Friday 23 September 2022

today's budget and britannia unchained - with added Crispin Odey

 For anyone who voted Conservative and are now complaining about them being a bunch of reverse Robin Hoods, who punish the poor and help the rich, don't say you hadn't been warned. Some of the main offenders wrote Britannia Unchained, in which they describe the poor as the worst idlers in the world, who's rights should be stripped away (which they are about to do), and forget about sharing the pie of wealth. As they are also supported by dark money think tanks from Tufton Street, have promoted Brexit and bet against the pound, taken money from Russia, landlords and fossil fuel companies, they've been hiding in plain site, but defended and encouraged by the right wing press, which themselves are funded by their non dom self serving owners. Bastards!!!!

If you want to read or download the Britannia Unchained book, it's available here, Read it, weep for the country, and don't ever vote Tory.


In unrelated news from Reuters - Crispin Odey. Who runs Odey Asset Management, where Kwasi Kwartang used to work, has coincidentally been making a killing wagering against UK bonds, (as does one of Jacob Rees Moggs enterprises). And don't forget Liz Truss worked for Shell.  These people don't have yours or the countries interests at heart. 

Toodle pip

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