Tuesday, 25 March 2025

laurence fox charged with sex offence

 Once again - fingers crossed.

Toodle pip

pet hegseth - liar extraordinaire


high waisted trouser madness

Mavis, are you sure these trousers look good, or are you taking the piss? 

Toodle pip

yet more white house madness - texting war plans

In any other administration, heads would be rolling for these incompetent buffoons, but it seems no-one is accountable for anything under Donald Trump's leadership, which is a very bad thing indeed.


Toodle pip

have l been to strawberry fields in new york?

 Oh yes indeed. Drugs may have been taken.

Toodle pip

Slade - How Does It Feel? (1975) Russel Harty

the pub - high expectations dashed again

 What l was hoping for from yesterdays visit to the pub.

Versus the actual reality.

Toodle pip

Monday, 24 March 2025

todays mood - relaxed

I've just had my roof done at a very reasonable price (Cheers Ricardo) and l now have two days off and the sun is shiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnniiiinnnnnnnnnnng!!! Sitting outside with a cold beer is calling me very shortly. 

Me later

Toodle pip

Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - (Come up and see me) Make Me Smile (Russell Harty Show 1975)

gary cooper looking very camp in the texan (1930)

Here's a rather camp Gary Cooper in 'The Texan' from 1930. You don't get many cowboys looking like this any more, which personally, l think is a bad thing.

Toodle pip

senator tina smith - hell no

Hell Yes!!  This is what we want - stand up to the orange fucker (and hopefully eventually lock him up). Well played. More please.

Toodle pip

Gurriers - Approachable | Live at Other Voices (2023)

andrew and tristan tate return to romania for court appearance

 Fingers crossed!

Toodle pip

l thought my brother lived in leeds?

Well hello ladies.

 Toodle pip

Sunday, 23 March 2025

the rich paying the least tax


japanese gimme shelter poster

Oh - l like this very much! When l eventually win the lottery and get a much bigger house.....


Toodle pip

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (Alternate Official Video)

Saturday, 22 March 2025

Lou Reed - Walk On the Wild Side (Live at the Bottom Line, New York, NY - May 1978)

From the Lou Reed 'Live - Take no Prisoners' album.

Bashy - How Black Men Lose Their Smile (lyric video)

the darlington brick train sculpture from above

I've been past the Brick Train many times, but this is the first time l've seen it from above, and l'm impressed.  Created in 1997 by David Mach, and based on The Mallard steam locomotive.

Toodle pip

the sun - faulty powers

There's no way in the world that l'm a fan of The Sun newspaper, but after the Heathrow power outage and substation fire yesterday, they win the prize for todays best front page headline.

Toodle pip

penguins are cuddly and friendly right?

 Not this mean old bastard!

Toode pip

Friday, 21 March 2025

this is the immigrant who took your job billboard

 Whoever did this - very well played.  More please.

Toodle pip

The Waterboys - Letter From An Unknown Girlfriend (Lyric Video) ft. Fiona Apple

From the new album - Love Death and Dennis Hopper, out April 4th

Johnny Burton - Polevault Man (1972)

A song Liam Gallagher should cover.

the statue of liberty in paris

I'm a man of the world, pretty bright, and have been to Paris on many occasions, and been up The Eiffel Tower a few times, but l never realised there was a Statue of Liberty there as well as in New York, even if it is only a quarter of the size. How on Earth did l not know or spot it? My flabber is well and truly gasted, but, as they say, every day is a learning day.

Toodle pip

caeless people - sarah wynn-williams

I've been reading Careless People over the last couple of days and it is certainly eye opening, but not in a good way as far as Facebook / Meta are concerned, which is why they have been trying to ban it and prevent it's promotion.  Highly recommended, and only £12.50 in Tesco's!.

More from the article below here.

Toodle pip

elon musk torso cartoon

At first glance I didn't notice the little detail in the second figure, but when l did, it made me laugh.  Well played. 

Cartoon by Ashley (@inkedintrovert.bsky,social)

Toodle pip

conspiracy theories fact checked cartoon

From the latest Private Eye.

Toodle pip 

Thursday, 20 March 2025

john cusack's not holding back

I've got a lot of admiration for John Cusack as an actor, but l've more respect for him the way he's not afraid to call out the twats currently torching all that was good about America. We need a lot more people prepared too speak out like him, and highlight the madness and power grab for what it is, before it is too late.

Toodle pip

new cold war steve - burning tesla's

 More please.

Toodle pip

Tom Robinson - Glad To Be Gay (Secret Policeman's Ball)

The Osmonds - Crazy Horses (1972) Beat-Club

penelope keith assassinated jfk

Russell Brand, who rather sadly has gone a bit bonkers over the last few years, is currently sharing a spoof version of the JFK files, which he obviously hasn't read, as they say Penelope Keith (Margo from  'The Good Life') was the assassin. Just when you think the world can't get much crazier.

Toodle pip

ffs!! zombie deer disease is on the way!!

 With all the mad as fuck political crap currently going on, this is the last thing we need.  From here.

Toodle pip

Harper / Mackenzie / McIvor - I Believe the Evil Will Come to an End

on this day l was at...motorhead in leeds

 Saw Motorhead many times back in the day.  Always a great night out.

I also went to this one.

Toodle pip

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

the practise run for the beatles abbey road cover

The practise run for The Beatles Abbey Road cover, taken by photographer Ian Macmillan, a week before the actual shoot.

Toodle pip


francis rossi art prints for sale

Got a spare £250 or so you want to squander?


Toodle pip

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

lucky gran of seven wins lottery

 Well this made me laugh!

Toodle pip

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Squeeze - Tempted (Official Music Video)

a quiet night out in liverpool

All l wanted was a quiet night out in Liverpool.

Toodle pip

another donald trump destroying america cartoon


free scarves for newcastle fans

This is a nice touch from the club.  Free scarves for all the Newcastle fans before the Caribou Cup (League Cup) final between Newcastle United and Liverpool.

Toodle pip

Saturday, 15 March 2025

david bowie pin ups cover outtakes

Not my favourite David Bowie album by any means, but what an iconic cover. Photographed by Juston De Villeneure in Paris, originally intended for Vogue magazine, and featuring Twiggy.

Toodle pip

darlington record fair

I'd only been awake about 10 minutes (it was 11:55) when a mate texted to let me know that there was a record fair in Darlington.  Half an hour later l'm there, and an hour or so later l've spent £150. An excellent days shopping. I also love the poster for it.

Toodle pip