Monday 16 July 2012

the rolling stones getting old

There's been a lot of fuss about The Rolling Stones celebrating the 50th anniversary since their first gig, with a new book in conjunction with The Daily Mirror featuring old photographs of the band. It's strange to think that they will no longer be around soon, as all of the old time greats are getting older and dying off. The trouble is, who the hell is going to replace them? X Factor and Brit school illuminati? I really don't think so.
Anyway, l digress. I really like this cover featuring Mick Jagger and Keith Richards as Chelsea pensioners. Rather sadly, this was done 17 years ago. They seemed really old when l saw them on the 1982 tour, but Keef was still only 39 at the time. I still have difficulty getting my head around that, and l don't like to dwell on how young The Beatles were when they split up (and what ages they were when they were conquering the world) . Time is certainly flying by.

toodle pip

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