Thursday 6 June 2024

mosley and farage - a reminder

The sad thing is l know people who think racist clowns like Farage speak for them, and have their better interest at heart. Then again, they've had had a shit time over the last 14 years and want change. Unfortunately, they are looking in the wrong direction, thanks to the right wing press aimed at the lower classes that they read on a daily basis.

At least the working class people of Liverpool had the good sense to throw rocks at Mosely when he came recruiting in their hometown. Farage only has to face milkshakes.

Never vote Tory (or for any 'party' Farage is in).

Toodle pip

newcastle handyside arcade closes

It was a sad day when Newcastle's Handyside Arcade closed (to make way for a fucking student car park). A real hangout for hippies, freaks, and general weirdos, of which l include myself. Not as bad as the closure of The Haymarket pub nearby, but it was still the sad end of an era. 

Toodle pip

Nadine Shah - Topless Mother

Wednesday 5 June 2024

the trump trial verdict

Now this made me laugh.


Toodle pip

what attracted her to the multi billionaire????

 I can only assume it's Rupert Murdoch's ravishing good looks that was the attraction.

Toodle pip

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Yard Act - A Vineyard for the North (Live from Utopia)

civil disobedience in clacton

Rather like Ghandi and Dr King, l am against any physical violence against politicians (or people in general), although if pressed, could certainly put forward some exceptions. Much as l loathe Farage and his ilk, this could easily go down a darker route, which would not be good for anyone, no matter which way people vote. However, I still found this hilarious, and if it happened to him every time he showed his hideous racist personage to the great British public (or further afield), l wouldn't be complaining about it at all.

Never vote Tory (or UKIP / Reform / National Front)

Toodle pip

donald trump goes full dictator

 Once seen, never forgotten. He'd love to have such power.

Toodle pip

Monday 3 June 2024

nigel farage in clacton ffs

If there's one place the lying frog faced shit stirring racist gobshite has a good chance of being elected in, it's Clacton.

And if by any chance you need a reminder...

Toodle pip

juan brufal faces illusion

Illusions like this just mess with my tiny little mind.  And that's without looking at them on drugs.

By Juan Brufal.

Toodle pip

Sunday 2 June 2024

problems l can relate to (not)

 My tiny violin just got a bit tinier. I should see a doctor.

Toodle pip

The Rolling Stones - Drift Away (Unreleased Song)

The Rolling Stones - Fingerprint File (Alternate Longer Mix)

the even more depressing russell brand

I used to be such a fan of Russell Brand, and found his quirky, intelligent, spontaneous and off the wall humour to be right down my street, but my, how times have changed. Maybe l should have stuck to my old mantra of never trusting anyone who supports West Ham United (and l include Ray Winstone). 

Toodle pip

Saturday 1 June 2024

when bob dylan was 30

 When being 30 years old for a rock star was considered ancient.  How times have changed.

Toodle pip

Thursday 30 May 2024

rich hall in leyburn

Well that was a pretty excellent evening in Leyburn, as Rich Hall never fails to deliver, and he didn't this evening. Also, as it was an early finish, and l got a lift there and back, l was deposited back home with a belly full of Peroni by 22.30.  Result!

Toodle pip

be worried - idiots can vote


Wednesday 29 May 2024

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Love Burns

The Amazing Snakeheads - Here It Comes Again (Official Video)

richmond falls on a glorious summer's day

This is actually from last week, but the water is still pretty high and it's still crappy weather for summer.  I blame God.

Toodle pip

it's a special anniversary today - man utd v benfica!

May 29th has a special place in my heart as the day Manchester United first won what was then called The European Cup, beating Benfica 4-1 after extra time, which l watched with my Manchester United supporting Uncle Ray (God bless him). I've obviously got the vinyl recording of it from back in the day (how times have changed), and am wearing a t-shirt commemorating it, which l will shortly be showing off at our Wednesday club, making the most of being off work till Friday. Also obviously l have the programme, video, DVD, magazines and newspapers from the time (amongst other crap), but can't be bothered digging them all out to photograph at the moment.

I need to get out more.

Toodle pip

Tuesday 28 May 2024

a romantic meal on bank holiday monday

It wasn't all heavy drinking yesterday, as l had a short break to have a romantic Indian meal.  Unfortunately it was with my mate from Middlesbrough. Still -  beggars can't be choosers.

