Monday 18 October 2021

sir david amess, hate, lies, yellowhammer, brexit, covid and the national minimum wage

As the debate rages about whether politicians require more protection following the killing of Sir David Amess, it might be worthwhile considering how all the hate and disenchantment is stoked.  It will come as no surprise, bur possibly with the likes of the following.  It would be impossible to shield and protect ministers when they are out and about, so maybe we should try cutting down on the hate speech and preaching for a better and just society instead, with a lot less naked corruption thrown in for good measure.

And as we slip further towards a fascist state, no one should be startled by the news that Dominic Raab is planning legislation to overrule court judgements verdicts that the government don't like, while he has also made known the fact that he does not agree with the Human Rights act (what a shock that statement was).

Remember, the Conservatives did not have one member that voted in favour of the National Minimum Wage in 1997

Meanwhile, there is at last a couple of good news items!!  The governments own Yellowhammer Brexit predictions has nearly got the full card completed. Should soon be time for the disorder part.

Plus we are still top of the Covid cases league!  Take that Johnny Foreigner!!

Makes you proud to be British

Toodle pip

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