough to spend the hours doing fuck all apart from watching any kind of crap on TV
Wank (personal -Mrs Palm and her five lovely daughters) ? Pah! Can't be bothered.
Being happy with a blow job or wank, rather than having to make any effort.
Looking at the computer monitor and keyboard and thinking "what am l doing here?, why bother?" Anything to make the day go by
Looking at all your possessions and wondering why you have them, what's the point.
Looking at all the CD's and books and realising you will never have the chance to hear them all, as you are very very old
Realising young girls no longer fancy you (OK l am kidding on that one - I fool myself into thinking)
Jobs, lifestyle, future...who cares
No large network of family or friends (through choice)
No kids (too much hassle and way too selfish)
Everyone else changing (having or trying to have kids)
Hating work, no matter how easy it is
Not knowing who you can trust
Looking forward to death (or at least not being scared of it)
Drinking way more than usual (but not even being bothered to buy or do the drugs)
Christmas - not bothered, which means no great change, although l started feeling better about them a few years ago (unlike when l was a kid)
Still getting loads of music, but not finding the time to listen to it
Thinking heart attack rather than life - OK if it's painless

Right, that's the end of the depressive message - I would like to say l feel much better now. l know what l need, more money and less work.
I do not blame the government or God for a change, l blame my parents.
Scumbags!! (although they knew no better)

toodle pip

Thursday 25 November 2010

tom mairs - secret millionaire in bootle

The FPO taped this for me as she thought l might enjoy it, as l was in the bath while it was on (got to wash the filth off sometimes).

The reason for the taping was because l am from Bootle (and proud of the fact), and it is always good to see how the old hometown is portrayed on the goggle box. Secret Millionaire is not normally something l would watch, as a lot of the time l just think it is people trying to get themselves on TV (like everybody else) and look caring (and get some good publicity at the same time). Also, the cheques they usually give away do not amount to a lot, especially when they are outrageously rich.

Tom Mairs lives in the Wirral and was given £1,000,000 by his father to do what he wanted with. He then bought a load of houses across the water in Liverpool and rented them out to students. Result! Made more money in rents and still owns the property. Easy to do when you are already rich, even Robbie Fowler does it.

He has over two million pounds now, but to cut a long story short, he went to Bootle, met people and gave away some money. This is the bit that bugs me.

A woman with problems arranging holidays for children (or maybe one child, l skipped through some stuff) with learning difficulties or physical problems was given £30,000 and a promise of an extra £10,000 a year to keep the holidays up. Nice one. No problems with that.

An ex criminal who Tom originally had issues with (as Tom's family had been the victims of a robbery while at home) was advising kids not to join gangs or rob, also emphasising the horrors of imprisonment. He did not want money but was sorry for what he had done in the past and didn't want other kids to make the same mistakes he had. Nothing wrong with that - doing good work (all for free).

However............and this is the bit that really bugs me......Tom visited The Space Centre, which helps give kids something to do, gets them off the streets, and gives them self worth and shows them there is more to life than gangs and crime. This involves loads of kids and has been going for a while. Tom eventually revealed himself as a secret millionaire and then after all the build up, produced from his pocket a cheque for £8,500. There were lots of tears and thank you's and hugs from the kids and staff, but l would have told him to bugger off and stop slumming it for his supposedly altruistic reasons. They could get that kind of money with some sort of charity event. Any money is nice and it it had been given anonymously or by someone poorer, that would be great, but to make a bleeding great fuss of presenting it, after his so called bonding dancing with the kids is just an insult. These are exactly the kind of kids that will probably have a crap education, poor family life and roll models, and end up drifting into drugs, alcoholism, dead end jobs or crime. He shouldn't be too surprised when they grow up and rob him in years to come.

OOh thank ee guvnur, l be so very very umble l be, and not worthy of thous most gracious gift.
Bah humbug. They should have said "How fucking much??!!!", then ripped it up and threw it back in his face. l for one, would have stood up and applauded (rather than doffing my cap).