Toodle pip

marc bolan pulls out of sheffield gig and high ticket prices

When out and about yesterday, we were talking about the high cost of concert tickets and what artists could do about it. This was referring to the superstars who have already made their millions making a stand and charging a lot less so poorer fans could attend, and Bruce 'Man of the blue collar workers' Springsteen was mentioned in dispatches. I gave the example of Marc Bolan doing shows for cheap so that younger fans could attend, which was a great idea and made the younger fans love him even more.  He also backed it up by refusing to play Sheffield when they charged extra, and here's a cutting referencing it to prove l am not going mad(der). The trouble is, as long as fans are prepared to pay the extortionate prices. they will keep putting the prices up. Our Bank Holiday drinking crew would have gone to see the likes of The Eagles, Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift, the way we used to go and see Adam and the Ants, Culture Club, Madonna and Frankie Goes to Hollywood, let alone Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones. Not any more.

Toodle pip

Monday 27 May 2024

bank holiday monday!

 As tradition dictates, l shall be heading to Richmond and drinking more than is good for me. I have my outfit sorted.

Toodle pip

Ace - How Long

Technically, the first band l've seen, at half time during an Oxford United game.

Squeeze - Tempted (Official Music Video)

food banks and voters

I've just seen a couple of the news who are obviously ill educated, toothless, and heading to a food bank. Asked who they were going to vote for, said 'Conservative, as they look after the likes of us'. I think they feel that the extra food banks are a good thing set up by the Conservatives, rather than an example of how blighted the country has become under their rule. Turkey's voting for Christmas meals.

Toodle pip

Sunday 26 May 2024

bringing back national service

This pretty much sums it up.

Never vote Tory.

Toodle pip

Bring back rickets!


Toodle pip

Saturday 25 May 2024

Get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I was not expecting that today, and to say l'm happy is very much an understatement.

Toodle pip

The Mamas & The Papas • “Boys & Girls” (Rehearsal and Recording with The Wrecking Crew)

looking forward to the fa cup final (not)

This is me (wearing a George Best mask)  looking forward to the Manchester United v City FA Cup Final. No doubt it will end in tears but there's always hope, 

Toodle pip

Inside Shabby Road: The Music Of The Rutles (2008)

Rush - The Spirit Of Radio

When glittering prizes and endless composes shatter the illusion of integrity.
My ex girlfriend was a fan and l wasn't that bothered about them (although l did like them) but after seeing them live in Edinburgh back in the day (1980 l think)  l became a convert. At l bought the live album on the way back and a couple of albums after that, but everything about them appeals to me (apart from the clothes), despite the fact l've bought bugger all since then. 

Toodle pi

Friday 24 May 2024

the happy party days

You'll have to trust me on this one, l've plenty of pictures of myself and people of that time looking pretty much like this back in the day.  Lord knows what caused it. Great fun though. 

Toodle pip

Thursday 23 May 2024

it's a july 4th election!

Hopefully Rishi Sunak's independence day, as he'll be a free man after then. 

Never vote Tory

Toodle pip

Wednesday 22 May 2024

stairs optical illusion

This is an oldie but goldie and still gets me today. It's amazing how your eyes and brain can play tricks on you.

Toodle pip

when even journalists dressed as rock stars

 I'm old enough to remember when bands and rock stars lived for the sex drugs and rock and roll, and even journalists looked cool and followed the same path.  Here's Chrissie Hynde (later of The Pretenders) and Nick Kent watching The Sex Pistols in 1976. 

Toodle pip

Tuesday 21 May 2024

charles m shultz knew the importance of music

This is from a very early Peanuts strip by Charles M Shultz, but still resonates (at least to me) these days. I used to love the Peanuts books when l was younger, and l've certainly loved music for many, many years.

Toodle pip

the red king charles portrait is fixed

If you know, you know.  Made me laugh anyway. 

Toodle pip

Squeeze - Take Me I'm Yours (Official Music Video)

Squeeze - Another Nail In My Heart (Official Music Video)

Monday 20 May 2024

the rich and the homeless

Nothing to see here - move along.

Never vote Tory.

 Toodle pip

rivers full of crap but billions paid out

These shareholders shouldn't be able to take out profits while the river s and sea continue to be filled with crap, and asking the public to pay extra is taking the piss.

From BBC News

Toodle pip