Wednesday 1 February 2012

the kids are alright (2010) - lisa cholodenko

I kept seeing 'The Kids Are Alright' listed on sky, and then being disappointed when it wasn't The Who film. Eventually though, l crumbled, and decided to give it a go, as it had received such good reviews.
A married lesbian couple, Nic and Jules (Anette Benning and Julianne Moore) get into difficulties when their children contact Paul (Mark Ruffalo), their sperm doner father, as he then starts to influence the children, and falls for Jules (who sleeps with him) when she is landscaping his garden (that's not a euphemism). Drama unfolds when the deception is uncovered, and there are plenty of tears shed (some, l admit, shed by me - l think l may have an allergy).
Not the best film l've ever seen by any stretch, but it's enjoyable enough.
More drama than comedy though.

toodle pip 

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