Bootle, you let me down.

toodle pip

Monday 22 November 2010

the royal wedding

The nation is soooo happy! We are all walking around with smiles on our faces! Think of how much money this will make for the country! (even though l will be paying towards it).
Sod that l say.
A couple of outrageously over privileged spoilt bastards decide to get hitched. So what. I am not interested in their wedding one iota, but l am interested in the way the media are falling over themselves to build it up (and yes, l do know we are talking about our future king and queen).
It is supposed to be heading us all towards a classless society, and the Mail have even gone as far as calling her a commoner.
This is a commoner who went to a £30,000 a year school and lives in a one million pound flat which her parents bought her. Curious to know what (real) work she does as well.
Honestly, it makes my blood boil.
Bring on the revolution brothers and sisters.

toodle pip

Sunday 3 October 2010

sunderland game

After the Friday night of madness with the FPO and her family, l was keen to go to the Manchester United vs Sunderland game on Saturday (back to old school, 3 pm kick off). Everyone was already booked up with weddings, guests coming round etc, so I picked up the car from the garage (new clutch) and drove straight there by myself. The FPO was worried about me being gobby and getting in trouble, but it was fine, and as l said to her, l was happy going by myself as it was easier getting a ticket for one, rather than two tickets together. Wow, long sentence. Still managed to get myself a parking ticket, as l parked just in front of the Sunderland supporters pub (illegally) and strolled in to get a pint. I did think l might get a ticket, so it was no great surprise when l did get one (£35 if paid within 14 days). Just a shame Manchester United played so badly and it was a 0-0 draw, which happens very rarely for the boys nowadays. The FPO was out with her girlie mates when l got back, so it was a night of bliss, having a bath, watching the footie and entertaining myself on the computer (ooeer). She did phone and ask if l wanted to come to the party, but l was happy watching Match of the Day in my undies, and couldn't be bothered moving away from Nozzer, who was next to me, getting stroked (and that's not all). I still don't like the games as much as l did in the early years of supporting United, but it is still great to see the matches live. Saying that, it is also way too expensive now, (£34 on Saturday). I do think it has now reached the tipping point (yes, well done Malcom Gladwell), as there are lots of games that do not sell out now. It has certainly moved away from the game of the kids and the working classes, but apparently, we are all middle class now. As Frankie* would say ... 'HA!'

*Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Born to Run

toodle pip

Wednesday 22 July 2009

the rant continues

I have just been reading more about Alan Milburn and the proposals for schools. They have suggested a £7,000 payment to help underprivileged pupils who have high aspirations, to assist them to move to a better school. They admit this will be opposed by teachers, and rightly so. What about the rest of the pupils in the school that has been left? Surely they are entitled to a decent education as well. If all the gifted pupils leave the crappy schools, teachers will follow and the crappy schools will get worse, creating even more of an underclass of under performing and uneducated kids. Money should be ploughed into under performing schools to help everyone there. The private schools should be abolished and schools should all be state funded with decent teachers and amenities available to everyone. Some kids will never do well even if they are bright. Problems at home, an ingrained inferiority complex backed up by their peers and maybe just an unwillingness to learn, as there are other distractions (easy cash in hand money, girls, cars etc). Often these are the kind of people who do education later on in life, as they come to realise what they have missed out on. The opportunity to learn, however, should be there for everyone. If private schools have to continue (for whatever reason), intake should be limited so that only a percentage are paying pupils (half at most).
At the moment, seven percent of pupils attend private schools, but they make up seventy five percent of judges and seventy per cent of finance directors. That is obscene, and it is without taking into account the children who go to pretty exclusive schools that are not private. Bastards. Rant over - toodle pip

Tuesday 21 July 2009

closed doors

Cracked it at last. I can now post videos as well as pictures (not that I have really tried before). Now I will have to desperately think of what to show. Expect lots of movies for a short while and then back to normal.

Meanwhile... just been reading the papers about the UK being an unequal society, where class and your background hold you back. What a fucking surprise. Alan Milburn says that it's about time the inequality was tackled to assist people from low social groups to prosper and have better opportunities.Also in the piece, he goes on about the middle classes also losing out on careers if they do not go to the right schools.
I have a pretty strong feeling that the reason it is being addressed now is because it is affecting the middle classes.
There are a lot more people getting Uni or Poly educations and therefore degrees. In the past, when fewer people got degrees, there was no problem for the middle classes (at least nowhere near on the same scale). Now that every Tom Dick or Harry (apart from me) has a degree, it ceases to be so impressive and does not open up career opportunities like it once did.
Let's face it though, the posh schools will continue to thrive and Oxbridge Uiversities will continue to provide the so called great and the good.
Eat the rich.

toodle pip

Thursday 26 March 2009


From BBC News Scotland

The Edinburgh home of former Royal Bank of Scotland boss Sir Fred Goodwin has been attacked by vandals.
Windows were smashed and a Mercedes S600 car parked in the driveway was vandalised.
A group angry at bank executives' pay contacted a newspaper claiming to be behind the early morning attack.
Police said they were investigating these claims as part of their inquiry, adding that they took planned attacks "very seriously".

A statement was issued to Edinburgh's Evening News newspaper on Wednesday morning by a group which claimed it was behind the attack.
It said: "We are angry that rich people, like him, are paying themselves a huge amount of money, and living in luxury, while ordinary people are made unemployed, destitute and homeless.
"This is a crime. Bank bosses should be jailed. This is just the beginning."

