Wednesday 26 March 2008

test your ears

Which of these clips do you think sounds best? With thanxs to Patrick Crosley.

l guessed right!

good friday in the boro

Still not posting as much as l would like – still trying to discipline myself ( oo er ).

Good Friday in M’bro was excellent – went through early to meet Robbo and Kerry (our best mates) and then a taxi into town for about 1.30. Told there had been a load of raids on pubs ( apparently the Coronation had been done twice ) so we thought it may be an interesting day.
Decided to go to the House on Linthorpe road for the first drinks, plus a bite to eat (chips! – yum yum). Was having a fine old time on the big round table by the door, even though it meant we were sitting miles apart from each other. Were joined by Kerry’s brother Matty and his flatmate Pee Wee, who is a bouncer in the Boro. Kerrys other sister Gill and Danny her husband also met up with us and then it got silly. Obviously we do not do anything illegal, but everyone during the day was on pills or coke, which made conversations ridicules.
The Southfield and the Crown were no better – mad talk and lots of games of pool ( l am superb – undefeated during the day )..
Remember dancing to Family Affair and Dance to the Music by Sly and the Family Stone, getting my hair tied back by the girls, chatting to Pee Wee about his dodgy past, cleaning, coke, and ecstacy changing the face of football violence ( that’s another story ). Mandy behaved herself, Robbo flaked out, Kerry chatted non-stop and l explained to Matty how Ronaldo takes his free kicks ( with Matty trying to wind me up ).
Taxi back to Kerry and Robbos at Nunthorpe then time for bed.

Went to the Coronation for lunch and a few drinks as Mandy was reluctantly driving. Dropped off Kerry and Robbo at Teeside park then back to the wine bar. Chatted to Nikki the barmaid about the boob job she wants ( she is only 19 ) and back home to sleep. Found l was left with a pill in my back pocket. Wonder who put that there. Piss poor weather but a great time. Toodle pip

Thursday 20 March 2008

out and about

Been another busy kind of week, working and wasting my time in pubs. Read Alex Fergersons diary from a few years bck - that is one busy man. Dosen't matter if you love or hate him, he puts the hours in. l manage to while away whole days dossing about and avoiding things l have to do till the last minute. Can't see that changing though.
Had a family do on Friday which we didn't leave till 3 am, so it must have been good. The other half certainly got drunk but managed to stroll home afterwards ok. Plenty of food, drink and piss taking, so l enjoyed it. Tried to hop some of the way home (as you do ) but had to give up. Dodgy knee. Nothing to do with old age or the drink.
Out again all day Tuesday in our local wine bar ( which we call the wine bar ! ). Playing pool, drinking and piss taking. Another fine day. l can see a pattern emerging. Not to keen on people chatting to me who l can't remember though. Have a lot of people round where l live that know me or know of me, but l do not always know them. Bit awkward when they try to speak to me for to long. Don't mind chatting for a little bit but not for too long ( unless they are interesting ).
People also have crazy memories, loads of people round here think they went to school with me or remember me when l was a kid, but l only moved to Catterick when l was 16. Mad bastards. Maybe it's me. Maybe l have gone mad and did actually go to school here.
Anyway - bank holiday tomorrow. Off to Boro with some mates for another all dayer. Have to get some rest and beauty sleep ( lord knows l need some of both ). Toodle pip

Friday 14 March 2008

champions league draw

The draw for the champions league quarter finals has just been completed. Manchester United will play Roma and if they win that, they will play the winners from Shalke 04 or Barcelona. United against Barcelona should be a great semi final ( l hope ).
To my reckoning, and with lots of hope, l make Manchester United to be favorites. Arsenal have to beat Liverpool, then probably Chelsea, then United or Barcelona to win it. Liverpool have to beat Arsenal, then probably Chelsea, then United or Barcelona. Can't see Fernabahce beating Chelsea, but Chelsea would then have to beat Liverpool or Arsenal, then United or Barcelona.
With a bit of luck, United should beat Roma, then Barcelona in the semi final ( although that will be tough ) and one of the English teams ( which l think they would do ).
Personally, l would like all the other English teams to be knocked out and it to be a United against Fernabahce final. Think it will be Manchester United against Chelsea though, with United winning of course! Can't wait! toodle pip

Thursday 13 March 2008


Bloody hell! Two posts in one day!!

