Monday 11 July 2022


What kind of hell is this?  With promises of tax cuts, cutting money for the NHS and Universal credit scroungers and strong racist policies including continued deportation of refugees, to appeal to their right wing Tory audience of about 150.000 mostly elderly white party members who will ultimately select one of them.  Plus fixing the economy they have been in charge of for twelve years. Don't forget how complicit all of them were in the sleazy lying Boris Johnson government, appearing on TV ad radio numerous times to defend the lying and lawbreaking (and don't forget Rishi was fined for partying during lockdown). Funny how when it's General Election time it's always promises of more hospitals, nurses, police and 'levelling up' to make the country more equal. All his without the evil Priti Patel getting involved (so far), but trust me, she will.

And in related news....

Meanwhile, Liz Truss says she understands the red wall because she is from Roundhay, Leeds. It might be her idea of working class red wall places, but trust me, it's not. Who'd have thought she would be so out of touch with the general public who aren't wealthy, or she's just latently lying (how unlike her!).  It's one of the two.  Never trust a Tory.

Toodle pip

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