Get in! Class War at last!!

l am all for it - pity they didn't burn his house down, (although he is bound to be heavily insured). It's about time life was made a bit uncomfortable for some rich bastards. Hope they keep it up

toodle pip

Sunday 27 July 2008

what a scorcher - bastard tories

Phew! What a scorcher! Sadly though, l had to go to work at 3pm so it’s not all fun and games. Working overnight tonight (Saturday) and then again Sunday. Must be a sucker for punishment. Think l will take it easy next week, until the weekend at least. Just finished The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell, bit sentimental about the working classes, but at least he sticks up for them and describes in great detail what a crappy life they had in the 1930’s. Then the Second World War followed (for them, not me) – lucky for me, not so for them (I am confusing myself now). He puts foreward a strong argument for Socialism (Good man). There are lots of so called Labour supporters at the moment complaining about George Brown, saying they are going to vote Tory at the next election. Fucking idiots all of them. If you want a protest vote, vote liberal or Green or anything apart from the Tory bastards who must be laughing their socks off every time they get a working (or lower middle) class vote. I would have more respect if people voted for the BNP and stood their ground, saying all they were concerned about was themselves and Britain, sod the blacks and immigrants. Voting for a party that has no time for the working classes apart from using them as cheap labour and getting them to do all the shitty little jobs they wouldn’t entertain lowering themselves to do. A capitalist system needs cheap labour and unemployment to keep profits high - not that the profits are shared out amongst the majority of workers. The working classes as a whole can be narrow sighted idiots, but at least the excuse is they have not an equal footing when it comes to the chances of a decent education. The Tory party as a whole are very well educated and know what they are doing, i.e. taking the piss. Think I have ranted enough about how I hate them (for the moment). The heat must be getting to me. Oh well, suppose l had better do something (l am at work now). Better not forget to post this tomorrow.
Toodle pip

Wednesday 2 July 2008


I used to play and watch tennis a lot, now I couldn’t tell you the first thing about it, as I stopped watching when it became about power, serve and volley. Did catch a bit of news about it though, on the radio at work today. Wondering why the English fans are not enamoured with Andy Murray. It’s not exactly rocket science. I’m not a huge fan of the England football team, but Murray wore a Paraguay shirt when England played them, plus has said that he would rather anyone won except England. He also makes a huge thing of being Scottish rather than British, so even though I think a lot of England fans are idiots, they’re not that stupid or forgetful. I also realise that a lot of the fans at Wimbledon will be spoon fed wankers or middle class tossers who might not go to watch the England football team, but they will certainly be protective of their little England. As they are generally wanting a return to the good old days when England ruled the waves over Johnny foreigner, I say we round them all up and send them to Australia, Africa, or anywhere out of my vision or hearing. Sod the lot of them.
Toodle pip

Tuesday 24 June 2008

PRN medication

Been giving P.R.N (as and when required) medication for years know. Never really thought what P.R.N stood for until talking about it earlier on today. Guessing at Prescription something something or Periodical something something. Looked it up in the end, it’s pro re nata. Bastard. Wish l had had a classical education.
Toodle pip

Wednesday 28 May 2008

working class and proud of it

Being working class - what is it good for? It pisses me off when people pretend class does not matter, everyone has had the same opportunities and there is no such distinctions made when applying for jobs, the army, or university. So many middle class asses pretend they are working class, they have had it hard, they have made it on their own etc etc. What bollocks. I don't care what class a person is, as long as they are honest about it. There are good and bad in every class, l defend the working classes as l am one of them, but fuck knows it is difficult. l would be the first to admit there are loads of narrow minded, vicious dickheads amongst the working classes, and way too many who vote Conservative because they read the Sun newspaper and don't question anything - no wonder the rich take the piss. however, at least most of them have had a piss poor education and hardly any parental backing, so don't expect a lot and don't think they deserve anything great from life, except for being factory fodder or front line army troops. Can't blame them if they turn to crime to make money, although a lot of the time it is robbing their own class, when they should be robbing the rich. The middle/upper classes have had a great education and make informed choices when it comes to taking the piss. I do know some middle and upper class people are sound, but for fucks sake, l wish they would stop pretending they are from the streets and have had it hard. Just be thankful you've had it good, and treat everyone the same. Working class heroes? Don't get me started on John Lennon either, semi detached suburban hero more like, but at least he stood up for the working class folks.
Bit pissed at the moment and rambling, so l will head off, as l have a BBQ to go to in 15minutes - in a privately owned house as well. Class traitor l am. Toodle pip