Started to write (at long last ) my life story. Has taken a lot of prompts from people and it will need checking over and altered for the better when l have finished, but hey, it's on the go!
Not doing it in any order and l will try and be as honest as l can, although some names may need to be changed for legal reasons.
Not doing it an chronological order, just certain events, as they spring to mind.Once l have done quite a few l may have to think about it more and prompt people for their memories of events.
Doing it in cyberspace with no links so l can store it out of the way and avoid people finding and reading it. lt's also good if l want to wind up people by saying l have written about them, it's out there on the internet and they can't find it.
Imagine it will take me ages (if l don't die first). l need a secretary! toodle pip

T.Rex at the Georgian Theatre, Richmond

Been pretty busy this week so not kept updating. Will make more of an effort in the future - got to get into the habit.
Been to see T. Rex who are a tribute to the music of Marc Bolan at the Georgian Theatre in Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Rob Benson, the singer, danced and dressed more like Mick Jagger but did do a great job of sounding like Marc and the acoustic section at the start of the second half was excellent. Apparently he saw the band and said he was a huge Bolan fan, could sing like Marc and wanted to join (the rest is history etc etc).
They did not try to look like T.Rex, looking more like what they probably were, failed ex members of bands and session musicians. Nothing wrong with that and the drummer, Paul Fenton, had at least played on a T.Rex album (Zinc Alloy) and toured with them.
They started out as Mickey Finn's T.Rex (conga player in T.Rex after Steve Took), and l am not keen on the fact they use the T.Rex name so prominently now, even though it has "a celebration of Marc and Mickey underneath". Personally l think they should make it obvious they are a tribute band, like others do, as there are some sad bastards out there who will think it is just the original band without Marc.
They also featured Graham Oliver, one of the guitarists from Saxon (Wheels of Steel etc) who had a tendency to rock out a bit - it was stereotypical rock guitarist behaviour, down at the front (of a very small stage in an intimate old theatre). Although he can obviously play well, it spoiled it for me as it distracted from the T.Rex vibe, although some of the numbers sounded better a bit speeded up and rocky ( Bolan himself liked to "rock out"- maaaann!).
It was just too much for me, even though l love loud and rocky music as much as the next man. The woman l was with thought it was the best bit of the night as she is a bit of a rock chick and only knew a few Bolan songs.
Funny how some songs get better after a while. l thought Solid Gold Easy Action/20th Century Boy etc were not as good as Bolans earlier stuff at the time, but now love them just as much. The Groover has got better and l now like Teenage Dream, although when l was a kid, l skivved off school to go and buy it on the day of release, clutching it to my bosom in anticipation all the way home from Wallingford ( a walk of about three miles to RAF Benson, where l was living at the time). The disappointment l felt when l first heard it was all consuming and l vowed never to waste my money on a Bolan record ever again. Having the day off school didn't even compensate. Concentrated on Status Quo and Deep Purple after that (told you l like rock music!).
l won't dwell on Truck on Tyke as l still despise that bloody record.
Anyway - l digress. Check out the bands website and try to catch them live - well worth the effort if you are a Bolan fan. Toodle pip!

Thursday 6 March 2008

Betting and the Arsenal

Put on my first accumulator bet last night, Arsenal let me down as they won but l got all the other results right - bastards! Going to put them on now and again and lets hope it makes me rich. Tam the barman from the local had put one on last weekend with some other lads, got 27 out of 28 right and would have won £10 million aprox. Once again it was Arsenal that let them down, only drawing with Aston Villa. l think l am detecting a pattern. Never trust the Arsenal. Toodle pip

Monday 3 March 2008

United for the league - come on !!

Great weekend even with Arsenal scoring in injury time ( jammy bastards ). United walked it against Fulham with Ronaldo and Rooney on the bench. l think Arsenal will bottle it but l do think Chelsea are still in with a shout. Lyon Tuesday, hope it's a good one. Prediction from me is 3-1 to United. Toodle pip

Friday 29 February 2008

Obsessive Hoarders

Just seen a programme about obsessive hoarders, featuring three men and one woman. One man kept thousands of bikes and bike parts and another even kept his own waste. All were loners with some mental problems ( l guess you'd have to have some to save your own waste! ). The most common aspect is relationships of whatever kind have broken down and the items become like friends or security blankets, where the interaction can be with them instead of other humans.

Thing is, it's such a fine line between becoming obsessive and just collecting things. l have thousands of cds, records, comics, books, dvds etc that l will never get round to playing/reading again. Some of the items l love and just like having around to look at ( although they are stored away for when l do want to look at them ). lt's easy to become way too attached to them and not bother going out. l enjoy my own company and can while away hours doing nothing special but love going out and there has to be a compromise between the two. Been talking about getting rid of some items recently, too much clutter, not enough room etc and the programme has shown me how l could end up if l don't do something soon. Time for a clear out! Toodle pip

Why is life so crap ?

What a day - been consoling two people who have been having trouble in their workplaces. Both feel victimised and are losing their self confidence. Both crying, both wanting to quit work as they don't know who to trust or how to deal with it. Obviously there are worse things that could happen, but some people just have such crap lives. Not enjoying work, home life a mess, husbands they want to leave but no-where to go, crappy things happening to them when they were younger and nothing better on the horizon.

That's why people should make the best of life when they get the chance. l don't think we will get another go at it so enjoy what you can. lt could all end tomorrow and l for one would rather be jobless and homeless than stuck in the sort of shit lives they are leading ( although l didn't suggest that to them ). ln case you are wondering, l have been homeless before and although it was crap, it was better than what they have. Simple thoughts from a simple man. Toodle pip!

Thursday 28 February 2008

Bob Dylan radio shows

Getting to grips with this so here is a link to the Dylan Theme Time shows and the excellent service Patrick provides : Toodle pip !