Sunday 14 July 2024

today - we're all maga (not)

Kate Andrews can fuck off - no we are most definitely not all MAGA. After Trumps attempted assassination attempt earlier the violent rhetoric will be ramped up by the Republicans, and some have already tried to blame the Democrats and / or Joe Biden for the attempt. This is of course ignoring Donald Trump's record of mocking the handicapped and assassination attempts (plus serious injury) to the Pelosi's, instigating an insurgence on the capital which caused loss of life after refusing to accept the election result, pandering to the NRA while Republicans pose with their high powered rifles and wear images of them, and even shouting 'Fight Fight' as he was led away from the shooting. His supporters at the rally were blaming the press straight away, aggressively threatening and shouting at them (while no doubt thanking God for saving their glorious leader). Imagine the retaliation that would be taking place in the country if the shooter hadn't been a young white registered Republican? Imagine for even a second what the consequences would be if he had been Mexican, black, Muslim or even 'Woke'.  The USA is more divided and deranged that it has been for decades, with civil war a not too imaginary possibility, and much of that is down to Trump himself, although ably assisted by his deluded power hungry backers on TV and in the Senate, plus the idiotic rally going Fox News watching mainstream media hating supporters who Trump is taking the piss out of.  Sometimes you reap what you sew in this word, but unfortunately the last photograph below will probably seal him the election, as it will appeal to his MAGA disciples, plus it triggers memories of the famous Iwo Jima photograph by Jim Rosenthal.  If there was ever a time Democrat's and left leaning folk need to get out and make their vote count, even if it's for a plate of cold custard versus Trump, it's now, otherwise they will spend many many years regretting not doing so.  Buckle up - it's going to be a bumpy ride.

This idiot is an elected representative.

Attention loving racist who has made a career and fortune from stirring up division is given way too much air time and blames 'Liberals'

This was before the attempt.

This was caused by Trump.

Toodle pip

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