Monday 2 May 2022

the daily mail and nadine norries' new lows and incompitence

A picture and statement put out by Nadine Dorries trying to implement Sir Keir Starmer in a party (plus food) scandal to deflect from the Tories many lockdown party's rule breaking. How you ask?  By using an old photograph from 2019.  She is meant to be on top of media and disinformation as part of her job remit, and once again shows she is not interested in the truth or what is right, just what will try to score points and curry (see what l did there) favour with her superiors in a desperate attempt to keep her job. As for the non dom Viscount Rothemere's Daily Mail, they are beyond a joke or parody, as they are so obviously a right wing propogandist rag  supporting the government without any concept of printing the truth..  The sad thing is, the delightful Nutty Norries also wants to destroy Chanel 4, despite a poll the government wanted showing 96 percent of responders wanted it leaving as it was. Obviously noting to do with the Tories being given a hard time by its presenters when they are caught out lying on multiple occasions.

Fair play to the Tory MP John Nicolson for having the guts to call it out.


Toodle pip

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